Idioms and Phrases Quiz

Idioms and Phrases Quiz

Choose the correct idiom or phrase from the options provided.

1 / 30

The presentation went off without a hitch, meaning it _____.

2 / 30

He let the cat out of the bag by _____.

3 / 30

He took the bull by the horns and _____.

4 / 30

He broke the ice at the party by _____.

5 / 30

She’s a dark horse in the competition because _____.

6 / 30

After a heated argument, they decided to bury the hatchet and _____.

7 / 30

He saved my bacon when _____.

8 / 30

She turned a deaf ear to their complaints, meaning she _____.

9 / 30

The writing is on the wall for the company; it might _____.

10 / 30

They are always at loggerheads because they _____.

11 / 30

Let’s not jump the gun and _____.

12 / 30

The CEO dropped a bombshell during the meeting by _____.

13 / 30

He passed the exam by the skin of his teeth, meaning he _____.

14 / 30

He was between a rock and a hard place when _____.

15 / 30

She’s trying to make ends meet by _____.

16 / 30

She got the job because she was in the right place at the right time, meaning _____.

17 / 30

If you want to succeed, you need to bite the bullet and _____.

18 / 30

They are walking on eggshells around her because she _____.

19 / 30

I was over the moon when I _____.

20 / 30

He’s not very social and prefers to keep himself to himself, meaning he _____.

21 / 30

The project failed because too many cooks _____.

22 / 30

She’s feeling under the weather today and might not _____.

23 / 30

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket if you want to _____.

24 / 30

The news went viral, spreading _____.

25 / 30

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch, meaning _____.

26 / 30

The new policy doesn’t _____, according to critics.

27 / 30

She decided to turn over a new leaf and _____.

28 / 30

She was caught red-handed when she _____.

29 / 30

The teacher told him not to make a mountain out of a molehill, meaning _____.

30 / 30

He always _____ to complete his work on time.

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The average score is 76%


Idioms and Phrases Quiz

Idioms and phrases are a vibrant part of any language, adding color and depth to our conversations. They make expressions richer, often giving meaning beyond the literal sense of the words. If you’re an English language enthusiast or someone looking to polish your fluency, understanding idioms and phrases is a must.

Idioms and Phrases Quiz - wordscoach

Idioms and Phrases Quiz


  1. He _____ the midnight oil to finish his project on time.
  2. She let the _____ out of the bag by revealing the surprise party.
  3. Don’t put all your _____ in one basket if you want to reduce risk.
  4. After their fight, they decided to bury the _____.
  5. He passed the exam by the _____ of his teeth.
  6. She decided to turn over a new _____ and start fresh.
  7. Too many _____ spoil the broth.
  8. The news spread like _____ on social media.
  9. He was caught _____-handed while stealing the money.
  10. She always _____ around the bush instead of coming to the point.
  11. The project doesn’t _____ water according to the critics.
  12. The teacher warned not to make a _____ out of a molehill.
  13. They are always at _____ because they can never agree.
  14. She saved my _____ by helping me finish the task on time.
  15. He’s a dark _____; nobody expected him to win the competition.
  16. The presentation went off without a _____.
  17. They decided to call it a day after they hit the _____.
  18. I was over the _____ when I got my dream job.
  19. The CEO dropped a _____ by announcing company layoffs.
  20. He took the _____ by the horns and dealt with the issue directly.
  21. She makes ends _____ by working two jobs.
  22. Don’t count your _____ before they hatch.
  23. He’s always walking on _____ around his strict boss.
  24. The writing is on the _____ for the struggling company.
  25. She turned a _____ ear to their complaints.
  26. He broke the _____ at the party with a funny joke.
  27. If you want to succeed, you need to bite the _____.
  28. They decided to _____ the storm and wait for better times.
  29. The event was the _____ of the day, with everyone talking about it.
  30. Don’t jump the _____ and act without thinking.


  1. burns
  2. cat
  3. eggs
  4. hatchet
  5. skin
  6. leaf
  7. cooks
  8. wildfire
  9. red
  10. beats
  11. hold
  12. mountain
  13. loggerheads
  14. bacon
  15. horse
  16. hitch
  17. nail
  18. moon
  19. bombshell
  20. bull
  21. meet
  22. chickens
  23. eggshells
  24. wall
  25. deaf
  26. ice
  27. bullet
  28. weather
  29. talk
  30. gun

Happy learning! 😊

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