Intermediate Words That Start With J -

Intermediate Words That Start With J

Intermediate Words That Start With J

When expanding your vocabulary, exploring intermediate words can enrich your language skills and enhance your writing and speaking abilities. In this blog, we’ll dive into a variety of intermediate words that start with the letter “J,” along with their meanings and examples. Whether you’re a student, writer, or simply a language enthusiast, understanding these words will help you express yourself more precisely and effectively.

List of Intermediate Words That Start With J

  • Jab
  • Jaded
  • Jargon
  • Jar
  • Jasper
  • Jaundice
  • Javelin
  • Jest
  • Jiffy
  • Jingle
  • Jigsaw
  • Jovial
  • Jumble
  • Jubilant
  • Joke
  • Journey
  • Juice
  • Junction
  • Juncture
  • Jostle
  • Jive
  • Jerk
  • Jeer
  • Jargonize
  • Jabbed
  • Jiggly
  • Jury
  • Jestful
  • Jangle
  • Jarring
  • Joviality
  • Jeopardy
  • Jettison
  • Jade
  • Jovially
  • Jetty
  • Jolted
  • Juxtapose
  • Jazzy
  • Jestingly
  • Jittery
  • Jungle
  • Jocular
  • Jibber
  • Jostling
  • Junctural
  • Jib
  • Jinx
  • Jubilance
  • Jet
  • Jingling
  • Jostled
  • Jettisoned
  • Jeopardize
  • Jibing
  • Jadedly
  • Junctions
  • Jiggle
  • Jostles
  • Jubilate
  • Jubilantly
  • Jackal
  • Juxtaposition
  • Jetties
  • Jittered
  • Jovialness
  • Jovials
  • Jovialities
  • Jungles
  • Javelins
  • Jester
  • Jangles
  • Jell
  • Jellied
  • Jettisoning
  • Jackpot
  • Jumpy
  • Jingoism
  • Jollity
  • Jingoistic
  • Jingles
  • Jitters
  • Jadedness
  • Jail
  • Jukebox
  • Jockey
  • Jingo
  • Jitney
  • Jug
  • Jig
  • Jute
  • Jitter
  • Jolt
  • Juicy
  • Juggling
  • Juiced
  • Jabs
  • Jabber
  • Jiving
  • Jigging
  • Juking
  • Jackknife
  • Jetlag
  • Jiggling
  • Jumps
  • Jitterbug
  • Jugular
  • Jabbers
  • Jeered
  • Jewel
  • Jimmies
  • Jamboree
  • Jellyfish
  • Jealous
  • Jazzed
  • Juke
  • Jumbled
  • Junctional
  • Jivingly
  • Jigged
  • Jokester
  • Jokey
  • Jittering
  • Jigglypuff
  • Juggler
  • Jackpotting
  • Jingoisms
  • Jiggliest
  • Junk
  • Jivey
  • Jasmines
  • Jokers
  • Jokingly
  • Jammies
  • Juniors
  • Jeeringly
  • Juggles
  • Jeering
  • Jingled
  • Jukes
  • Jukeboxes
  • Jumper
  • Jiggedly
  • Jinglebells
  • Jamborees
  • Juicer
  • Jitteriness
  • Jolly
  • Jigglypuffs
  • Jiggled
  • Jeers
  • Jabbering
  • Jockeying
  • Jigsawed
  • Jigglingly
  • Jibbers
  • Jinxed
  • Jokily
  • Jack
  • Jubilating
  • Jubilations
  • Juxtaposed
  • Juxtaposes
  • Junked
  • Jubilation

Intermediate Words That Start With J With Meaning and Example


  • Meaning: To poke or thrust abruptly.
  • Example: She gave him a gentle jab in the ribs to get his attention.


  • Meaning: Feeling tired or bored, especially after having too much of something.
  • Example: After years of travel, she felt jaded by the constant movement.


  • Meaning: Specialized language used by a particular group or profession.
  • Example: The lawyer’s jargon was difficult for the layperson to understand.


