Intermediate Words That Start With M -

Intermediate Words That Start With M

Intermediate Words That Start With M

The English language is rich with words that not only help us express ourselves more precisely but also add depth and variety to our vocabulary. If you’re looking to expand your word bank, focusing on intermediate words is a great way to do so. Here, we’ll explore a selection of intermediate words that start with the letter “M”—words that are versatile, descriptive, and can enhance your communication skills.

List of Intermediate Words That Start With M

  • Machine
  • Macho
  • Muddle
  • Magnet
  • Mosaic
  • Mammal
  • Mundane
  • Magnify
  • Manual
  • Manner
  • Migrate
  • Mimic
  • Moral
  • Mechanism
  • Monument
  • Modify
  • Mystery
  • Medal
  • Mansion
  • Mentor
  • Mythical
  • Meditate
  • Mature
  • Mumble
  • Mischief
  • Marvel
  • Moisture
  • Mathematics
  • Malicious
  • Metaphor
  • Milestone
  • Melancholy
  • Melody
  • Minimize
  • Maverick
  • Mimicry
  • Material
  • Mystical
  • Mention
  • Mild
  • Martial
  • Marvelous
  • Manicure
  • Muscle
  • Modest
  • Monarch
  • Mutual
  • Marble
  • Marathon
  • Mellow
  • Memento
  • Murmur
  • Mindful
  • Mortify
  • Master
  • Misfit
  • Menacing
  • Misplace
  • Majority
  • Meltdown
  • Magnificent
  • Matriculate
  • Manage
  • Mystify
  • Manipulate
  • Monitor
  • Misconception
  • Memoir
  • Motivate
  • Monologue
  • Momentum
  • Meager
  • Malignant
  • Mirage
  • Mortuary
  • Magnate
  • Monetary
  • Morality
  • Misjudge
  • Mammoth
  • Miracle
  • Mitigate
  • Multitude
  • Miscellaneous
  • Mold
  • Manageable
  • Mannerism
  • Mutate
  • Meditation
  • Mismanage
  • Morsel
  • Microscope
  • Malfunction
  • Monotone
  • Monogram
  • Mockery
  • Microbe
  • Matriarch
  • Mission
  • Momentary
  • Medieval
  • Moldy
  • Mimetic
  • Mast
  • Meditative
  • Malevolent
  • Modern
  • Merit
  • Misquote
  • Merchandise
  • Mechanical
  • Militant
  • Minority
  • Miscue
  • Mandate
  • Menial
  • Mobilize
  • Meritorious
  • Multimedia
  • Misinterpret
  • Micromanage
  • Malady
  • Monstrous
  • Malleable
  • Misdemeanor
  • Moralize
  • Monotony
  • Muffin
  • Mischievous
  • Meander
  • Muff
  • Monogamy
  • Model
  • Mechanic
  • Monumental
  • Mauve
  • Mason
  • Malevolence
  • Malaria
  • Morose
  • Mythology
  • Motivation
  • Moat
  • Minutiae
  • Morpheme
  • Maturity
  • Misnomer
  • Meridian
  • Minutia
  • Mantle
  • Moot
  • Mark
  • Mesmerize
  • Market
  • Massive
  • Mushroom
  • Minion
  • Melodic
  • Magnetism
  • Mainstream
  • Magnetize
  • Moratorium
  • Microphone
  • Maintain
  • Morgue
  • Midnight
  • Mannequin
  • Mirth
  • Mock
  • Mood
  • Mix
  • Mourn
  • Muffle
  • Mortar
  • Maul
  • Martyr
  • Mound
  • Mint
  • Maim
  • Mar
  • Mote
  • Mud
  • March
  • Moth
  • Maple
  • Multiplied
  • Melancholia
  • Mural
  • Muddled
  • Microscopic

Intermediate Words That Start With M with meaning and example


  • Meaning: A device that uses energy to perform a particular task.
  • Example: The factory uses advanced machines to assemble cars.


