Intermediate Words That Start With Z
Z is often the last letter we think of when expanding our vocabulary. But fear not, language lovers! There are some interesting and useful words that begin with this often-overlooked letter.
List of Intermediate Words That Start With Z
- Zeal
- Zebra
- Zenith
- Zephyr
- Zest
- Zigzag
- Zinc
- Zip
- Zircon
- Zombie
- Zone
- Zoology
- Zoom
- Zucchini
- Zipper
- Zealot
- Zillion
- Zany
- Zenithal
- Zestful
- Zincify
- Ziplock
- Zit
- Zigzagged
- Zinnia
- Zooplankton
- Zookeeper
- Zodiac
- Zooming
- Zestfulness
- Zippered
- Zygote
- Zestfully
- Zephyrine
- Zapping
- Zigzagging
- Zonule
- Zoologist
- Zoomorphic
- Zippering
- Zing
- Zombify
- Zooplanktonic
- Zorbing
- Zoonotic
- Zither
- Zonary
- Zoolatry
- Zoonosis
- Zygomatic
- Zealously
- Zealotry
- Zephyranthe
- Zygomorphic
- Zygosity
- Zander
- Zebu
- Zygomaticus
- Zookeeper’s
- Zoysia
- Zeolitic
- Zamboni
- Zein
- Zeppelins
- Zeta
- Zirconia
- Zooglea
- Zoographic
- Zoogony
- Zoography
- Zootomy
- Zoster
- Zymogram
- Zymology
- Zoonomy
- Zoogleal
- Zoogenic
- Zoogamous
- Zoonal
- Zooned
- Zygomata
- Zygomycete
- Zymotic
- Zydeco
- Zooning
- Zoosperm
- Zoopath
- Zoopathic
- Zooplasty
- Zounds
- Zoonitic
- Zoroastrian
- Zygodactyl
- Zabaione
- Zagging
- Zabaglione
- Zanyism
- Zaphara
- Zarzuela
- Zeatin
- Zazen
- Zeedonk
- Zehner
- Zenana
- Zephyranthes
- Zephyrs
- Zerda
- Zeroes
- Zeroth
- Zibeline
- Zigging
- Zighyr
- Zigzagger
- Zigzaggy
- Zikkurat
- Zillahs
- Zimmis
- Zinky
- Zinnwaldite
- Zircaloy
- Zircons
- Zirconoid
- Zirconium
- Zirko
- Zizel
- Zizzed
- Zloties
- Zloty
- Zocalo
- Zodiacal
- Zodiacally
- Zodiacs
- Zohar
- Zoic
- Zoilean
- Zoilism
- Zoisite
- Zoistic
- Zokor
- Zombielike
- Zombiest
- Zombieism
- Zombifying
- Zombor
- Zombros
- Zona
- Zonality
- Zonal
- Zonally
- Zonate
- Zonation
- Zonations
- Zonda
- Zoneless
- Zonesthesia
- Zoning
- Zonings
- Zonites
- Zonitic
- Zonkey
- Zono
- Zonobiomes
- Zonocline
- Zonogam
- Zonometer
- Zonometers
- Zoon
- Zoonery
- Zoonist
- Zooper
- Zooperal
- Zooperist
- Zoopery
- Zoophyte
- Zoophytes
- Zoophytic
- Zoophytish
- Zoophobous
- Zoopilous
- Zooplus
- Zoopraxis
- Zoopsic
- Zoopsist
- Zoopsychic
- Zoose
- Zoosophy
- Zoospermatic
- Zoosterol
- Zoosystem
- Zootechnical
- Zootechnic
- Zootechnist
- Zootechny
- Zootic
- Zootoca
- Zootomies
- Zootoxin
- Zootoxins
- Zootrophic
- Zootroph
- Zootrophist
- Zootrophy
- Zootypic
- Zootype
- Zootypist
- Zootypists
- Zootypes
- Zootypically
- Zootypicly
- Zorino
- Zorotypic
- Zorotypidae
- Zorotypinae
- Zorotypoid
- Zorotypous
- Zostera
- Zosteriform
- Zosterlike
- Zosterous
- Zosterovirus
- Zotique
- Zotun
- Zotuna
- Zotune
- Zotunes
- Zotyn
- Zotyna
- Zotyne
- Zotynes
- Zouaves
- Zouaveries
- Zouavery
- Zouavist
- Zournas
- Zowie
- Zozorba
- Zozulus
- Zubzub
- Zucchetto
- Zudda
- Zuker
- Zuni
- Zuppa
- Zurich
Intermediate Words That Start With Z with meaning and example
Meaning: Great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.