  • Meaning: A container with a lid used for storing food or other items.
  • Example: She opened a jar of homemade jam for breakfast.


  • Meaning: A type of opaque, usually red or green, quartz used as a gemstone.
  • Example: The necklace was adorned with beautiful pieces of jasper.


  • Meaning: A medical condition characterized by yellowing of the skin and eyes, often due to liver disease.
  • Example: The patient was diagnosed with jaundice and needed immediate treatment.


  • Meaning: A spear-like weapon or object used in track and field events.
  • Example: He won the gold medal in the javelin throw at the athletics competition.


  • Meaning: A joke or witty remark.
  • Example: His jest about the new policy lightened the mood in the meeting.


  • Meaning: A very short amount of time.
  • Example: I’ll be back in a jiffy with the documents you need.


  • Meaning: A short, catchy tune or phrase used in advertisements.
  • Example: The jingle for the candy bar was so catchy that it stuck in my head all day.


  • Meaning: A puzzle consisting of pieces that fit together to form a picture.
  • Example: She spent the entire afternoon working on a challenging jigsaw puzzle.


  • Meaning: Cheerful and friendly.
  • Example: His jovial personality made him the life of the party.


  • Meaning: A confused mixture or collection of things.
  • Example: The attic was filled with a jumble of old furniture and boxes.


  • Meaning: Feeling or expressing great joy or triumph.
  • Example: The crowd was jubilant when their team won the championship.


  • Meaning: A humorous anecdote or statement intended to provoke laughter.
  • Example: She told a funny joke that had everyone in the room laughing.


  • Meaning: The act of traveling from one place to another.
  • Example: Their journey across Europe was filled with adventure and discovery.


  • Meaning: A liquid extracted from fruits or vegetables.
  • Example: He enjoyed a glass of fresh orange juice with his breakfast.


  • Meaning: A point where two or more things meet or cross.
  • Example: The highway junction was heavily congested during rush hour.


  • Meaning: A particular point in events or time.
  • Example: The project reached a critical juncture where key decisions had to be made.


  • Meaning: To push, elbow, or bump against someone roughly.
  • Example: The crowd jostled as they tried to get closer to the stage.


  • Meaning: To dance or talk in a lively and entertaining manner.
  • Example: They spent the evening dancing and jiving to their favorite tunes.


  • Meaning: A sudden, sharp movement or a person who is unpleasant.
  • Example: The car made a jerk as it suddenly stopped at the traffic light.


  • Meaning: To make rude and mocking remarks.
  • Example: The audience began to jeer when the comedian’s jokes fell flat.


  • Meaning: To use specialized language or jargon.
  • Example: The speaker tended to jargonize, making it difficult for non-experts to follow.


  • Meaning: Poked or thrust sharply.
  • Example: He jabbed at the map to show where they would be traveling.


  • Meaning: Shaking or trembling with small movements.
  • Example: The gelatin dessert was delightfully jiggly.


  • Meaning: A group of people sworn to give a verdict in a legal case.
  • Example: The jury deliberated for hours before reaching a verdict.


  • Meaning: Full of jokes or humor.
  • Example: His jestful remarks made the long meeting much more enjoyable.


  • Meaning: To make a harsh, discordant sound.
  • Example: The keys jangled as he walked down the hallway.


  • Meaning: Causing shock or discomfort due to its harshness.
  • Example: The sudden loud noise was jarring and disrupted the peaceful atmosphere.


  • Meaning: The quality of being cheerful and friendly.
  • Example: Her joviality brightened up the entire office.


  • Meaning: Danger of loss, harm, or failure.
  • Example: The company’s future was in jeopardy due to the financial crisis.


  • Meaning: To throw away or discard something.
  • Example: They had to jettison some cargo to lighten the load.


  • Meaning: A type of green gemstone or to become weary or tired.
  • Example: The sculpture was made of fine jade. / He felt jaded after the long journey.


  • Meaning: In a cheerful and friendly manner.
  • Example: He greeted everyone jovially at the party.