  • Meaning: Exhibiting qualities typically associated with masculinity, often in an exaggerated or aggressive way.
  • Example: He tried to impress his friends by acting macho, but it just made him seem insecure.


  • Meaning: To mix up or confuse; to create a mess.
  • Example: The instructions were so unclear that they muddled the whole process.


  • Meaning: A material or object that produces a magnetic field and attracts iron or steel.
  • Example: The refrigerator door had a magnet that held the photos in place.


  • Meaning: A picture or pattern created by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, or glass.
  • Example: The ancient mosaic on the floor of the museum depicted a beautiful landscape.


  • Meaning: A warm-blooded vertebrate animal that has hair or fur and produces milk to feed its young.
  • Example: Humans, dogs, and whales are all examples of mammals.


  • Meaning: Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
  • Example: She found her job to be mundane and was looking for something more challenging.


  • Meaning: To make something appear larger, usually with the help of a lens or microscope.
  • Example: The scientist used a magnifying glass to observe the tiny insect.


  • Meaning: A book of instructions or a task performed by hand.
  • Example: The car came with a manual that explained how to operate it.


  • Meaning: A way in which something is done or happens.
  • Example: His polite manner made him well-liked by everyone.


  • Meaning: To move from one region or habitat to another, often seasonally.
  • Example: Birds migrate south for the winter to escape the cold.


  • Meaning: To imitate someone or something, usually in a playful or mocking way.
  • Example: The comedian was able to mimic the politician’s voice perfectly.


  • Meaning: Concerned with principles of right and wrong behavior.
  • Example: The story teaches a moral lesson about the importance of honesty.


  • Meaning: A system of parts working together in a machine or an established process for achieving something.
  • Example: The clock’s mechanism was incredibly intricate.


  • Meaning: A structure erected to commemorate a person or event.
  • Example: The Washington Monument is a famous landmark in the United States.


  • Meaning: To make partial changes to something, typically to improve it.
  • Example: He modified his car to make it more fuel-efficient.


  • Meaning: Something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.
  • Example: The mystery of the missing necklace puzzled the entire town.


  • Meaning: A metal disk awarded as a prize or honor.
  • Example: She won a gold medal in the Olympic Games.


  • Meaning: A large and impressive house.
  • Example: The billionaire lived in a sprawling mansion on the hill.


  • Meaning: An experienced and trusted adviser.
  • Example: The young intern found a mentor who helped guide her career.


  • Meaning: Relating to myths; not real, existing only in stories.
  • Example: Unicorns are mythical creatures that have fascinated people for centuries.


  • Meaning: To engage in deep thought or focus one’s mind for a period of time in silence.
  • Example: She meditates every morning to start her day with a clear mind.


  • Meaning: Fully developed physically; exhibiting the qualities of an adult.
  • Example: At 18, he was mature enough to make his own decisions.


  • Meaning: To speak quietly and unclearly, making it difficult for others to hear.
  • Example: He mumbled his answer, so the teacher asked him to speak up.


  • Meaning: Playful misbehavior or troublemaking, especially in children.
  • Example: The boys were up to some mischief, hiding their sister’s toys.


  • Meaning: To be filled with wonder or astonishment.
  • Example: They marveled at the beautiful sunset.


  • Meaning: Water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor, within a solid, or condensed on a surface.
  • Example: The air was thick with moisture after the rain.


  • Meaning: The abstract science of number, quantity, and space.
  • Example: She excelled in mathematics and became an engineer.


  • Meaning: Intending to do harm or cause suffering.
  • Example: The hacker launched a malicious attack on the website.


  • Meaning: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  • Example: He used the metaphor “time is a thief” to describe how quickly life passes.


  • Meaning: A significant stage or event in the development of something.
  • Example: Graduating from college was a major milestone in her life.


  • Meaning: A deep, persistent sadness or gloom.
  • Example: The movie’s ending left the audience in a state of melancholy.


