Problems and Difficulties Idioms and Phrases! Learn common Problems and Difficulties Idioms, Phrases, and sayings in English with meaning and example sentences.
Idioms for Problems and Difficulties
List of 30+ Useful Making Decisions Idioms and Phrases in English
(An) Uphill Climb
Meaning: A difficult process
Example: The course was designed to give them a running start on their steep uphill climb through the curriculum.
(The) Last Straw
Meaning: A problem or insult that finally demands a response
Example: Transport pressure groups believe this will be the last straw for some services.
A Vicious Cycle
Meaning: when one problem causes another problem, which then causes the first problem again
Example: Security forces and militants are locked in a vicious cycle of killing.
Above Water
Meaning: Not in extreme difficulty. Especially said of finances
Example: We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good.
At Your Wits’ End
Meaning: when you are at the limit of your mental resources, desperate and without additional options
Example: I’ve been trying to download the file all day and I keep getting an error message – I’m at my wits’ end!
Meaning: a situation in which it’s impossible to succeed because of conflicting rules or conditions
Example: It’s a Catch-22 situation – without experience you can’t get a job and without a job you can’t get experience.
Come Out in the Wash
Meaning: be resolved eventually with no lasting harm
Example: The real reasons for her resignation will come out in the wash.
Cut Corners
Meaning: Economize by reducing quality; take shortcuts
Example: Take your time, don’t cut corners and follow instructions to the letter.
Cut the Gordian Knot
Meaning: solve or remove a problem in a direct or forceful way, rejecting gentler or more indirect methods.
Example: Let’s cut the Gordian knot in doing with such a complicated matter.
Dodged A Bullet
Meaning: barely escaped from a dangerous/disastrous situation
Example: Bush dodged a bullet when Chavez was forced out.
Elephant in the room
Meaning: An obvious problem that people do not want to talk about
Example: “Elephant in the room” is an English idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed.
Get To Grips With
Meaning: To begin to understand and deal with something
Example: They were so keen to get to grips with the enemy that they disregarded much of the training in stealth and guile.
Hard nut to crack
Meaning: A problem that is hard to solve or a person who is difficult to understand
Example: This problem is going to be a hard nut to crack.
Head (Go) South
Meaning: Decline, get worse
Example: The markets all headed south after the bad economic news.
In a Jam
Meaning: In need of help, in a difficult spot
Example: The knives and forks were kept in a jam jar.
In Hot Water
Meaning: In need of help; in trouble
Example: Wool usually damages if washed in hot water.
Read: 150+ Famous American Idioms
In a pickle
Meaning: Someone that has a big problem
Example: Companies find themselves in a pickle when their markets change.
It serves you right
Meaning: Your problem is the result of your own bad behaviour, and you deserve it
Example: Left you, did she? It serves you right for being so selfish.
Red Tape
Meaning: Difficult bureaucratic or governmental requirements
Example: The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.
Start with a Clean Slate
Meaning: To start (something) again with a fresh beginning; to work on a problem without thinking about what has been done before
Example: Start with a clean slate every time you move onto a new project.
Stumbling Block
Meaning: An obstacle, physical or abstract
Example: The main stumbling block to starting new research is that we lack qualified people.
Think Outside the Box
Meaning: Try to solve a problem in an original way; think creatively
Example: Our product line is getting stale. We need to think outside the box and come up with creative new products.
The Crux Of The Matter
Meaning: the most essential or main part of the problem
Example: The crux of the matter is how do we prevent a flood occurring again?
Grasping At Straws
Meaning: when you’re desperate and you’re pursuing even the slightest hope or possibility (even if it probably won’t work)
Example: For now, researchers admit that they are still grasping at straws.
In Dire Straits
Meaning: in a very serious, very bad situation
Example: After the war the county’s economy was in dire straits.
You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out For You
Meaning: when you have a large and difficult task to do in the future
Example: You want to finish a four-year college degree in just two years? Well, you’ve got your work cut out for you.
Last Resort
Meaning: an option you use as a “last chance” when there are no other options available
Example: Strike action should be regarded as a last resort, when all attempts to negotiate have failed.
Rough time
Meaning: To have many problems
Example: All women have a rough time in our society.
Shoot yourself in the foot
Meaning: To do or say something that causes problems for you
Example: Why does Kerry always shoot herself in the foot by saying the wrong thing?
Take the bull by the horns
Meaning: Deal with a problem in a direct and fearless way
Example: Nora decided to take the bull by the horns and organize things for herself.
The Tip Of The Iceberg
Meaning: only a small part of the problem; the biggest part of the problem is hidden
Example: These small local protests are just the tip of the iceberg.