Schedules and Planning Idioms and Phrases! Learn common Schedules and Planning Idioms, Phrases, and sayings in English with meaning and example sentences.
(Do Something) By the Book
Meaning: According to established procedure
Example: He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
(In the) Fullness of Time
Meaning: Eventually, when appropriate; after you wait patiently
Example: Everything will become clear in the fullness of time.
After The Fact
Meaning: Too late; after something is completed or finalized.
Example: Even after the fact, their violent behaviour just did not make sense.
Against The Clock
Meaning: Forced to hurry to meet a deadline
Example: We raced against the clock so as to fulfill our production plan according to schedule.
Ahead of schedule
Meaning: proceeding or progressing faster than planned or expected.
Example: We finished the project ahead of schedule and were able to deliver it to the client early.
Ahead Of The Game
Meaning: Making faster progress than anticipated; ahead of schedule
Example: A serious trader is ahead of the game because he does his homework day in andout.
Back to the Drawing Board
Meaning: Forced to begin something again
Example: They must go back to the drawing board and review the whole of youth training.
Back to the Salt Mines
Meaning: It’s time for me (us) to go back to work.
Example: Well, our lunch break has now lasted more than an hour. Back to the salt mines!
Behind schedule
Meaning: not proceeding or progressing as planned or expected.
Example: We’re behind schedule on the construction project and we need to work harder to catch up.
Break the schedule
Meaning: deviate from a planned schedule.
Example: I don’t want to break the schedule and miss the deadline.
Burn the Candle at Both Ends
Meaning: To work too hard, with possible bad consequences for one’s health
Example: I’m worried about Cynthia – she’s been coming in before 6 and not leaving until midnight. She’s burning the candle at both ends.
Burn the Midnight Oil
Meaning: Working late into the night
Example: I’ll be burning the midnight oil tonight, but I guarantee I’ll finish the paper before class tomorrow at 9.
Business as Usual
Meaning: A normal situation (whether related to business or not), typically restored after some change.
Example: It’s business as usual at the factory, even while investigators sift through the bomb wreckage.
Busman’s Holiday
Meaning: A working vacation
Example: I’m going to Mallorca next week, but I’m afraid it’ll be something of a busman’s holiday – I’m bringing work.
Call It a Day
Meaning: Decide that one has worked enough on something for the day
Example: We finished two-thirds of the presentation, and we’re tired. Let’s call it a day and start again in the morning.
Clear the schedule
Meaning: make time available by canceling or rescheduling events.
Example: I need to clear my schedule for the next week so I can focus on this important project.
Crammed schedule
Meaning: a schedule that is too full and hectic.
Example: I have a crammed schedule this week and it’s going to be hard to get everything done.
Crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s
Meaning: making sure that all the small, important details are taken care of
Crunch Time
Meaning: A period of high pressure when one has to work hard to finish something
Example: It’s crunch time. I have three exams next week, so I can’t go out with you. I have to study.
Cut It Fine
Meaning: To do something at the last moment
Example: Some of my classmates always cut it fine before the deadline of handing in term papers.
Double-booked schedule
Meaning: having made two or more appointments for the same time.
Example: I accidentally double-booked my schedule and had to reschedule one of the meetings.
Eleventh Hour
Meaning: The last minute
Example: At the eleventh hour the government decided that something had to be done.
Flexible schedule
Meaning: a schedule that allows for adjustments or changes.
Example: I prefer a flexible schedule that allows me to take care of personal things when I need to.
Full schedule
Meaning: a schedule that is completely filled with appointments or tasks.
Example: I have a full schedule today and won’t have any free time.
Hit the ground running
Meaning: starting a task or project with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Example: Graduates of law school hit the ground running, you see, as soon as they enter practice.
In the Works
Meaning: Under development; coming soon
Example: She’s studying the theme of death in the works of Beckett.
Iron out the details
Meaning: to work out all the small, specific details of a plan
Example: We hope they can iron out their differences and get on with working together.
Keep to schedule
Meaning: sticking to a planned schedule.
Example: We need to keep to schedule if we want to finish the project on time.
Kick the Can Down the Road
Meaning: Postpone an important decision
Example: Sure, we can kick the can down the road by making minimum payments on the debt, but wouldn’t it be better to solve the problem now?
Off schedule
Meaning: not proceeding or progressing as planned or expected.
Example: The bus is off schedule and will be delayed by 30 minutes.
Off track
Meaning: not progressing as planned
Example: If we allow this trend to continue, the entire project will get further and further off track.
On schedule
Meaning: proceeding or progressing as planned or expected.
Example: The train is on schedule and should arrive at the station in 10 minutes.
On track
Meaning: progressing as planned
Example: To keep economic reform on track, 60,000 public-sector jobs must be cut.
Pencil Something In
Meaning: Make tentative arrangements
Example: Why don’t we pencil in the 24th for our meeting? I can probably make it. I’ll let you know for sure tomorrow.
Run interference
Meaning: to take action to prevent problems or delays from occurring.
Example: Truscati’s job is to run interference for troubled kids with their parents, schools, and the courts.
Running on schedule
Meaning: proceeding or progressing as planned or expected with no delays.
Example: The flight is running on schedule and should take off in 20 minutes.
Set schedule
Meaning: a fixed or predetermined schedule.
Example: I work on a set schedule and usually start my day at 9 am.
Sit On (Something)
Meaning: Delay revealing or acting on something
Example: He was invited to sit on the rostrum as a representative of extramural instructors.
Sneak Peek
Meaning: A sneak peek is an opportunity to view something in advance of its official opening or debut.
Example: For our final sneak peek of the day we’re traveling to sweden to the home of stylist/photographer elisabeth dunker.
Take Five (Ten)
Meaning: Take a short break of five (ten) minutes
Example: The project will take five man-years to complete.
Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)
Meaning: Let’s be happy that the workweek is over!
Example: TGIF! I don’t want to think about work again until Monday morning.
Throw off schedule
Meaning: disrupting a planned schedule.
Example: The power outage threw off my schedule and made it hard to get work done.
Tight schedule
Meaning: a schedule with little time for delay or deviation.
Example: I have a tight schedule today and need to get everything done on time.
You Snooze, You Lose
Meaning: If you delay or are not alert, you will miss opportunities.
Example: You snooze, you lose. Next time you should pay closer attention.