Example: She approached her studies with zeal, determined to learn everything she could.
Meaning: An African wild horse with black-and-white stripes.
Example: The zebra is known for its unique striped coat.
Meaning: The highest point or peak.
Example: The sun reached its zenith at noon, casting no shadows.
Meaning: A gentle, mild breeze.
Example: A zephyr blew through the open window, bringing a refreshing scent of spring.
Meaning: Great enthusiasm and energy, or the outer skin of citrus fruits used for flavor.
Example: He added lemon zest to the recipe for extra flavor.
Meaning: A pattern characterized by sharp turns or angles.
Example: The path to the summit zigzagged up the steep hill.
Meaning: A chemical element (Zn) that is a bluish-white metal, often used in alloys and galvanization.
Example: The fence was coated in zinc to prevent rusting.
Meaning: To fasten with a zipper or to move quickly.
Example: She zipped her jacket before going outside into the cold.
Meaning: A mineral that is often used as a gemstone and as a substitute for diamond.
Example: The ring featured a sparkling zircon that looked just like a diamond.
Meaning: A fictional undead being created through the reanimation of a human corpse.
Example: The movie was about a group of survivors trying to escape a zombie apocalypse.
Meaning: An area or region distinguished from others by some characteristic.
Example: The city has designated a special zone for wildlife protection.
Meaning: The scientific study of animals.
Example: She decided to major in zoology because of her love for wildlife.
Meaning: To move quickly or to increase the size of an image in a digital context.
Example: The camera can zoom in to capture fine details.
Meaning: A type of summer squash that is green and cylindrical in shape.
Example: I added zucchini to the stir-fry for extra flavor and nutrition.
Meaning: A fastening device consisting of two strips of fabric with interlocking metal or plastic teeth.
Example: She pulled up the zipper on her jacket to stay warm.
Meaning: A person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their ideals.
Example: The zealot devoted his life to spreading his beliefs.
Meaning: An extremely large number; often used informally to denote an unspecified large quantity.
Example: There are a zillion stars in the night sky.
Meaning: Amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic.
Example: The zany clown made everyone laugh with his silly antics.
Meaning: Relating to the zenith; highest point.
Example: The zenithal position of the sun caused intense heat at noon.
Meaning: Full of energy and enthusiasm.
Example: Her zestful personality made her the life of the party.
Meaning: To coat with zinc, especially for protection against corrosion.
Example: The metal parts were zincified to increase their durability.
Meaning: A type of resealable plastic bag.
Example: She stored the leftovers in a ziplock bag to keep them fresh.
Meaning: An informal term for a pimple.
Example: He woke up with a zit on his nose before the big dance.
Meaning: To move back and forth in sharp angles.
Example: The car zigzagged down the winding road.
Meaning: A brightly colored flower that blooms in summer and fall.
Example: The garden was filled with vibrant zinnias.
Meaning: Microscopic animals that float in water, often a key part of aquatic ecosystems.
Example: The ocean is home to a variety of zooplankton that serve as food for larger fish.
Meaning: A person who manages or works in a zoo.
Example: The zookeeper fed the lions early in the morning.
Meaning: A circle of twelve 30° divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic; used in astrology.
Example: She enjoys reading her horoscope based on her zodiac sign.
Meaning: Moving quickly or the act of increasing the size of an image in digital media.
Example: The children were zooming down the hill on their sleds.
Meaning: The quality of being enthusiastic or full of energy.
Example: His zestfulness for life inspired everyone around him.
Meaning: Fastened with a zipper.
Example: She wore a zippered jacket on the chilly day.
Meaning: The fertilized egg that is the beginning of a new organism.
Example: The zygote begins to divide and develop into an embryo.
Meaning: In a way that shows great enthusiasm or energy.
Example: She tackled her homework zestfully, eager to learn.
Meaning: Of or relating to a gentle breeze.
Example: The zephyrine winds made for a pleasant day at the beach.
Meaning: The act of destroying or removing something quickly.
Example: He was zapping through channels on the TV looking for something interesting.
Meaning: Moving in a pattern of sharp turns and angles.
Example: The path was zigzagging through the forest, making it difficult to walk.
Meaning: A small zone or area, often used in a biological context.
Example: The zonule of Zinn can be observed under a microscope.
Meaning: A scientist who studies animals.
Example: The zoologist conducted research on endangered species.
Meaning: Having animal forms or characteristics.
Example: The artist’s work featured zoomorphic designs inspired by wildlife.
