Most Common English Words
English is a language with a rich history and a vast vocabulary. There are over 171,000 words in the English language, but only a small fraction of those words are used on a regular basis. The most common English words are those that are used the most often. These words are essential for everyday communication and are used in a variety of contexts.
Here are the 500 most common English words:
- the
- be
- to
- of
- and
- a
- in
- that
- have
- I
- it
- for
- not
- on
- with
- he
- as
- you
- do
- at
- this
- but
- his
- by
- from
- they
- we
- say
- her
- she
- or
- an
- will
- my
- one
- all
- would
- there
- their
- what
- so
- up
- out
- if
- about
- who
- get
- which
- go
- me
- when
- make
- can
- like
- time
- no
- just
- him
- know
- take
- people
- into
- year
- your
- good
- some
- could
- them
- see
- other
- than
- then
- now
- look
- only
- come
- its
- over
- think
- also
- back
- after
- use
- two
- how
- our
- work
- first
- well
- way
- even
- new
- want
- because
- any
- these
- give
- day
- most
- us
- is
- are
- has
- were
- had
- been
- being
- may
- more
- said
- have
- can
- get
- see
- like
- go
- come
- will
- know
- one
- man
- time
- think
- take
- person
- year
- work
- great
- well
- say
- know
- help
- also
- old
- life
- good
- world
- back
- look
- new
- want
- give
- day
- way
- use
- even
- may
- many
- years
- family
- part
- child
- day
- get
- government
- go
- could
- come
- would
- school
- group
- company
- hand
- place
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- case
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
- government
- company
- hand
- part
- place
- case
- group
- problem
- fact
- little
- week
- work
- need
- system
- program
- question
- make
- point
Learning the most common English words is a great way to improve your fluency and communication skills. By knowing these words, you will be able to understand and be understood by a wider range of people.
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