Paragraph Writing Guide: Type of Paragraphs, Format to Write a Paragraph
How to Write a Great Paragraph?
The word ‘paragraph’ comes from Greek words, ‘para’ beside and ‘graphein’ to write. A paragraph is a distinct unit of thought – usually a group of related sentences, though occasionally no more than one sentence – in a written or a printed composition. The form of a paragraph is distinctive : the first line is indented, about one inch in longhand and five spaces in typewritten copy.

List of Paragraph Writing Topics with Examples
The typical paragraph of thought-and-fact writing is a group of closely related sentences with a summarizing sentence. This summarizing sentence is usually called a topic sentence. The topic sentence is generally the first sentence of the paragraph, but sometimes placed near the middle or at the end. One advantage of placing the topic sentence at the beginning is that this process forces the writer to state her topic definitely before starting to develop it and she is therefore less likely to move away from the subject.
For grabbing the attention of readers, it’s compulsory to write a succinct paragraph by including all the elements. So, to make it easy and simple to understand by the students, let’s start learning more about paragraph writing skills by referring below modules.

1. Particulars and Details
The most common means of making an idea clear to the reader is to support it and build it up by particulars and details. How does the writer find her details? By observing, by thinking, by reading, by asking questions. It does not matter whether the details come first or the general idea. In the finished paragraph everything should be neatly ordered and properly displayed.
2. Examples
Use several closely related examples or one striking example to illustrate the controlling idea. Examples are especially useful for developing a generalization that a reader might question or might not understand. To be convincing, an example given in support of a generalization needs to be truly representative.
3. Definition
A definition is an answer to question: what do you mean by this? In what sense is this or that word used? A formal definition has two parts: first the thing being definition is put into a class of similar things; then it is differentiated from all other things in that class.
4. Comparison and Contrast
Comparison is telling what a thing is like. Usually the more familiar thing or idea is used to explain the less familiar are. If you were to explain the game of badminton, for instance, you could show how it was similar to tennis, the more familiar game.
5. Cause and Effect
A topic may be developed by the method of cause and effect. A paragraph may show (1) the reason for the phenomenon or condition specified in the subject sentence; (2) its consequences; or (3) both cause and effect.
6. A Combination of Methods
Many paragraphs are developed by not any single method, but by a combination of two or more. All these methods may be used in developed or supporting any statement in a paragraph as well as the topic sentence. For instance, a statement in the middle of the paragraph may be amplified by means of specific details, a specific example, cause and effect and so on.
Let’s start learning more about paragraph writing skills by referring below modules.
- What is a Paragraph?
- Basic Format for Paragraph Writing
- Types of Paragraph
- How to Write a Perfect Paragraph? Three Simple Steps to Compose a Good Paragraph
- List of Various Categorized Paragraph Writing Topics for Kids
- FAQs on Paragraph Writing
- What is Paragraph Writing?
- What is the abbreviation for paragraphs in APA?
- How many types of paragraphs?
- What are the 5 basic elements of a paragraph?
- How many sentences in a paragraph have?
- How do you write a good paragraph?
- How many lines is a paragraph?
- What is Paragraph Symbol?
List of Various Categorized Effective Paragraph Writing Topics for Kids, Students, Children, and Competitive Exams.
- Paragraph on Republic Day
- Paragraph On Save Trees
- Paragraph On Cricket
- Paragraph On Pollution
- Paragraph On Tiger
- Paragraph On Christmas
- Paragraph On Diwali
- Paragraph On My School
- Paragraph On Global Warming
- Paragraph On Dussehra
- Paragraph On Child Labour
- Paragraph On Summer Vacation
- Paragraph On Friendship
- Paragraph On Save Water
- Paragraph On Discipline
- Paragraph On Rainy Season
- Paragraph On Nature
- Paragraph On Computer
- Paragraph On My Best Friend
- Paragraph On Health Is Wealth
- Paragraph On Wonders Of Science
- Paragraph On Teacher
- Paragraph On Sports And Games
- Paragraph On Adventure
- Paragraph On Rainy Day
- Paragraph On Cleanliness
- Paragraph On Save Earth
- Paragraph On India
- Paragraph On My Hobby
- Paragraph On Water
- Paragraph On Cow
- Paragraph On My Father
- Paragraph On Television
- Paragraph On Narendra Modi
- Paragraph On Health And Fitness
- Paragraph On Yoga
- Paragraph On Environment
- Paragraph On Unemployment
- Paragraph On Honesty
- Paragraph On Good Manners
- Paragraph On Air Pollution
- Paragraph On Flood
- Paragraph On Kindness
- Paragraph On Environmental Pollution
- Paragraph On Digital India
- Paragraph On Raksha Bandhan
- Paragraph On Corruption
- Paragraph On Teachers Day
- Paragraph On Girl Education
- Paragraph On Noise Pollution
- Paragraph On Time Management
- Paragraph On Deforestation
- Paragraph On Importance Of Education
- Paragraph On How I Spent My Summer Vacation
- Paragraph On Family
- Paragraph On Education
- Paragraph On Water Pollution
- Paragraph On Knowledge Is Power
- Paragraph On Technology
- Paragraph On Swami Vivekananda
- Paragraph On Dog
- Paragraph On Road Safety
- Paragraph On Honesty Is The Best Policy
- Paragraph On Jawaharlal Nehru
- Paragraph On Trees
- Paragraph On Science
- Paragraph On Newspaper
- Paragraph On Women Empowerment
- Paragraph On Drug Addiction
- Paragraph On Forest
- Paragraph On Health
- Paragraph On Patriotism
- Paragraph On Importance Of Tree Plantation
- Paragraph On Holiday
- Paragraph On Social Media
- Paragraph On Books
- Paragraph On Makar Sankranti
- Paragraph On Poverty
- Paragraph On Internet
- Paragraph On World Environment Day
- Paragraph On Work Is Worship
- Paragraph On Football
- Paragraph On Pongal
- Paragraph On Mothers Day
- Paragraph On Blood Donation
- Paragraph On Indian Farmer
- Paragraph On Love
- Paragraph On World Health Day
- Paragraph On Gender Inequality
- Paragraph On Energy Conservation
- Paragraph On Buddhism
- Paragraph On Onam
- Paragraph On Children’s Day
- Paragraph On My Plans For Summer Vacation
- Paragraph On Caste System
- Paragraph On Biodiversity
- Paragraph On Fundamental Rights
- Paragraph On Guru Purnima
- Paragraph On Doctor
- Paragraph On World Earth Day
- Paragraph On National Integration
- Paragraph On Black Money
- Paragraph On World Population Day
- Paragraph On Buddha Purnima
- Paragraph On National Flag Of India
- Paragraph On Indian Economy
- Paragraph On Summer Camp
- Paragraph On Martyrs Day
- Paragraph On Zoo
- Paragraph On National Festivals Of India
- Paragraph On National Technology Day
- Paragraph On World Blood Donor Day
- Paragraph On International Labour Day
- Paragraph On Jainism
- Paragraph On World Heritage Day
- Paragraph on Population
- Paragraph on Importance of Good Reading Habits
- Paragraph on Child Trafficking
- Paragraph on Indian Culture
- Paragraph on Rain Water Harvesting
- Paragraph on Independence Day
- Paragraph on Moral Values
- Paragraph on Natural Resources
Types of Paragraph