  • Meaning: A sequence of notes that is musically satisfying; a tune.
  • Example: The melody of the song was so catchy that everyone hummed along.


  • Meaning: To reduce something to the smallest possible amount or degree.
  • Example: They tried to minimize the damage caused by the storm.


  • Meaning: An independent-minded person who does not conform to the usual standards.
  • Example: As a maverick, she often took risks that others wouldn’t dare.


  • Meaning: The action or art of imitating someone or something, often to entertain.
  • Example: The parrot’s mimicry of human speech was impressive.


  • Meaning: The substance or substances from which a thing is made.
  • Example: The dress was made from a soft, flowing material.


  • Meaning: Relating to mystics or religious mysticism; having a spiritual or mysterious significance.
  • Example: The forest had a mystical atmosphere that enchanted visitors.


  • Meaning: To refer to something briefly and without going into detail.
  • Example: She mentioned the possibility of rain, so we brought umbrellas.


  • Meaning: Gentle or not severe; moderate in action or effect.
  • Example: The weather was mild, making it perfect for a walk.


  • Meaning: Relating to war, soldiers, or military life.
  • Example: The country imposed martial law during the crisis.


  • Meaning: Causing great wonder; extraordinary.
  • Example: The magician’s performance was simply marvelous.


  • Meaning: A cosmetic treatment of the hands and fingernails.
  • Example: She went to the salon for a manicure before the party.


  • Meaning: A band or bundle of fibrous tissue that has the ability to contract and produce movement in the body.
  • Example: Regular exercise helps to strengthen your muscles.


  • Meaning: Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements.
  • Example: Despite his success, he remained modest and humble.


  • Meaning: A sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen, or emperor.
  • Example: The monarch ruled the country for over 50 years.


  • Meaning: Held in common by two or more parties; reciprocal.
  • Example: They have a mutual respect for each other’s work.


  • Meaning: A hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone, typically white with streaks of color.
  • Example: The statue was carved from a single block of marble.


  • Meaning: A long-distance running race, typically 26.2 miles.
  • Example: She trained for months to compete in the marathon.


  • Meaning: Pleasantly smooth or soft; free from harshness.
  • Example: The wine had a mellow flavor that was easy to enjoy.


  • Meaning: An object kept as a reminder of a person or event.
  • Example: She kept the ticket stub as a memento of their first date.


  • Meaning: A soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group of people speaking quietly.
  • Example: The audience murmured in agreement during the speech.


  • Meaning: Conscious or aware of something.
  • Example: Be mindful of your surroundings when walking alone at night.


  • Meaning: To cause someone to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated.
  • Example: He was mortified when he realized he had sent the email to the wrong person.


  • Meaning: A person who has control or dominance over something; someone highly skilled in a particular activity.
  • Example: He is a master of the violin, having played since childhood.


  • Meaning: A person whose behavior or attitude sets them apart from others in an uncomfortably conspicuous way.
  • Example: He felt like a misfit at the party, not knowing anyone there.


  • Meaning: Suggesting the presence of danger; threatening.
  • Example: The dog’s menacing growl made the intruder think twice about entering.


  • Meaning: Suggesting the presence of danger; threatening.
  • Example: The dark clouds looked menacing before the storm.


  • Meaning: To put something in the wrong place and lose it temporarily.
  • Example: I often misplace my glasses when I’m in a hurry.


  • Meaning: The greater number or part; more than half.
  • Example: The majority of the class voted for the trip to the museum.


  • Meaning: A disastrous event, typically involving a rapid and uncontrollable decline.
  • Example: The stock market suffered a major meltdown last year.


  • Meaning: Extremely beautiful, elaborate, or impressive.
  • Example: The palace was a magnificent sight with its grand architecture.


  • Meaning: To enroll as a member of a college or university.
  • Example: She will matriculate at the university in the fall.


