What are Adjectives?
An adjective is a describing word. It gives more information about something. An adjective generally describes a Noun. A noun is a person, a place, or a thing. An adjective is one of the nine parts of speech.
Adjectives can Describe feelings or qualities, nationality or origin, age, things, size and measurement, color, material, shape, judgment, or a value.
Personality Adjectives in English
Here is a list of English words that are often used to describe someone’s personality.
Academic | Accurate |
Adaptable | Adorable |
Adventurous | Affectionate |
Aggressive | Agreeable |
Alert | Alluring |
Ambitious | Amused |
Appreciative | Artistic |
Assertive | Athletic |
Attractive | Beautiful |
Boastful | Bold |
Brave | Bright |
Bungling | Calm |
Capable | Carefree |
Careful | Caring |
Casual | Cautious |
Charming | Cheerful |
Clean | Clever |
Comfortable | Competent |
Confident | Contrary |
Conversative | Cool |
Dazzling | Decent |
Decisive | Decorous |
Dedicated | Deliberate |
Delightful | Detailed |
Determined | Devoted |
Dignified | Diligent |
Disagreeable | Discreet |
Dynamic | Eager |
Efficient | Elated |
Emotional | Endurable |
Ethical | Exclusive |
Faithful | Fanatic |
Feminine | Firm |
Flexible | Fool |
Forceful | Formal |
Frank | Friendly |
Fun | Funny |
Generous | Gentle |
Great | Happy |
Helpful | Hermetic |
Idiot | Immaculate |
Immature | Independent |
Influential | Informal |
Insipid | Intellectual |
Intense | Inventive |
Jaded | Keen |
Kind | Learned |
Likable | Lively |
Logical | Loving |
Loyal | Maniac |
Mature | Mean |
Methodical | Neat |
Noble | Obliging |
Optimistic | Original |
Patient | Patriotic |
Polite | Positive |
Powerful | Practical |
Precise | Prudent |
Quick | Quiet |
Rational | Realistic |
Reasonable | Relaxed |
Religious | Reserved |
Resilient | Respectable |
Responsive | Robust |
Romantic | Sane |
Sensible | Serious |
Sincere | Sociable |
Spiritual | Sporty |
Stable | Steady |
Strong | Tactful |
Thoughtful | Tolerable |
Trusting | Trustworthy |
Unassuming | Understanding |
Unique | Unreliable |
Untrustworthy | Venerable |
Verbal | Versatile |
Violent | Wholesome |
Wild | Willing |
Wise | Witty |
Youthful | Zany |