Meaning: The act of fastening with a zipper.
Example: He was zippering up his jacket as the wind picked up.
Meaning: A sharp or lively quality; to move with a sharp sound.
Example: The speaker added a zing to his presentation with humorous anecdotes.
Meaning: To make or become like a zombie; to make lifeless or dull.
Example: The late-night movie seemed to zombify the audience with its slow pace.
Meaning: Pertaining to zooplankton; the animal form of plankton.
Example: The zooplanktonic organisms are essential to marine food webs.
Meaning: The recreational activity of rolling downhill inside an orb or inflatable ball.
Example: They had fun zorbing down the grassy hill at the amusement park.
Meaning: Referring to diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
Example: Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can be fatal if not treated.
Meaning: A musical instrument with strings that are plucked or strummed.
Example: She played a lovely melody on her zither during the performance.
Meaning: Relating to a zone or band; often used in botany or geology.
Example: The zonary layers of the earth show different geological formations.
Meaning: The worship of animals.
Example: Ancient cultures often practiced zoolatry, believing animals had divine powers.
Meaning: Any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from vertebrate animals to humans.
Example: The health department issued a warning about the zoonosis affecting local wildlife.
Meaning: Relating to the cheekbone or zygoma.
Example: The doctor examined the patient’s zygomatic bone after the injury.
Meaning: With great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or objective.
Example: He zealously defended his friend’s reputation.
Meaning: Fanatical and uncompromising pursuit of religious, political, or other ideals.
Example: The zealotry of the group made it difficult to have a balanced discussion.
Meaning: Relating to a gentle breeze, often used poetically.
Example: The zephyranthe day was perfect for a stroll along the beach.
Meaning: Having bilateral symmetry; capable of being divided into similar halves along one plane.
Example: The zygomorphic flowers are characteristic of many plant species.
Meaning: The degree of similarity of the alleles for a trait in an organism.
Example: Zygosity tests can help determine if twins are identical or fraternal.
Meaning: A type of freshwater fish, similar to pike, found in Europe and Asia.
Example: The zander is a popular catch among anglers in Eastern Europe.
Meaning: A type of domesticated cattle with a hump on its back, found in Asia and Africa.
Example: The zebu is known for its ability to survive in hot, arid environments.
Meaning: A muscle of the human face that is responsible for facial expressions like smiling.
Example: The zygomaticus muscle pulls the corners of the mouth upwards when you smile.
Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a zookeeper.
Example: The zookeeper’s uniform was practical for working with the animals.
Meaning: A type of grass that is commonly used in lawns and golf courses.
Example: Zoysia grass is favored for its durability and drought resistance.
Meaning: Relating to or containing zeolite, a mineral often used in water purification.
Example: The zeolitic structure of the filter helps in trapping contaminants.
Meaning: A machine used to smooth the surface of an ice rink.
Example: The Zamboni cleaned the ice between hockey periods.
Meaning: A class of prolamine protein found in maize (corn).
Example: Zein is often used in biodegradable plastics and coatings.
Meaning: Large airships, especially those used during World War I.
Example: The Zeppelins were a marvel of early 20th-century engineering.
Meaning: The sixth letter of the Greek alphabet, often used in mathematics and science.
Example: The Zeta function is an important tool in number theory.
Meaning: A synthetic material used in ceramics, known for its durability and similarity to diamond.
Example: Zirconia is often used in dental crowns for its strength and appearance.
Meaning: A gelatinous matrix of bacterial cells found in water purification systems.
Example: The zooglea helps in the breakdown of organic matter in wastewater treatment.
Meaning: Relating to the description of animals.
Example: The zoographic study provided detailed descriptions of various animal species.
Meaning: The study of the origin and development of animals.
Example: Zoogony explores how different animal species have evolved over time.
Meaning: The scientific description of animals and their habitats.
Example: His work in zoography has led to the discovery of several new species.
Meaning: The dissection or anatomy of animals.
Example: Zootomy is a crucial part of studying animal biology.
Meaning: Another term for shingles, a viral infection causing a painful rash.
Example: He was diagnosed with zoster after experiencing a painful rash on his back.
Meaning: A gel used to detect enzyme activity.
Example: The zymogram revealed the presence of active enzymes in the sample.
Meaning: The study of fermentation processes.
Example: Zymology is key to understanding how beer and bread are made.
Meaning: The laws of animal life and behavior.
Example: The textbook on zoonomy was essential reading for students of veterinary science.
Meaning: Relating to or resembling zooglea.
Example: The zoogleal mass in the water treatment plant is essential for filtering impurities.