  • Meaning: To be in charge of; to control or organize.
  • Example: He was able to manage the project efficiently despite the challenges.


  • Meaning: To make someone feel confused or perplexed.
  • Example: The magician’s tricks mystify the audience.


  • Meaning: To control or influence someone or something cleverly or unscrupulously.
  • Example: He was able to manipulate the situation to his advantage.


  • Meaning: To observe and check the progress or quality of something over a period of time.
  • Example: The teacher will monitor the students during the exam.


  • Meaning: A view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding.
  • Example: There is a common misconception that all spiders are dangerous.


  • Meaning: A historical account or biography written from personal knowledge.
  • Example: The author’s memoir gives insight into her life during the war.


  • Meaning: To provide someone with a reason or incentive to do something.
  • Example: The coach used praise to motivate the team.


  • Meaning: A long speech by one actor in a play or movie.
  • Example: The actor’s monologue captivated the entire audience.


  • Meaning: The force or speed of movement; impetus gained by a moving object.
  • Example: The project gained momentum after the initial success.


  • Meaning: Lacking in quantity or quality; insufficient.
  • Example: His meager earnings were not enough to support his family.


  • Meaning: Very virulent or infectious; harmful.
  • Example: The tumor was found to be malignant and required immediate treatment.


  • Meaning: An optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of water in a desert.
  • Example: The thirsty traveler thought he saw a mirage of water in the desert.


  • Meaning: A funeral home or morgue where the deceased are prepared for burial or cremation.
  • Example: The family gathered at the mortuary to make arrangements for the funeral.


  • Meaning: A wealthy and influential person, especially in business.
  • Example: The oil magnate donated millions to charity.


  • Meaning: Relating to money or currency.
  • Example: The monetary policy was designed to control inflation.


  • Meaning: Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
  • Example: His actions were guided by a strong sense of morality.


  • Meaning: To form an incorrect opinion or conclusion about someone or something.
  • Example: She misjudged his intentions and assumed he was being rude.


  • Meaning: Huge; gigantic.
  • Example: The company undertook a mammoth project to build a new headquarters.


  • Meaning: An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws.
  • Example: It was a miracle that no one was hurt in the accident.


  • Meaning: To make less severe, serious, or painful.
  • Example: The doctor prescribed medication to mitigate the patient’s symptoms.


  • Meaning: A large number of people or things.
  • Example: A multitude of fans gathered outside the concert venue.


  • Meaning: Various or diverse items or things that are not all of one kind.
  • Example: She had a box full of miscellaneous items from her travels.


  • Meaning: A hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material when it cools and hardens.
  • Example: The baker used a mold to shape the cake into a heart.


  • Meaning: Able to be managed, controlled, or dealt with easily.
  • Example: The workload was challenging but manageable with a good plan.


  • Meaning: A habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving.
  • Example: His unique mannerism of raising his eyebrow made him easily recognizable.


  • Meaning: To change or cause to change in form or nature.
  • Example: The virus has the ability to mutate and become more resistant to treatment.


  • Meaning: The practice of focusing one’s mind for a period of time for relaxation or spiritual purposes.
  • Example: She practices meditation every morning to start her day with a calm mind.


  • Meaning: To manage something badly or wrongly.
  • Example: The company faced financial troubles due to the CEO’s mismanagement.


  • Meaning: A small piece or amount of food.
  • Example: He ate every last morsel of the delicious cake.


  • Meaning: An optical instrument used for viewing very small objects.
  • Example: The scientist used a microscope to observe the bacteria.


  • Meaning: To fail to function normally or satisfactorily.
  • Example: The car’s engine malfunctioned on the highway, causing a delay.


  • Meaning: A continuous, unchanging tone without variation in pitch or intonation.
  • Example: The teacher’s monotone voice made the lecture boring.


  • Meaning: A motif of two or more letters, typically a person’s initials, used as a logo or to identify a personal possession.
  • Example: She had her initials embroidered as a monogram on her handkerchief.