  • Meaning: A structure extending into the water to protect the shore or harbor.
  • Example: They walked along the jetty to enjoy the sunset.


  • Meaning: To shock or move abruptly.
  • Example: The sudden stop jolted everyone in the bus.


  • Meaning: To place side by side for comparison.
  • Example: The exhibition juxtaposed modern art with classical pieces.


  • Meaning: Lively and stylish, often with a sense of fun.
  • Example: The room was decorated in a jazzy, colorful style.


  • Meaning: In a playful or joking manner.
  • Example: He jestingly suggested that they should go skydiving.


  • Meaning: Nervous or anxious.
  • Example: She felt jittery before her big presentation.


  • Meaning: A dense, tropical forest.
  • Example: The jungle was teeming with exotic wildlife.


  • Meaning: Fond of or characterized by joking.
  • Example: His jocular remarks kept everyone entertained during the meeting.


  • Meaning: To speak rapidly and incoherently.
  • Example: He was jibbering with excitement after winning the contest.


  • Meaning: Shoving or pushing roughly.
  • Example: The shoppers were jostling to get the best deals during the sale.


  • Meaning: Relating to a point of intersection or connection.
  • Example: The company faced a junctural decision about its future strategy.


  • Meaning: A triangular sail on a boat.
  • Example: The jib was adjusted to catch the wind more effectively.


  • Meaning: A curse or spell believed to bring bad luck.
  • Example: They believed the old house was under a jinx after several mishaps.


  • Meaning: A state of great happiness or joy.
  • Example: The jubilance of the crowd was evident after the team’s victory.


  • Meaning: A type of lignite used as a gemstone or to move quickly.
  • Example: The jet necklace was a beautiful piece of jewelry. / They traveled by jet to reach their destination faster.


  • Meaning: Making a light, metallic sound.
  • Example: The coins were jingling in his pocket as he walked.


  • Meaning: Moved roughly or bumped into.
  • Example: The passengers were jostled as the train entered the station.


  • Meaning: Discarded or thrown away.
  • Example: They jettisoned unnecessary equipment to reduce weight.


  • Meaning: To put something in danger.
  • Example: His reckless behavior could jeopardize his career.


  • Meaning: Making mocking or insulting remarks.
  • Example: The coach was frustrated by the players’ jibing comments.


  • Meaning: In a weary or bored manner.
  • Example: She responded jadedly to the repetitive questions.


  • Meaning: Points where roads or paths meet.
  • Example: The map showed several junctions where the roads intersected.


  • Meaning: To move with small, quick motions.
  • Example: He tried to jiggle the key in the lock to get it to turn.


  • Meaning: Moves roughly or pushes against.
  • Example: The crowd jostles each other as they try to get closer to the stage.


  • Meaning: To show or feel great joy.
  • Example: The team jubilated after their hard-earned victory.


  • Meaning: In a way that expresses great joy.
  • Example: They celebrated jubilantly after receiving the good news.


  • Meaning: A wild dog-like animal found in Africa and Asia.
  • Example: The jackal prowled around the savanna in search of food.


  • Meaning: The act of placing things next to each other for comparison.
  • Example: The artist’s use of juxtaposition highlighted the contrast between modern and traditional styles.


  • Meaning: Plural of jetty, structures extending into water.
  • Example: The jetties protected the harbor from strong waves.


  • Meaning: Shook or moved nervously.
  • Example: She jittered with excitement before her performance.


  • Meaning: The quality of being cheerful and friendly.
  • Example: His jovialness was contagious, lifting everyone’s spirits.


  • Meaning: Plural of jovial, referring to cheerful and friendly people.
  • Example: The jovials at the party made it a lively and enjoyable event.


  • Meaning: Instances or expressions of cheerfulness and friendliness.
  • Example: The jovialities of the festival brought everyone together.


  • Meaning: Plural of jungle, dense tropical forests.
  • Example: The explorers ventured into the jungles of South America.


  • Meaning: Plural of javelin, spear-like objects used in sports or as weapons.
  • Example: The athletes competed in various events, including the javelins.


