Elementary Words Beginning With Y - wordscoach.com

Foundation/Elementary words beginning with Y

Foundation/Elementary words beginning with Y

Building a strong vocabulary is essential for young learners as it lays the foundation for effective communication and academic success. Words that begin with the letter “Y” offer a unique opportunity to introduce children to diverse and interesting concepts. From animals like “yak” to everyday objects such as “yarn,” these words help to expand a child’s understanding of the world around them.

List of Elementary words beginning with Y

  • Yard
  • Yarn
  • Yawn
  • Yellow
  • Yes
  • Yesterday
  • Yolk
  • Young
  • Yummy
  • Yell
  • Yacht
  • Yawned
  • Yelling
  • Youth
  • Year
  • Yellowish
  • Youthful
  • Yearly
  • Yonder
  • Yoke
  • Youngster
  • Yardstick
  • Yearn
  • Yolked
  • Yearned
  • Yawning

Foundation/Elementary words beginning with Y with meaning and examples


  • Meaning: A unit of measurement equal to three feet; an open space next to a house or building.
  • Example: The children played in the yard after school.


  • Meaning: A long, continuous length of interlocked fibers, often used for knitting or weaving.
  • Example: Grandma knitted a sweater using blue yarn.


  • Meaning: To open one’s mouth wide and breathe in deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
  • Example: He couldn’t stop yawning during the boring lecture.


  • Meaning: The color between green and orange in the spectrum, like that of a ripe lemon or sunflowers.
  • Example: She wore a bright yellow dress to the party.


  • Meaning: An affirmative answer or agreement.
  • Example: She asked if he would like some ice cream, and he said yes.


  • Meaning: The day before today.
  • Example: We went to the beach yesterday.


  • Meaning: The yellow inner part of an egg, which is rich in protein and fat.
  • Example: The recipe calls for two egg yolks.


  • Meaning: Having lived or existed for only a short time; not old.
  • Example: The young puppy played with its new toy.


  • Meaning: Delicious or tasty.
  • Example: The cake she baked was absolutely yummy.


  • Meaning: To shout or scream loudly.
  • Example: He had to yell to be heard over the loud music.


  • Meaning: A medium-sized sailboat equipped for cruising or racing.
  • Example: They spent the weekend sailing on their yacht.


  • Meaning: Past tense of yawn; to have opened one’s mouth wide and breathed in deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
  • Example: She yawned and stretched as she woke up.


  • Meaning: Present participle of yell; shouting or screaming loudly.
  • Example: The coach was yelling instructions to the team.


  • Meaning: The period between childhood and adult age; young people collectively.
  • Example: In his youth, he was an avid skateboarder.


  • Meaning: A period of 365 days (or 366 in a leap year) used for timekeeping.
  • Example: This year, they plan to travel to Europe.


  • Meaning: Slightly yellow in color.
  • Example: The pages of the old book were yellowish.


  • Meaning: Having the qualities typical of young people, such as energy and enthusiasm.
  • Example: Her youthful spirit was contagious.


  • Meaning: Happening or produced once a year.
  • Example: They have a yearly family reunion every summer.


  • Meaning: At some distance in the direction indicated; over there.
  • Example: Look at the hills yonder, covered in mist.


  • Meaning: A wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart they are to pull.
  • Example: The farmer placed the yoke on the oxen.


  • Meaning: A child or young person.
  • Example: The youngsters enjoyed playing in the park.


  • Meaning: A measuring stick one yard long, typically divided into inches.
  • Example: She used a yardstick to measure the length of the fabric.


  • Meaning: To have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from.
  • Example: He yearned for the days of his youth.


  • Meaning: Having a yolk or being equipped with a yoke.
  • Example: The hen had yolked eggs.


  • Meaning: Past tense of yearn; to have longed for something.
  • Example: She yearned for a chance to see her family again.


  • Meaning: Present participle of yawn; opening the mouth wide and inhaling deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
  • Example: The movie was so boring that everyone was yawning.

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