Meaning: Caused or produced by animals.
Example: Some diseases are zoogenic, originating from animal sources.
Meaning: Relating to sexual reproduction in animals.
Example: Zoogamous species typically have complex mating rituals.
Meaning: Pertaining to a zone.
Example: The zonal distribution of plants depends on altitude and climate.
Meaning: Divided into zones.
Example: The city was zooned into residential and commercial areas.
Meaning: The plural form of zygoma, referring to the cheekbones.
Example: The zygomata are prominent features in some facial structures.
Meaning: A type of fungus characterized by the formation of zygospores.
Example: Zygomycetes are found in soil and decaying plant matter.
Meaning: Relating to or causing fermentation or infection.
Example: The zymotic process is essential for brewing beer.
Meaning: A genre of music originating from Louisiana, combining Cajun and Creole styles.
Example: The zydeco band had everyone dancing to their lively tunes.
Meaning: The act of dividing an area into zones.
Example: The council is zooning the city to better organize its growth.
Meaning: The male gamete in animals; spermatozoon.
Example: Zoosperms are crucial for the fertilization process in animals.
Meaning: A practitioner who treats diseases in animals.
Example: The zoopath provided care for the injured wildlife.
Meaning: Relating to the treatment of animal diseases.
Example: Zoopathic remedies were used to treat the sick livestock.
Meaning: The surgical repair or reconstruction of animal tissue.
Example: Zooplasty is often performed on injured animals to restore function.
Meaning: An exclamation used to express surprise or indignation.
Example: “Zounds! I didn’t expect to see you here!” he exclaimed.
Meaning: Relating to Zoroastrianism, one of the world’s oldest continuously practiced religions.
Example: The Zoroastrian temple is a sacred place of worship.
Meaning: Having toes arranged in pairs, with two pointing forward and two backward, as in parrots.
Example: The zygodactyl feet of the parrot allow it to grasp branches easily.
Meaning: An Italian dessert made of whipped egg yolks, sugar, and sweet wine.
Example: The zabaione was served with fresh berries as a delightful end to the meal.
Meaning: Making sharp turns in a zigzag pattern.
Example: The car was zagging across the road to avoid potholes.
Meaning: Another term for zabaione, a classic Italian dessert.
Example: The chef prepared a light and airy zabaglione for dessert.
Meaning: The behavior of a zany; clownish or comical conduct.
Example: His zanyism made him a favorite among children at the party.
Meaning: A rare and poetic term, often used to describe a breeze.
Example: The zaphara gently rustled the leaves in the garden.
Meaning: A Spanish lyric-dramatic genre that alternates between spoken and sung scenes, typically with operatic and popular songs.
Example: The zarzuela performance captivated the audience with its lively music and drama.
Meaning: The study or practice of fermentation in brewing, winemaking, or distilling.
Example: Zymurgy is a crucial field for those interested in creating alcoholic beverages.
- Meaning: A type of cytokinin, a class of plant hormone that promotes cell division.
- Example: Zeatin plays a crucial role in the growth of plants by stimulating cell division.
- Meaning: A form of seated meditation in Zen Buddhism.
- Example: Practicing zazen helps clear the mind and promotes inner peace.
- Meaning: A hybrid animal resulting from the crossbreeding of a zebra and a donkey.
- Example: The zoo had a rare zeedonk, which fascinated visitors with its striped legs.
- Meaning: A German term used to refer to a coin worth ten units of currency.
- Example: The collector added a 19th-century zehner to his coin collection.
- Meaning: The part of a house reserved for the women in some South Asian cultures.
- Example: The zenana was beautifully decorated with intricate tapestries and cushions.
- Meaning: A genus of flowering plants, commonly known as rain lilies.
- Example: The zephyranthes bloomed beautifully after the first rainfall of the season.
- Meaning: Soft, gentle breezes.
- Example: The zephyrs blowing from the sea made the summer evening pleasant.
- Meaning: Another term for the fennec fox, a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara.
- Example: The zerda is known for its large ears, which help it stay cool in the desert heat.
- Meaning: Plural of zero; figures that represent no quantity or value.
- Example: The mathematician explained how adding zeroes can shift a number’s value in place value.
- Meaning: Preceding the first in a series, often used in theoretical contexts.
- Example: The zeroth law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of temperature.
- Meaning: A soft fabric made from the fur of the sable or similar animals.
- Example: The zibeline coat was luxurious and perfect for the cold winter nights.
- Meaning: Making a sharp turn or change in direction.