  • Meaning: Teasing or making fun of someone or something in a cruel way.
  • Example: His attempt to sing was met with mockery from his classmates.


  • Meaning: A microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease or fermentation.
  • Example: Scientists study microbes to understand their role in various ecosystems.


  • Meaning: A woman who is the head of a family or tribe.
  • Example: The matriarch of the family was respected by all her children and grandchildren.


  • Meaning: An important assignment or task, especially one that involves travel.
  • Example: The astronaut’s mission was to explore the surface of Mars.


  • Meaning: Lasting for a very short time; brief.
  • Example: There was a momentary pause in the conversation before he answered.


  • Meaning: Relating to the Middle Ages.
  • Example: The castle is a well-preserved example of medieval architecture.


  • Meaning: Covered with or smelling of mold; musty.
  • Example: The bread was left out too long and became moldy.


  • Meaning: Relating to, involving, or characteristic of imitation or mimicry.
  • Example: The artist’s work was highly mimetic, copying the style of classical painters.


  • Meaning: A tall, vertical pole on a ship that supports the sails.
  • Example: The crew raised the sails on the mast as the ship left the harbor.


  • Meaning: Of, involving, or absorbed in meditation or considered thought.
  • Example: She spent a meditative hour in the garden, reflecting on her day.


  • Meaning: Having or showing a wish to do evil to others.
  • Example: The villain in the story was malevolent, plotting harm at every turn.


  • Meaning: Relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past.
  • Example: The building’s modern design includes glass walls and sleek lines.


  • Meaning: The quality of being particularly good or worthy.
  • Example: She was promoted due to the merit of her hard work and dedication.


  • Meaning: To quote something incorrectly.
  • Example: The article misquoted the senator, leading to confusion.


  • Meaning: Goods that are bought and sold.
  • Example: The store displayed its merchandise in an attractive window display.


  • Meaning: Relating to machinery or tools.
  • Example: He studied mechanical engineering to understand how machines work.


  • Meaning: Engaged in warfare or conflict; aggressive in support of a cause.
  • Example: The group was militant in its fight for environmental protection.


  • Meaning: A smaller number or part, especially a number that is less than half the whole.
  • Example: The new policy was opposed by a minority of the board members.


  • Meaning: An error or mistake in an action or performance.
  • Example: The actor’s miscues during the play caused the audience to laugh.


  • Meaning: An official order or commission to do something.
  • Example: The government issued a mandate requiring all businesses to reduce plastic use.


  • Meaning: Lowly and degrading; work that is often considered unskilled.
  • Example: She was asked to perform menial tasks like cleaning the office.


  • Meaning: To prepare and organize for action.
  • Example: The community mobilized quickly to help those affected by the disaster.


  • Meaning: Deserving reward or praise.
  • Example: His meritorious service earned him a prestigious award.


  • Meaning: Using more than one medium of expression or communication.
  • Example: The educational program uses multimedia elements like video and interactive quizzes.


  • Meaning: To interpret incorrectly.
  • Example: He misinterpreted the instructions and ended up assembling the furniture incorrectly.


  • Meaning: To control every part of a project or activity, no matter how small.
  • Example: The manager tended to micromanage, checking every detail of the employees’ work.


  • Meaning: A disease or ailment.
  • Example: The doctor diagnosed her with a chronic malady that required ongoing treatment.


  • Meaning: Extremely large or ugly; resembling a monster.
  • Example: The monstrous statue dominated the town square.


  • Meaning: Capable of being shaped or formed; adaptable.
  • Example: The clay was highly malleable and easy to shape into different forms.


  • Meaning: A minor wrongdoing; less severe than a felony.
  • Example: He was charged with a misdemeanor for trespassing on private property.


  • Meaning: To comment on issues of right and wrong, often in a self-righteous manner.
  • Example: She tended to moralize about the importance of honesty in every conversation.


