40 Examples of Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative Sentences

What Is an Interrogative Sentence?

An interrogative sentence is a sentence that asks a question. While using some interrogative pronouns such as What, Whom, Where, Which, etc., we conventionally use the preposition at the start or at the end of the sentence. Interrogative sentences often start with interrogative pronouns and end with a question mark. Interrogative pronouns, typically “wh” words, include “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why,” “which,” “whose,” and “whom.”

The final punctuation is always a question mark (?).

As with other sentences in English, it should include subject and verb in interrogative sentences, and the word order is often changed to put the verb in front of the subject.

Interrogative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense.

Question Words:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why
  • Which
  • whose
  • Whom

What is an Interrogative Sentence?

An interrogative sentence is a type of sentence that asks a question. It usually ends with a question mark and is designed to elicit a response or information from the listener. For example:

  • What time is the meeting?
  • Are you coming to the party?

Interrogative sentences can be as simple as asking for confirmation or as complex as seeking detailed information. They help us engage with others by opening up conversations and inviting responses.

Examples of Interrogative Sentences

  • Now, who wants to save the world?
  • Which sweater goes best with these pants?
  • Who is coming to the play?
  • Would you be available to drive me?
  • Where shall we go?
  • Why is a raven like a writing-desk?
  • Are you going on holiday this weekend?
  • Are you more interested in dinosaurs or sharks?
  • When will people go to Mars?
  • What if the dinosaurs come back while we’re all asleep?
  • Who knows the answers to these questions?
  • Where did you lose your pen?
  • How do you spell relief?
  • Will you go abroad after you finish school?
  • How do you manage to laugh like this?
  • If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?
  • Whose is this red big notebook?
  • Where in the world did I leave my phone?
  • Tell me what you’re doing today?
  • Where can I see you again?
  • How did it get so late so soon?
  • How many times do you smoke?
  • Whom did you see yesterday?
  • Are my kids cute or do they make people uncomfortable?
  • Who fixed the computer?
  • Why are you not interested?
  • Whose pants are these?
  • Why didn’t you go to school?
  • Which car would make you happier?
  • Which do you prefer, white or blue?
  • Don’t you know who she is?
  • Why haven’t you completed your homework?
  • Can’t we be friends again?
  • Would you like a beer?
  • Will you please open the door for me?
  • How on earth did you think about me in that way?
  • Who is that man seating in the corner?
  • Why did he leave us then?
  • Does he care about us?
  • Does she love you as the way you do?

Types of Interrogative Sentences

There are several types of interrogative sentences, each serving a different purpose:

1. Yes/No Questions

These are the simplest type of interrogative sentences, requiring a yes or no answer. They are often formed by placing an auxiliary verb (such as is, are, can, or will) at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Is she coming to the office?
  • Can you help me with this?
  • Will you attend the meeting?

2. Wh- Questions

These questions start with question words like who, what, where, when, why, and how and are used to gather more detailed information.

  • What are you doing tomorrow?
  • Where is the nearest coffee shop?
  • Why are you late?
  • How does this machine work?

Each question word serves a unique purpose:

  • Who asks about people.
  • What asks about things or actions.
  • Where asks about places.
  • When asks about time.
  • Why asks for reasons or explanations.
  • How asks about methods, conditions, or amounts.

3. Choice Questions

These questions present two or more options and ask the listener to choose. They often start with an auxiliary verb, followed by two options connected by “or.”

  • Do you want coffee or tea?
  • Is it better to study in the morning or at night?
  • Should we take the bus or the train?

4. Tag Questions

Tag questions are used to confirm information or seek agreement. They are formed by adding a short question tag (such as isn’t it or aren’t you) to the end of a statement.

  • You’re coming with us, aren’t you?
  • The meeting is at 10 AM, isn’t it?
  • She’s your sister, right?

Tag questions can either confirm positive information (using a negative tag) or negative information (using a positive tag).

5. Indirect Questions

Indirect questions are more polite or formal versions of direct questions. They usually begin with an introductory phrase like Could you tell me, Do you know, or I wonder.

  • Could you tell me where the nearest pharmacy is?
  • Do you know what time the movie starts?
  • I wonder if you can help me.

Indirect questions soften the tone and are often used in formal or polite conversations.

How to Form Interrogative Sentences

Forming interrogative sentences involves a simple structure, but the formation can vary depending on the type of sentence. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Yes/No Questions:
    • Begin with an auxiliary verb (like is, are, have, or will), followed by the subject and the main verb.
    • Example: Are you going to the store?
  2. Wh- Questions:
    • Start with a question word (like who, what, where, when, or why), followed by an auxiliary verb and the subject.
    • Example: What time does the movie start?
  3. Choice Questions:
    • Begin with an auxiliary verb, followed by the subject, and then present the options using “or.”
    • Example: Would you like coffee or tea?
  4. Tag Questions:
    • Form a statement, then add the appropriate question tag, matching the tense and subject of the statement.
    • Example: It’s raining, isn’t it?
  5. Indirect Questions:
    • Start with a polite introductory phrase (such as Do you know or Could you tell me), followed by the main question in a statement form.
    • Example: Could you tell me how to get to the station?

Why Are Interrogative Sentences Important?

Interrogative sentences are vital for several reasons:

  • Facilitating Conversations: They encourage dialogue and allow you to engage others in meaningful discussions.
  • Seeking Information: Whether you’re clarifying instructions or learning new details, asking questions helps you gather important information.
  • Clarifying Doubts: When something is unclear, interrogative sentences enable you to request clarification and ensure understanding.
  • Building Relationships: Asking questions shows interest in the other person, helping you build stronger connections.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When forming interrogative sentences, be mindful of the following common errors:

  • Misplacing Auxiliary Verbs: Ensure that the auxiliary verb comes before the subject in yes/no and Wh- questions.
    • Incorrect: You are going to the store?
    • Correct: Are you going to the store?
  • Forgetting Question Marks: Always end interrogative sentences with a question mark to indicate a query.
  • Using the Wrong Tag: In tag questions, make sure the tag matches the tense of the statement.
    • Incorrect: You can swim, isn’t it?
    • Correct: You can swim, can’t you?

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40 Examples of Interrogative Sentences - wordscoach.com

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