- Example: The skier was zigging down the slope with great skill.
- Meaning: A rare term for a type of strong, sudden wind.
- Example: The zighyr nearly knocked over the street vendor’s cart.
- Meaning: Someone or something that moves in a zigzag pattern.
- Example: The zigzagger on the dance floor kept everyone entertained with his unpredictable moves.
- Meaning: Full of sharp turns or angles; zigzag in nature.
- Example: The zigzaggy path through the mountains was difficult to navigate.
- Meaning: A type of massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia, often a terraced pyramid.
- Example: The zikkurat stood tall, a testament to the architectural skills of ancient civilizations.
- Meaning: Districts or administrative divisions in India or Pakistan.
- Example: The politician toured several zillahs during his campaign.
- Meaning: Non-Muslims living under Muslim rule, protected by paying a tax.
- Example: The zimmis were allowed to practice their religion freely in exchange for a tax.
- Meaning: Containing or resembling zinc.
- Example: The zinky taste of the water indicated it might be contaminated with metal.
- Meaning: A mineral belonging to the mica group, often found in granite.
- Example: The geologist identified the shiny specks in the rock as zinnwaldite.
- Meaning: A group of high-strength zirconium alloys used in nuclear reactors.
- Example: Zircaloy is chosen for its corrosion resistance in the harsh environment of a reactor.
- Meaning: Crystalline compounds of zirconium silicate, used as gemstones and in industrial applications.
- Example: The zircons in her necklace sparkled almost like diamonds.
- Meaning: Resembling zircon or having the qualities of zircon.
- Example: The zirconoid crystals were nearly as hard as diamonds.
- Meaning: A chemical element (Zr) with strong resistance to corrosion.
- Example: Zirconium is often used in the nuclear industry due to its ability to withstand extreme conditions.
- Meaning: A fictional or stylized term for zirconium or something related.
- Example: The engineers nicknamed the new alloy “Zirko” for its high zirconium content.
- Meaning: A type of ground squirrel found in parts of Europe and Asia.
- Example: The zizel burrowed quickly into the ground when it sensed danger.
- Meaning: Made a whizzing or buzzing sound.
- Example: The bees zizzed around the flowers, busy collecting nectar.
- Meaning: The plural form of zloty, the currency of Poland.
- Example: She exchanged her euros for zloties at the airport before continuing her journey.
- Meaning: The basic monetary unit of Poland.
- Example: The cost of the meal was 50 zloty.
- Meaning: A public square or plaza in a Mexican city.
- Example: The zocalo was filled with people celebrating the national holiday.
- Meaning: Relating to the zodiac, a belt of the heavens divided into twelve signs.
- Example: The zodiacal light is visible just before sunrise or after sunset in dark skies.
- Meaning: In a manner related to the zodiac.
- Example: The zodiacally aligned monuments were believed to be connected to ancient star worship.
- Meaning: The twelve astrological signs or a small, inflatable boat.
- Example: The zodiacs were used to transport tourists to the remote island.
- Meaning: A foundational work in the literature of Jewish mystical thought known as Kabbalah.
- Example: The Zohar is studied by those interested in deep mystical teachings.
- Meaning: Relating to animals or having animal characteristics.
- Example: The zoic era was marked by the emergence of complex life forms.
- Meaning: Relating to Zoilus, a critic known for his harsh judgments, or harshly critical.
- Example: His zoilean review of the play was both feared and respected by actors.
- Meaning: Severe and unfair criticism.
- Example: The author’s latest work faced unwarranted zoilism from some critics.
- Meaning: A mineral, often green or blue, used as a gemstone.
- Example: The jeweler polished the zoisite, revealing its vibrant color.
- Meaning: Relating to animal life or resembling an animal.
- Example: The zoistic behavior of the character added a wild element to the story.
- Meaning: A burrowing rodent found in East Asia.
- Example: The zokor is adapted to life underground, with strong limbs for digging.
- Meaning: Resembling a zombie; lethargic or mechanical in behavior.
- Example: After pulling an all-nighter, he moved through the day in a zombielike state.
- Meaning: The most zombie-like or resembling a zombie.
- Example: On Halloween, she wore the zombiest costume at the party.
- Meaning: The condition or state of being like a zombie.
- Example: The movie depicted a world overrun by the spread of zombieism.
- Meaning: Transforming into a zombie or making something zombie-like.
- Example: The virus was zombifying the population at an alarming rate.
- Meaning: A fictional or stylized term often used in fantasy literature.
- Example: The wizard summoned a Zombor to guard the ancient relic.