  • Meaning: Lack of variety and interest; tedious repetition.
  • Example: The monotony of the repetitive tasks began to wear on him.


  • Meaning: A small, typically round cake or bread product.
  • Example: She enjoyed a blueberry muffin with her morning coffee.


  • Meaning: Showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way.
  • Example: The mischievous child hid his sister’s toys just for fun.


  • Meaning: To wander aimlessly or take a winding course.
  • Example: They decided to meander through the park instead of following a set path.


  • Meaning: A mistake or blunder.
  • Example: His performance was full of errors, a real muff on his part.


  • Meaning: The practice of being married to one person at a time.
  • Example: They believed strongly in monogamy and had been together for decades.


  • Meaning: A representation of a person or thing used as a guide for making something.
  • Example: She used a small model to plan the layout of the new office space.


  • Meaning: A person who repairs and maintains machinery.
  • Example: The mechanic fixed the car’s engine and had it running smoothly again.


  • Meaning: Great in importance, extent, or size.
  • Example: The renovation of the historic building was a monumental task.


  • Meaning: A pale purple color.
  • Example: The walls of the room were painted a soft mauve.


  • Meaning: A builder and worker in stone.
  • Example: The mason skillfully laid the bricks for the new wall.


  • Meaning: The state or condition of being malevolent; ill will or evil intentions.
  • Example: The villain’s malevolence was evident in his every action.


  • Meaning: A disease caused by a parasite transmitted by mosquitoes.
  • Example: She contracted malaria during her trip to a tropical region.


  • Meaning: Sullen and ill-tempered.
  • Example: He was in a morose mood after hearing the bad news.


  • Meaning: A collection of myths or stories belonging to a particular culture or tradition.
  • Example: Greek mythology includes tales of gods like Zeus and Hera.


  • Meaning: The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
  • Example: Her motivation for studying hard was to secure a scholarship.


  • Meaning: A deep, wide trench, usually filled with water, surrounding a castle or fort.
  • Example: The castle’s moat provided an additional layer of defense.


  • Meaning: The small, precise, or trivial details of something.
  • Example: He focused on the minutiae of the project to ensure everything was perfect.


  • Meaning: The smallest unit of meaning in a language.
  • Example: In the word “unhappy,” “un-” and “happy” are both morphemes.


  • Meaning: The state of being fully developed in body or mind.
  • Example: His maturity was evident in the thoughtful way he handled the situation.


  • Meaning: A wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
  • Example: Calling the large, ancient tree a “sapling” was a misnomer.


  • Meaning: An imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole; or a high point.
  • Example: The meridian line passes through Greenwich, England.


  • Meaning: Small or minor details.
  • Example: The minutiae of the contract were carefully reviewed by the lawyer.


  • Meaning: A cloak or covering; or a role or responsibility.
  • Example: She took on the mantle of leadership with great responsibility.


  • Meaning: Subject to debate or dispute; not relevant.
  • Example: The question of who should be the leader became moot after the decision was made.


  • Meaning: A small area or spot distinguished from its surroundings.
  • Example: The mark on the wall was a result of a previous accident.


  • Meaning: To hold the attention of someone to the exclusion of all else.
  • Example: The magician’s performance mesmerized the entire audience.


  • Meaning: A place where goods and services are bought and sold.
  • Example: The farmers’ market offered fresh produce and homemade goods.


  • Meaning: Extremely large or heavy.
  • Example: The massive sculpture stood prominently in the museum’s entrance.


  • Meaning: A type of fungus with a cap and stem, often edible.
  • Example: The chef added mushrooms to the pasta for extra flavor.


  • Meaning: A follower or underling of a powerful person.
  • Example: The villain’s minions carried out his orders without question.


  • Meaning: Having a pleasing melody or tune.
  • Example: The song had a melodic quality that made it memorable.


  • Meaning: The force of attraction or repulsion between magnetic materials.
  • Example: The magnetism of the magnet was strong enough to lift several paperclips.