  • Meaning: A person who entertains others with jokes and gestures.
  • Example: The jester entertained the king and his court with his witty antics.


  • Meaning: Makes a harsh, discordant sound.
  • Example: The keys on the old door jangled loudly.


  • Meaning: To become firm or set, often used for liquids turning into gels.
  • Example: The gelatin began to jell after being placed in the refrigerator.


  • Meaning: Made into or resembling jelly.
  • Example: The jellied dessert was a hit at the party.


  • Meaning: The act of discarding or throwing away.
  • Example: They were jettisoning excess cargo to stabilize the ship.


  • Meaning: A large prize or reward, especially in gambling.
  • Example: She won the jackpot in the lottery and was thrilled.


  • Meaning: Nervous or anxious.
  • Example: He felt jumpy before his big presentation.


  • Meaning: Extreme patriotism, often marked by a belligerent foreign policy.
  • Example: The politician’s jingoism was evident in his aggressive speeches.


  • Meaning: Cheerfulness and merrymaking.
  • Example: The jollity of the holiday season was reflected in the festive decorations.


  • Meaning: Displaying excessive patriotism.
  • Example: His jingoistic attitude was evident in his nationalistic comments.


  • Meaning: Short, catchy tunes or phrases used in advertisements.
  • Example: The jingles for the commercial were memorable and effective.


  • Meaning: Feelings of nervousness or anxiety.
  • Example: She had the jitters before her first day at the new job.


  • Meaning: The state of being worn out or bored.
  • Example: His jadedness was apparent after years of working in the same industry.


  • Meaning: A place for the confinement of people who have been arrested or convicted.
  • Example: He was sent to jail for his involvement in the crime.


  • Meaning: A machine that plays music from records or digital media, usually in public places.
  • Example: The jukebox in the diner played classic rock songs.


  • Meaning: A person who rides horses in races or to maneuver or manipulate for an advantage.
  • Example: The jockey skillfully guided his horse to victory.


  • Meaning: A person who supports jingoism or aggressive patriotism.
  • Example: The jingo’s rhetoric stirred up nationalist sentiments.


  • Meaning: A small bus or a vehicle for hire.
  • Example: They took a jitney to the concert venue to avoid parking hassles.


  • Meaning: A large container for liquids.
  • Example: She poured lemonade from the jug into glasses for the guests.


  • Meaning: A lively dance or a device used for precision work.
  • Example: The traditional jig was performed at the wedding reception. / He used a jig to ensure accurate cuts.


  • Meaning: A strong, coarse fiber used to make ropes and sacks.
  • Example: The burlap sacks were made from durable jute.


  • Meaning: A small, rapid movement or feeling of nervousness.
  • Example: He had a jitter of excitement before the big announcement.


  • Meaning: A sudden shock or movement.
  • Example: The car hit a bump, causing a jolt that spilled the coffee.


  • Meaning: Full of juice or interesting and exciting.
  • Example: The steak was incredibly juicy and tender. / The gossip was juicy and sensational.


  • Meaning: The act of keeping several objects in motion in the air by catching and throwing them.
  • Example: The street performer impressed the crowd with his juggling skills.


  • Meaning: Filled with juice or invigorated and energized.
  • Example: He juiced some fresh oranges for breakfast. / The team was juiced up for the big game.


  • Meaning: Plural of jab, referring to pokes or sharp thrusts.
  • Example: The boxer landed several jabs during the fight.


  • Meaning: To talk rapidly and excitedly but with little sense.
  • Example: She jabbered about her vacation plans with enthusiasm.


  • Meaning: Dancing or talking in a lively and playful manner.
  • Example: They spent the night jiving to their favorite music.


  • Meaning: Moving with quick, lively steps, often in a dance.
  • Example: The dancers were jigging to the upbeat music.


  • Meaning: A form of dance or moving in a smooth, rhythmic way.
  • Example: He was juking on the dance floor with impressive skill.