There are four types of paragraphs that you need to know about: descriptive, narrative, expository and persuasive.
1. Descriptive Type of Paragraph
This paragraph type describes the topic and displays the reader what’s the subject included in it. The terms selected in the description type usually appeal to the five senses of touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste. This type of paragraph can be more artistic and may vary from grammatical standards.
2. Narrative Type of Paragraph
In simple words, this type of paragraph narrates a story that includes a sequence of topic sentences like a clear start, middle of the topic, an end to the paragraph.
3. Expository Type of Paragraph
It defines something or gives instruction. It may also explain a process and influence the reader step by step via a form of the method. This Expository Para usually needs research, but also it’s possible to rely on the writer’s own knowledge and experience.
4. Persuasive Type of Paragraph
This kind of paragraph seeks to make the audience to admit a writer’s point of view or know his/her position. Persuasive paragraphs are often used by the teachers because it is beneficial when building an argument. Also, it makes a writer to research and collects some facts on the topic.
Three Simple Steps to Compose a Good Paragraph
1. Topic Sentence
- What is the topic sentence? The topic sentence is the first sentence in a paragraph.
- What does it do? It introduces the main idea of the paragraph.
- How do I write one? Summarize the main idea of your paragraph. Make clear what your Paragraph will be about.
2. Supporting Details
- What are the supporting sentences? They come after the topic sentence, making up the body of a paragraph.
- What do they do? They give details to develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.
- How do I write them? You should give supporting facts, details, and examples
3. Closing Sentence
- What is the closing sentence? The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph.
- What does it do? It restates the main idea of your paragraph.
- How do I write one? Restate the main idea of the paragraph using different words.
Useful Transition Words to write a good Paragraph
- To show addition
- To give examples
- To compare
- To contrast
- To summarize or conclude
- To show time
- To show place or direction
- To indicate a logical relationship