- Meaning: A colloquial or fictional term, possibly referring to a group of zombies or brothers.
- Example: The Zombros roamed the city, searching for their next victim.
- Meaning: A band or zone, often used in anatomical or geographical contexts.
- Example: The zona pellucida is a protective layer around the egg cell.
- Meaning: The distribution or arrangement of something into zones.
- Example: The zonality of vegetation is influenced by altitude and climate.
- Meaning: Relating to or arranged in zones.
- Example: The zonal distribution of plants was evident as we climbed the mountain.
- Meaning: In a manner related to or affecting zones.
- Example: The disease spread zonally, affecting different regions at different times.
- Meaning: Marked with zones or bands.
- Example: The zonate pattern on the shell made it unique among the other fossils.
- Meaning: The arrangement or distribution of something in zones.
- Example: The zonation of species in the intertidal zone is determined by tidal exposure.
- Meaning: Plural of zonation, referring to multiple instances of such distribution.
- Example: The study focused on the zonations of coral reefs across the Pacific.
- Meaning: A hot, dry wind blowing down the eastern slopes of the Andes in Argentina.
- Example: The zonda wind made the afternoon unbearable with its scorching heat.
- Meaning: Without zones or not divided into zones.
- Example: The zoneless map made it difficult to distinguish different climate regions.
- Meaning: A form of sensory perception limited to a specific zone of the body.
- Example: The patient reported zonesthesia in the area surrounding the wound.
- Meaning: The process of dividing an area into zones for specific purposes.
- Example: The city council approved the zoning plan for the new residential area.
- Meaning: Plural of zoning; multiple instances or systems of zoning.
- Example: The urban planner reviewed various zonings before finalizing the master plan.
- Meaning: A genus of air-breathing land snails.
- Example: The researcher discovered a new species within the Zonites genus.
- Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of a zone or zones.
- Example: The zonitic distribution of minerals in the area was meticulously mapped.
- Meaning: A hybrid animal resulting from the crossbreeding of a zebra and a donkey.
- Example: The zoo’s latest attraction was a zonkey, a rare and fascinating hybrid.
- Meaning: A shortened or stylized term, possibly related to zones.
- Example: The Zono region is known for its unique wildlife and ecosystems.
- Meaning: Large ecological zones characterized by specific climate and vegetation.
- Example: The zonobiomes of the world range from tropical rainforests to arctic tundras.
- Meaning: A gradient or change in a specific characteristic across a zone.
- Example: The zonocline in temperature affected the distribution of marine life.
- Meaning: A rare term referring to a type of reproductive system or process.
- Example: The zonogam process in certain species is still not fully understood by scientists.
- Meaning: An instrument used for measuring zones or gradients.
- Example: The researchers used a zonometer to study the thermal zonation in the lake.
- Meaning: Plural of zonometer; multiple instruments for measuring zones.
- Example: Zonometers were placed at different depths to record the temperature gradient.
- Meaning: An individual animal or organism, often used in a biological context.
- Example: The study focused on the behavior of the zoon in its natural habitat.
- Meaning: A collection or study of animals; a rare or stylized term.
- Example: The zoologist’s zoonery included detailed observations of various species.
- Meaning: A person who studies or advocates for animals.
- Example: The zoonist dedicated his life to the conservation of endangered species.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional term, possibly related to something super or exceptional in the animal world.
- Example: The new zoo exhibit was dubbed “Zooper” for its extraordinary display of wildlife.
- Meaning: Relating to something exceptionally good or extraordinary in the animal world.
- Example: The zooperal performance of the trained animals left the audience in awe.
- Meaning: A person who excels in something related to animals, possibly fictional.
- Example: The zooperist was known for his amazing ability to communicate with wild animals.
- Meaning: The study or observation of animals; a rare term.
- Example: His zoopery included detailed notes on the feeding habits of different species.
- Meaning: An invertebrate animal resembling a plant, such as coral.
- Example: The zoophyte colony formed intricate structures on the ocean floor.
- Meaning: Plural of zoophyte; multiple plant-like invertebrates.
- Example: The reef was teeming with various zoophytes, each contributing to the ecosystem.
- Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of zoophytes.
- Example: The zoophytic growth on the rocks created a beautiful underwater landscape.
- Meaning: Somewhat or partially like a zoophyte.
- Example: The organism had a zoophytish appearance, though it was not a true zoophyte.
- Meaning: Having an irrational fear of animals.
- Example: His zoophobous tendencies made him avoid zoos and pet stores altogether.
- Meaning: Attracted to or beneficial for animals.
