Phrasal verbs starting with G (Phrasal Verbs With G). A Phrasal verb like Gad about, Gad around, Gag for, Gang up, Gear too, Gear towards, Gear up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With G
Gad about
Meaning: Visit a lot of different places for pleasure
Example: She likes gadding about while the children are at school.
Gad around
Meaning: Visit different places for pleasure
Example: I spent the afternoon gadding around looking for some books.
Gag for
Meaning: Want something a lot
Example: I’m gagging for a drink.
Gang up
Meaning: Form a group against something or someone
Example: All the girls in my class seemed to gang up against me.
Gang up against
Meaning: Harass, bully (in a group)
Example: The whole class ganged up against/on her because she was the teacher’s pet.
Gear to
Meaning: Organise or arrange something for a particular purpose, audience, etc. (Often passive)
Example: The truck driver changed gear to go up the hill.
Gear towards
Meaning: Organise or arrange something for a particular purpose, audience, etc
Example: The project is Geared towards older people.
Gear up
Meaning: Get ready for a busy period
Example: Control handle up, gear up and locked, door closed.
Gee up
Meaning: Used to encourage a horse, and sometimes people, to go faster
Example: “Gee up!” He shouted as the horse came near the winning post.
Geek out
Meaning: Talk at length about computing
Example: Henry always Geeks out at parties and bores all the people who don’t know much about computers.
Ghost away
Meaning: Remove someone secretly of discreetly
Example: Sometimes he turned, determined to drive the ghost away, but his blood ran cold with terror.
Gin up
Meaning: Boost, increase or exaggerate
Example: The candidates tried to gin up support at the straw poll by transporting their supporters for free.
Ginger up
Meaning: Make more lively
Example: The Prime Minister appointed some new ministers to ginger up her administration.
Gloss over
Meaning: Try to minimise the importance of something
Example: Some foreign governments appear happy to gloss over continued human rights abuses.
Glow down
Meaning: Become less attractive
Example: Those excessive fillers make her glow down.
Gnaw at
Meaning: Trouble, worry or annoy someone
Example: The rats was gnawing at the box.
Gnaw at
Meaning: Harm gradually
Example: Something was gnawing at the back of his mind.
Gnaw away at
Meaning: Harm gradually
Example: Self-doubt began to gnaw away at her confidence.
Goof around
Meaning: Fool around, not be serious
Example: You will never be good students so long as you goof around.
Goof off
Meaning: Avoid or leave work
Example: They didn’t go to school today, they goofed off downtown instead.
Goof on
Meaning: Tease, make fun of
Example: Sorry, that was a bit of a goof on my part!
Goof up
Meaning: Mess, sp il
Example: Don’t goof up. This project is too importance.
Grasp at
Meaning: Try to take hold of something quickly
Example: A businessman will grasp at any chance to make a profit.
Grass on
Meaning: Report someone to a person in authority
Example: His wife wants him to grass on the members of his own gang.
Grass up
Meaning: Report someone to a person in authority
Example: There was shorter grass up here, and the ground curved.
Grey out
Meaning: Disable a function in a computer program, leaving it visible but not working
Example: They greyed out the print button to stop people using it.
Gun for
Meaning: Try to destroy an opponent
Example: They are both gunning for places in the championship.
Gussy up
Meaning: Dress smartly or improve the appearance of something
Example: We gussied up the room before they came.