Past Perfect Tense -

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense

Past perfect tense refers to an action that leads up to another in the past. The more contemporary past event is expressed in the simple past, and the earlier past event is expressed in the past perfect.

Past Perfect Tense Structure

Pattern: Subject + had  + Past Participle of Verb 

Affirmative: Subject + had + past participle

  • Example: She had finished her homework before she went out to play.

Negative: Subject + had + not + past participle

  • Example: They had not seen the movie before it was discussed in class.

Interrogative: Had + subject + past participle?

  • Example: Had you eaten dinner before you came home?


Completed Action Before Another Action:

  • The past perfect tense is used to express an action that was completed before another action in the past.
  • Example: She had left the party before it started raining.

Reported Speech:

  • It is used in reported speech to indicate that the original action was completed before the reporting.
  • Example: He said that he had finished his work before the deadline.

Conditional Sentences (Type 3):

  • It is used in the if-clause of third conditional sentences to indicate a past hypothetical situation.
  • Example: If they had studied harder, they would have passed the exam.

Sequence of Events:

  • It is used to show the sequence of two past events, where one event happened before the other.
  • Example: By the time we arrived, the concert had already started.

Past Perfect Tense Example:

  • Richard had lived in Europe, before he moved to Australia.
  • He had visited his sister before he went for the study in the USA.
  • The merchant had closed his shop.
  • I had left the house before it rained.
  • Her father scolded her because she had failed in the examination.
  • By the time the show started, we had found our seats.
  • He had never seen the ocean until he went to California.
  • Had they left for the airport before the storm hit?
  • She had already packed her bags when I called.
  • We had just sat down to eat when the phone rang.

Affirmative Sentences:

  • I had already eaten breakfast when she arrived.
  • They had left by the time we got there.
  • She had finished her book before the deadline.

Negative Sentences:

  • I had not seen that movie before last night.
  • They had not finished their homework when the teacher asked for it.
  • She had not been to Paris before her trip last year.

Interrogative Sentences:

  • Had you ever visited that museum before today?
  • Had they already left when you arrived?
  • Had he finished his assignment before the class started?

Time Expressions

  • Before
  • By the time
  • Already
  • Until that moment
  • When
  • After

Past Perfect Tense Table

StructureSubject + had + past participle of main verb + rest of sentenceI had finished my homework before you arrived.
PositiveUsed to indicate an action completed before another past actionShe had been waiting for hours when the train finally arrived.
NegativeUses “had not” or “hadn’t” to show something was not finished before another past actionWe hadn’t eaten dinner yet when the guests came over.
Yes/No QuestionsStarts with “Had” + subject + past participle + rest of sentence?Had you ever been to Paris before last summer?
Wh- QuestionsUses a wh- question word (who, what, when, where, why, how) + “had” + subject + past participle + rest of sentence?What time had the movie started by the time we got there?
UsesShows a sequence of past eventsThey had packed their bags before the fire alarm went off.

Past Perfect Tense Quiz

Past Perfect Tense Quiz

Mastering the Past Perfect Tense: A Fun Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

1 / 25

You _____ not left yet.

2 / 25

They ____ the game before it started raining.

3 / 25

We arrived at 8:05, but the train _____ already left.

4 / 25

If I ____ more, I would have passed the exam.

5 / 25

I had never _____ her before.

6 / 25

Sarah thought she ________ to that zoo before.

7 / 25

By the time I got to the station, the train ____ .

8 / 25

She didn’t pass the test because she ____ enough.

9 / 25

The students were happy because they ____ their exams.

10 / 25

The thieves had escaped before the police ____ .

11 / 25

Choose the correct sentence in past perfect tense.

12 / 25

We ____ that hotel before, so we knew what to expect.

13 / 25

Before she moved to London, she ____ in New York for five years.

14 / 25

He _____ us the item had been shipped.

15 / 25

Dad explained ________ his job due to stress.

16 / 25

He realized that he ____ his phone at home.

17 / 25

I was tired because I ____ well the night before.

18 / 25

By the time we arrived, the movie _____.

19 / 25

She ____ many books before she wrote her own.

20 / 25

When I got to the party, everyone ____ home.

21 / 25

We ________ finished eating dinner.

22 / 25

Had they _____ to her before?

23 / 25

They ____ all their work before the deadline.

24 / 25

Where _____ the security guard gone?

25 / 25

Nobody explained why the project had ________ on time.

Your score is


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Read our previous article on Past Continuous Tense
Read about 12 Basic Verb Tenses with Examples

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