- Example: The garden was designed to be zoopilous, attracting birds and small mammals.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional term, possibly referring to something superior in the animal world.
- Example: The Zooplus event showcased the latest innovations in animal care and training.
- Meaning: The study of animal movement, especially in the context of early motion pictures.
- Example: The zoopraxis research provided insights into the gait patterns of various species.
- Meaning: Relating to the psychological study of animals.
- Example: The zoopsic study focused on understanding the behavior of primates in captivity.
- Meaning: A person who studies the psychological aspects of animals.
- Example: The zoopsist presented her findings at the international animal behavior conference.
- Meaning: Concerning the mental processes or psychology of animals.
- Example: The zoopsychic traits of dolphins indicate a high level of intelligence and social interaction.
- Meaning: A rare or stylized term, possibly related to animals or zoos.
- Example: The exhibit, titled “Zoose,” featured a unique collection of exotic animals.
- Meaning: Knowledge or study of animals; animal wisdom.
- Example: Zoosophy has deepened our understanding of the complex behaviors of wild creatures.
- Meaning: Relating to or resembling animal sperm.
- Example: The zoospermatic study revealed fascinating details about the reproduction of marine animals.
- Meaning: A type of sterol found in animal tissues.
- Example: Zoosterol plays a vital role in the structure and function of cell membranes in animals.
- Meaning: The organized system of animals within a particular environment.
- Example: The zoosystem of the rainforest is incredibly diverse, with thousands of species coexisting.
- Meaning: Relating to the technology and methods used in the management of animal production.
- Example: Zootechnical advances have improved the efficiency of livestock farming.
- Meaning: Pertaining to the science and technology of managing animal agriculture.
- Example: Zootechnic innovations are essential for meeting the growing demand for animal products.
- Meaning: A specialist in zootechnics or the management of animal husbandry.
- Example: The zootechnist developed new techniques to enhance the health and productivity of dairy cattle.
- Meaning: The science or practice of animal husbandry.
- Example: Zootechny encompasses breeding, feeding, and caring for domestic animals.
- Meaning: Relating to animals or the animal kingdom.
- Example: The zootic characteristics of the species were studied in detail by the biologists.
- Meaning: A genus of lizards in the family Lacertidae.
- Example: The Zootoca vivipara is a common species of lizard found in Europe.
- Meaning: Plural of zootomy; anatomical dissections of animals.
- Example: The zootomies performed in the lab provided valuable insights into the structure of various species.
- Meaning: A toxin produced by or derived from animals.
- Example: The zootoxin found in the snake’s venom is highly potent and can be lethal.
- Meaning: Relating to or involving the feeding of animals.
- Example: The zootrophic process in the zoo ensures that all animals receive a balanced diet.
- Meaning: An organism that feeds on animals.
- Example: The zootroph is a vital component of the ecosystem, controlling the population of smaller animals.
- Meaning: A person who specializes in the feeding and nutrition of animals.
- Example: The zootrophist provided valuable advice on the dietary needs of the endangered species.
- Meaning: The process of feeding animals.
- Example: The zootrophy practices at the sanctuary are designed to mimic the animals’ natural diets.
- Meaning: Relating to the typical characteristics of a particular animal.
- Example: The zootypic features of the tiger include its striped coat and powerful build.
- Meaning: A typical or representative animal of a species.
- Example: The lion is often considered the zootype of courage in various cultures.
- Meaning: A person who studies or identifies typical animal characteristics.
- Example: The zootypist classified the new species based on its unique features.
- Meaning: Plural of zootypist; individuals who study or identify typical animal characteristics.
- Example: The conference was attended by several zootypists from around the world.
- Meaning: Plural of zootype; typical or representative animals of a species.
- Example: The museum displayed zootypes of various extinct species.
- Meaning: In a manner relating to typical animal characteristics.
- Example: The animal’s behavior was zootypically aggressive, as expected during mating season.
- Meaning: Another form of the word “zootypically,” relating to typical animal characteristics.
- Example: The researchers observed the zootypicly consistent traits among the primates.
- Meaning: A type of fur used in clothing, often from a skunk or similar animal.
- Example: The coat was lined with zorino, providing both warmth and luxury.
- Meaning: Relating to or characteristic of the genus Zorotypus.
- Example: The zorotypic insects are small and often found in decaying wood.
- Meaning: A family of small, primitive insects in the order Zoraptera.
- Example: The Zorotypidae family includes some of the most ancient species of insects.
- Meaning: A subfamily within Zorotypidae, focusing on a specific group of these insects.