  • Meaning: A type of knife with a folding blade, or a diving maneuver where one folds into a V-shape.
  • Example: He used a jackknife to cut the rope. / The diver performed a perfect jackknife entry into the water.


  • Meaning: Fatigue and disorientation experienced after a long flight across time zones.
  • Example: She suffered from severe jetlag after flying from New York to Tokyo.


  • Meaning: Moving or shaking with small, rapid movements.
  • Example: The jelly was jiggling on the plate.


  • Meaning: Moves suddenly or leaps into the air.
  • Example: The kids took turns making high jumps on the trampoline.


  • Meaning: A lively dance popular in the 1930s and 1940s, or a term for someone who is jittery.
  • Example: They danced the jitterbug all night at the swing dance party.


  • Meaning: Referring to the neck vein or something crucial or essential.
  • Example: The jugular vein is a major blood vessel in the neck. / The debate hit the jugular of the issue.


  • Meaning: Talks rapidly and incoherently.
  • Example: He jabbers on about his hobbies without taking a breath.


  • Meaning: Mocked or made fun of with disrespect.
  • Example: The crowd jeered at the opposing team’s mistakes.


  • Meaning: A precious gem or a valuable object, or something cherished.
  • Example: The crown was adorned with priceless jewels. / She is the jewel of the team.


  • Meaning: Decorative sprinkles for ice cream or cakes.
  • Example: She topped her sundae with colorful jimmies.


  • Meaning: A large celebration or party, often with diverse activities.
  • Example: The town’s annual jamboree featured music, food, and games.


  • Meaning: A sea creature with a gelatinous, umbrella-shaped bell and tentacles.
  • Example: The jellyfish floated gracefully through the water.


  • Meaning: Feeling envious or protective of something or someone.
  • Example: She was jealous of her friend’s new car.


  • Meaning: Excited or enlivened.
  • Example: He was jazzed about the upcoming concert.


  • Meaning: A device for playing music or a term for a deceptive move in sports.
  • Example: She played her favorite songs on the jukebox. / The player made a quick juke to evade his opponent.


  • Meaning: Mixed up in a confused or disordered way.
  • Example: The papers on his desk were jumbled and difficult to organize.


  • Meaning: Pertaining to a junction or connection point.
  • Example: The junctional area where the two roads meet was heavily trafficked.


  • Meaning: In a lively or energetic manner, often related to dancing.
  • Example: They moved jivingly to the rhythm of the music.


  • Meaning: Performed a lively dance or moved quickly.
  • Example: She jigged around the room to celebrate her good news.


  • Meaning: A person who tells jokes or enjoys making others laugh.
  • Example: The jokester kept everyone entertained at the party.


  • Meaning: Humorous or playful in nature.
  • Example: His jokey remarks lightened the mood during the meeting.


  • Meaning: Shaking or trembling nervously.
  • Example: She was jittering with anticipation before her speech.


  • Meaning: A character from the Pokémon series, known for its ability to put others to sleep.
  • Example: Jigglypuff’s song made everyone in the audience fall asleep.


  • Meaning: A person who performs tricks by tossing and catching objects.
  • Example: The juggler amazed the crowd with his complex routine.


  • Meaning: Winning a large prize, especially in gambling.
  • Example: He was thrilled after jackpotting at the casino.


  • Meaning: Extreme patriotism, often associated with a belligerent foreign policy.
  • Example: The politician’s speeches were filled with jingoisms.


  • Meaning: The most wobbly or moving in small, rapid motions.
  • Example: The jiggliest part of the dessert was the topping.


  • Meaning: Old or discarded items that are no longer useful.
  • Example: They cleared out the garage and got rid of all the junk.


  • Meaning: Characterized by lively, rhythmic dance or music.
  • Example: The jivey beat of the music made everyone want to dance.


  • Meaning: Plural of jasmine, a type of fragrant flower.
  • Example: The garden was filled with blooming jasmines.


  • Meaning: People who joke around or cards used as wild cards in games.
  • Example: The jokers in the deck can be used as any card.


