List of 380+ Useful Words to Describe People and Things
What are Describing Words?
Describing words are words that are used to describe or provide additional information about a thing. Such words are used to describe a person, place, event, situation, etc. In most cases, a descriptive term is used to intensify the expression of the individuals.
Types of Describing Words in English
There are mainly two types of describing words in English. They are the ‘adjectives’ and the ‘adverbs’. Both adjectives and adverbs are very useful and are frequently used in conversations to describe or provide more information about a noun, a verb, and adjective or an adverb.
List of Describing Words To Describe People
Able | Analytical |
Angelic | Apathetic |
Apprehensive | Ardent |
Artificial | Artistic |
Assertive | Attentive |
Average | Awesome |
Careful | Careless |
Caustic | Cautious |
Charming | Cheerful |
Chic | Childish |
Childlike | Churlish |
Circumspect | Crabby |
Crafty | Cranky |
Crass | Critical |
Cruel | Curious |
Cynical | Dainty |
Decisive | Disruptive |
Distant | Distraught |
Distrustful | Dowdy |
Dramatic | Dreary |
Drowsy | Drugged |
Drunk | Flaky |
Flashy | Frank |
Friendly | Grouchy |
Guarded | Hateful |
Hypercritical | Hysterical |
Idiotic | Idle |
Illogical | Imaginative |
Immature | Immodest |
Impatient | Imperturbable |
Inconsiderate | Industrious |
Inexperienced | Insensitive |
Inspiring | Intelligent |
Interesting | Irritating |
Jocular | Jovial |
Level-Headed | Listless |
Lithe | Lively |
Local | Logical |
Long-Winded | Lovable |
Lovely | Maternal |
Mature | Mean |
Meddlesome | Mercurial |
Methodical | Meticulous |
Mild | Naive |
Nasty | Natural |
Nosy | Numb |
Obliging | Obnoxious |
Old-Fashioned | One-Sided |
Orderly | Ostentatious |
Outgoing | Outspoken |
Passionate | Passive |
Paternal | Paternalistic |
Petulant | Picky |
Polite | Popular |
Positive | Powerful |
Practical | Prejudiced |
Pretty | Proficient |
Proud | Provocative |
Prudent | Punctual |
Respected | Respectful |
Responsible | Restless |
Revered | Ridiculous |
Sad | Sassy |
Saucy | Sedate |
Self-Assured | Selfish |
Sensible | Sensitive |
Sentimental | Serene |
Serious | Sharp |
Short-Tempered | Shrewd |
Shy | Silly |
Sincere | Sleepy |
Slight | Sober |
Somber | Sophisticated |
Soulful | Soulless |
Sour | Spirited |
Spiteful | Stable |
Staid | Steady |
Stern | Stoic |
Striking | Strong |
Stupid | Surly |
Suspicious | Sweet |
Thoughtful | Thoughtless |
Timid | Tired |
Tolerant | Touchy |
Tranquil | Ugly |
Unaffected | Unbalanced |
Uncertain | Uncooperative |
Undependable | Unemotional |
Unfriendly | Unguarded |
Unhelpful | Unimaginative |
Unthinking | Unwilling |
Watchful | Weak |
Well-Behaved | Well-Rounded |
Willing | Wonderful |
Zealous |

List of Describing Words To Describe Things
Abundant | Agreeable |
Alive | Ancient |
Angry | Better |
Bewildered | Big |
Bitter | Black |
Blue | Boiling |
Brave | Breeze |
Brief | Broad |
Broken | Bumpy |
Calm | Careful |
Chilly | Chubby |
Clever | Clumsy |
Cold | Colossal |
Cooing | Cool |
Creepy | Crooked |
Cuddly | Curly |
Curved | Damaged |
Damp | Dead |
Deafening | Deep |
Defeated | Delicious |
Delightful | Dirty |
Dry | Dusty |
Eager | Early |
Easy | Embarrassed |
Empty | Faint |
Faithful | Famous |
Fast | Fat |
Few | Fierce |
Filthy | Flaky |
Flat | Fluffy |
Freezing | Fresh |
Full | Gentle |
Gifted | Gigantic |
Gray | Greasy |
Great | Green |
Grumpy | Happy |
Heavy | Helpful |
Helpless | High |
Hissing | Hollow |
Hot | Huge |
Icy | Immense |
Important | Inexpensive |
Itchy | Jealous |
Jolly | Juicy |
Kind | Large |
Late | Lazy |
Light | Little |
Lively | Long |
Loose | Loud |
Low | Mammoth |
Many | Massive |
Melodic | Melted |
Miniature | Modern |
Mushy | Mysterious |
Narrow | Nervous |
Nice | Noisy |
Numerous | Nutritious |
Obedient | Obnoxious |
Odd | Old |
Old-Fashioned | Orange |
Panicky | Petite |
Powerful | Prickly |
Proud | Puny |
Purple | Purring |
Quick | Quiet |
Rainy | Rapid |
Raspy | Red |
Relieved | Repulsive |
Rich | Rotten |
Round | Salty |
Scary | Scrawny |
Screeching | Shallow |
Short | Shy |
Silly | Skinny |
Slow | Small |
Sparse | Square |
Steep | Sticky |
Straight | Strong |
Substantial | Sweet |
Swift | Tall |
Tart | Tasteless |
Teeny | Teeny-Tiny |
Tender | Thankful |
Thoughtless | Thundering |
Tiny | Uneven |
Uninterested | Uptight |
Vast | Victorious |
Voiceless | Warm |
Weak | Wet |
Whispering | White |
Wide | Witty |
Wooden | Worried |
Wrong | Yellow |
Young | Yummy |
Zealous |