- Example: The entomologist studied the behavior of the Zorotypinae in their natural habitat.
- Meaning: Resembling or related to the genus Zorotypus.
- Example: The newly discovered species had zorotypoid characteristics, leading to further classification studies.
- Meaning: Having characteristics of or pertaining to the Zorotypus genus.
- Example: The zorotypous insects are known for their simple body structure.
- Meaning: A genus of seagrass, commonly known as eelgrass.
- Example: The Zostera beds provide critical habitat for many marine species.
- Meaning: Resembling a herpes zoster (shingles) rash, often in a linear or band-like pattern.
- Example: The patient presented with a zosteriform rash along the side of the torso.
- Meaning: Similar in appearance to herpes zoster.
- Example: The dermatologist noted the zosterlike lesions on the patient’s back.
- Meaning: Relating to or resembling shingles or a girdle-like band.
- Example: The zosterous pain radiated from the spine, consistent with the symptoms of shingles.
- Meaning: A genus of viruses known to infect plants, causing various diseases.
- Example: The outbreak of zosterovirus in the vineyard significantly reduced the grape harvest.
- Meaning: A rare or stylized name, sometimes used in literature or mythology.
- Example: The tale of Zotique is a legend passed down through generations in the village.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional term, possibly related to a place or entity.
- Example: The ancient texts described Zotun as a land of great wealth and mystery.
- Meaning: A variant or stylized form of Zotun, used in literature or storytelling.
- Example: The epic saga of Zotuna captivated readers with its tales of adventure.
- Meaning: Another stylized or fictional term, possibly related to Zotun or Zotuna.
- Example: The ruins of Zotune were said to be filled with treasures beyond imagination.
- Meaning: Plural form of Zotune; multiple instances or aspects related to the term.
- Example: The ancient chronicles mentioned the Zotunes as a series of connected cities.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional term, potentially related to a character or place.
- Example: The hero Zotyn was known for his unmatched bravery and wisdom.
- Meaning: A variant of Zotyn, used in a different context or story.
- Example: The legend of Zotyna is still told by the elders as a cautionary tale.
- Meaning: Another form of Zotyn, possibly with a different connotation.
- Example: The Zotyne mountains were believed to be the resting place of the gods.
- Meaning: Plural form of Zotyne; multiple aspects or stories related to the term.
- Example: The Zotynes were a series of sacred texts that guided the ancient civilization.
- Meaning: A group of French soldiers known for their distinctive uniforms and fierce fighting skills.
- Example: The Zouaves were renowned for their bravery in battle during the Crimean War.
- Meaning: Plural of Zouavery, referring to the actions or practices of Zouaves.
- Example: The zouaveries of the French troops became legendary throughout Europe.
- Meaning: The state or condition of being a Zouave, often related to military prowess.
- Example: His zouavery was evident in his disciplined approach to military training.
- Meaning: A supporter or member of the Zouaves, often used in a historical context.
- Example: The zouavist was proud of his heritage and maintained the traditions of his ancestors.
- Meaning: A type of traditional wind instrument from the Middle East, similar to a shawm.
- Example: The haunting sound of the zournas echoed through the mountains during the festival.
- Meaning: An exclamation used to express surprise or admiration.
- Example: “Zowie! That was an incredible performance!”
- Meaning: A fictional or stylized term, possibly related to a character or entity.
- Example: The tales of Zozorba are filled with mythical creatures and epic battles.
- Meaning: Another stylized or fictional term, potentially related to Zozorba.
- Example: The Zozulus tribe was known for their mysterious rituals and customs.
- Meaning: A stylized or playful term, possibly used in literature or colloquial speech.
- Example: The zubzub sound of the engine indicated that it needed maintenance.
- Meaning: A small, round skullcap worn by Roman Catholic clergy.
- Example: The bishop adjusted his zucchetto before entering the cathedral.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional term, possibly from literature or folklore.
- Example: The legend of Zudda speaks of a land where time stands still.
- Meaning: A stylized or fictional name, possibly used in storytelling.
- Example: The brave knight Zuker fought valiantly to protect his kingdom.
- Meaning: A member of a Native American tribe from the Southwestern United States.
- Example: The Zuni people are known for their intricate pottery and jewelry.
- Meaning: An Italian word for soup, often used to describe a variety of soups.
- Example: The zuppa di pesce was a delicious medley of seafood and vegetables.
- Meaning: The largest city in Switzerland, known for its financial institutions.
- Example: Zurich is often ranked as one of the world’s most livable cities.
Intermediate Words That Start With Z