  • Meaning: In a playful or humorous manner.
  • Example: She joked jokingly about her new haircut.


  • Meaning: Informal term for pajamas.
  • Example: The kids wore their jammies to the sleepover.


  • Meaning: People of a younger or less experienced rank or year.
  • Example: The juniors in the class looked up to their senior peers.


  • Meaning: In a mocking or scornful manner.
  • Example: The crowd jeered jeeringly at the losing team.


  • Meaning: Balances or manages multiple tasks or objects at once.
  • Example: She juggles work and family responsibilities effectively.


  • Meaning: Making rude and mocking remarks.
  • Example: The jeering from the spectators was hard to ignore.


  • Meaning: Made a light, ringing sound.
  • Example: The bells jingled as she walked through the door.


  • Meaning: Plural of juke, referring to moves in sports or jukeboxes.
  • Example: The player’s jukes left the defender behind. / The jukes played a variety of tunes.


  • Meaning: Machines that play music from records or digital media.
  • Example: The diner had several jukeboxes for patrons to enjoy.


  • Meaning: A person who jumps or a type of garment worn over other clothes.
  • Example: The jumper leaped from the platform. / She wore a cozy jumper on a cold day.


  • Meaning: Moving in a lively or quick manner.
  • Example: The children danced jiggedly around the room.


  • Meaning: Bells used for decoration, especially during the holiday season.
  • Example: The sound of jinglebells filled the air during the Christmas parade.


  • Meaning: Plural of jamboree, referring to large celebrations or gatherings.
  • Example: The annual jamborees attract visitors from all over.


  • Meaning: A device for extracting juice from fruits and vegetables.
  • Example: She used the juicer to make fresh orange juice.


  • Meaning: The state of being nervous or anxious.
  • Example: His jitteriness before the exam was evident.


  • Meaning: Cheerful and full of high spirits.
  • Example: The jolly atmosphere at the party made everyone smile.


  • Meaning: Plural of jigglypuff, referring to the Pokémon character.
  • Example: The plush toys of jigglypuffs were popular among children.


  • Meaning: Moved with slight, rapid motions.
  • Example: The plate jiggled on the table as the truck drove by.


  • Meaning: Rude and mocking remarks.
  • Example: The jeers from the audience were aimed at the performer’s mistakes.


  • Meaning: Talking rapidly and incoherently.
  • Example: The children were jabbering excitedly about their plans.


  • Meaning: Maneuvering or competing for position.
  • Example: The candidates were jockeying for the top spot in the polls.


  • Meaning: Put together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
  • Example: The pieces were jigsawed together to complete the image.


  • Meaning: In a way that involves jiggling or moving slightly.
  • Example: The gelatin jigglingly wobbled on the plate.


  • Meaning: Talks incoherently or rapidly.
  • Example: He jibbers when he gets excited and can’t focus.


  • Meaning: Cursed or unlucky, often in a superstitious way.
  • Example: She felt jinxed after a series of unfortunate events.


  • Meaning: In a joking manner.
  • Example: He jokily suggested they should all quit their jobs and travel the world.


  • Meaning: To lift or raise, or a tool used for lifting heavy objects.
  • Example: He used a jack to lift the car and change the tire.


  • Meaning: Celebrating with joy and enthusiasm.
  • Example: They were jubilating after their team won the championship.


  • Meaning: Expressions of joy and celebration.
  • Example: The jubilations continued long into the night after the festival.


  • Meaning: Placed side by side for comparison or contrast.
  • Example: The artist juxtaposed bright colors with dark backgrounds to create a striking effect.


  • Meaning: Places side by side for comparison or contrast.
  • Example: The documentary juxtaposes historical footage with modern interviews.


  • Meaning: Discarded as useless or unwanted.
  • Example: The old furniture was junked to make room for new pieces.


  • Meaning: A feeling of great happiness and celebration.
  • Example: The streets were filled with jubilation after the parade.

Intermediate Words That Start With J

Intermediate Words That Start With J -

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