  • Meaning: Representing the prevailing current of thought or activity.
  • Example: His music became mainstream after he signed with a major label.


  • Meaning: To make something magnetic.
  • Example: They used a special process to magnetize the metal.


  • Meaning: A temporary prohibition or suspension of an activity.
  • Example: The city imposed a moratorium on new construction until the zoning issues were resolved.


  • Meaning: An instrument that converts sound into an electrical signal.
  • Example: The speaker used a microphone to ensure everyone could hear the presentation.


  • Meaning: To keep in an existing state or condition.
  • Example: It’s important to maintain the equipment regularly to ensure it functions properly.


  • Meaning: A place where bodies are kept, especially for identification or autopsy.
  • Example: The police brought the unidentified body to the morgue for examination.


  • Meaning: The middle of the night; 12:00 a.m.
  • Example: The party lasted until midnight, when everyone finally went home.


  • Meaning: A life-size model of the human form used to display clothing.
  • Example: The store used mannequins to showcase the latest fashion trends.


  • Meaning: Great joy, amusement, or happiness.
  • Example: The room was filled with mirth as they celebrated their friend’s birthday.


  • Meaning: To make fun of someone or something in a scornful manner.
  • Example: The comedian’s routine often included mocking current events.


  • Meaning: A temporary state of mind or feeling.
  • Example: Her mood brightened significantly after receiving the good news.


  • Meaning: To combine two or more substances.
  • Example: She decided to mix the paint colors to get the shade she wanted.


  • Meaning: To feel or show deep sorrow for someone’s death.
  • Example: The community gathered to mourn the loss of their beloved teacher.


  • Meaning: To make a sound quieter or less distinct.
  • Example: He used a pillow to muffle the sound of the alarm.


  • Meaning: A mixture used to bind bricks or stones together.
  • Example: The mason applied mortar between the bricks to hold them in place.


  • Meaning: To handle or treat roughly; or a heavy, often iron-headed weapon.
  • Example: The bear mauled the tree as if trying to remove the bark.


  • Meaning: A person who suffers or dies for a cause or belief.
  • Example: The early Christians were often martyrs for their faith.


  • Meaning: A rounded mass of earth or other material.
  • Example: The children built a snow mound in the yard to play on.


  • Meaning: A place where coins are manufactured; or a plant with aromatic leaves.
  • Example: The mint produced the new coins with a fresh design.


  • Meaning: To injure someone so that part of their body is permanently damaged.
  • Example: The accident maimed him, leaving him with a lifelong disability.


  • Meaning: To damage or spoil something.
  • Example: The scratch marred the otherwise perfect surface of the table.


  • Meaning: A tiny particle or speck.
  • Example: The sunbeam revealed a mote of dust floating in the air.


  • Meaning: Soft, wet earth.
  • Example: The heavy rain turned the path into a muddy mess.


  • Meaning: To walk with regular, measured steps; or a month of the year.
  • Example: They marched in formation during the parade.


  • Meaning: An insect known for its attraction to light.
  • Example: The moth fluttered around the porch light all evening.


  • Meaning: A type of tree known for its distinctive leaves and syrup.
  • Example: The maple tree in the yard turned brilliant red in the fall.


  • Meaning: Increased in number or quantity by a specified factor.
  • Example: The profits from the business multiplied significantly over the year.


  • Meaning: A deep, persistent sadness or depression.
  • Example: His melancholia was evident in his somber artwork.


  • Meaning: A large painting or artwork applied directly to a wall.
  • Example: The mural on the school’s wall depicted a vibrant scene of local history.


  • Meaning: In a state of confusion or disorder.
  • Example: The instructions were so muddled that no one could follow them.


  • Meaning: So small that it can only be seen with a microscope.
  • Example: The scientist studied microscopic organisms under a powerful microscope.

Intermediate Words That Start With M

Intermediate Words That Start With M -
Intermediate Words That Start With M -

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