Phrasal verbs start with Hack (Phrasal Verbs With Hack). A Phrasal verb like Hack around, Hack into, Hack off, Hack up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Hack
Hack around
Meaning: Waste time
Example: I wanted to hack around for a year after college, but my finances disagreed.
Hack into
Meaning: Break into a computer system
Example: A teenage boy managed to hack into military computer networks.
Hack off
Meaning: Annoy
Example: He hacks me off with his endless complaining.
Hack up
Meaning: Chop or cut into small pieces
Example: They hacked the table up and burnt it.
Ham up
Meaning: Perform or act in an excessive way to attract attention or amuse people
Example: He hammed the part up to get the audience to laugh.
Hammer away at
Meaning: Work relentlessly
Example: Millions were spent to hammer away at the sales resistance of voters.
Hammer into
Meaning: Repeat something over a period of time to make someone remember it
Example: The experience of modifying pneumatic hammer into electrohydraulic hammer is introduced in this paper.
Hammer out
Meaning: Negotiate and reach an agreement
Example: The machine can hammer out metal very thin.
Hanker after
Meaning: Want something a lot, especially if you shouldn’t want it or can’t have it
Example: Yet we hanker after wider experience and a fresh start.
Hanker for
Meaning: Want something a lot, especially if you shouldn’t want it or can’t have it
Example: Sometimes they, they just, uh, hanker for a little competition.
Harp on
Meaning: Talk repeatedly about something
Example: I note this, and harp on her imperfections, as a defence mechanism.
Hash out
Meaning: Resolve a problem or reach an agreement through discussion
Example: They were asked to sit down together and hash out their differences by their father.
Hash up
Meaning: Spoil, make a mess
Example: I hope all of us not to hash up old bitterness against one another.
Hate on
Meaning: Be jealous, abuse or have an active hatred of someone
Example: She hates on people who disagree with her ideas.
Head for
Meaning: Move or travel towards
Example: The film’s haunting musical theme stayed in my head for days.
Head off
Meaning: Stop someone or force them to change direction
Example: The President intervened to head off the conflict.
Head out
Meaning: Go out
Example: She opened the window and stuck her head out.
Head up
Meaning: Be in charge
Example: A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.
Hear about
Meaning: Get to know some information
Example: We were so thrilled to hear about the baby.
Hear from
Meaning: Receive a phone call, email, letter or other communication from someone
Example: If you don’t hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up.
Hear of
Meaning: Know of something or someone’s existence
Example: He was internally disturbed to hear of her illness.
Hear out
Meaning: Listen to everything someone has to say
Example: The questioner was heard out in complete silence.
Heat up
Meaning: Make food hot
Example: The big room will not heat up easily.
Help out
Meaning: Give assistance
Example: Stella has very kindly offered to help out with the food for the party.
Hem in
Meaning: Surround or obstruct
Example: The company’s competitors complain that they are hemmed in by rigid legal contracts.
Hew to
Meaning: Conform, adhere
Example: You must hew to the rules of the game, or it wouldn’t be named game.
Hide away
Meaning: Put something in a place where it won’t be found
Example: She didn’t need to hide away in her room like a schoolgirl who was frightened of facing the world.
Hide out
Meaning: Go or stay somewhere to avoid being caught or found
Example: The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends’ houses.
Hinge on
Meaning: Depend very much or completely
Example: The home is the hinge on which family life turns.
Hinge upon
Meaning: Depend very much or completely
Example: Much may hinge upon points that the typical executive might understandably regard as irritating technicalities.
Hive off
Meaning: Separate part of a company or service, often by selling it
Example: The company decided to hive off some of its less profitable concerns.
Hole up
Meaning: Hide to avoid detection or an unpleasant situation
Example: We’d better find some shelter and hole up until the storm passes.
Hollow out
Meaning: Make an empty space inside in something, reduce power or authority
Example: Hollow out the cake and fill it with cream.
Home in on
Meaning: Target
Example: Heads, safer, Home in on udders, under-groin hot flesh-tent, Hide eyes in muggy snugness.
Hone in on
Meaning: Target, focus
Example: Soon the police hone in on him like hounds with snouts full of fear.
Hook into
Meaning: Persuade someone to do something they don’t want to do
Example: Eager to hook into a career but can’t find one right for you?
Hook up
Meaning: Meet someone
Example: Darling, help me to hook up my dress at the back.
Hook up to
Meaning: Connect to a machine
Example: All the speakers hook up to a single amplifier.
Hoon around
Meaning: Act in a dangerous or reckless way, especially when driving fast
Example: He was hooning around in his new car last night and the police pulled him.
Hop in
Meaning: Enter a vehicle
Example: I jumped, a small, involuntary hop in place, my heart pounding.
Hop it
Meaning: Go away (command)
Example: Gita hops it with little Chinchilla, Sanjay is suspected of murdering them.
Hop on
Meaning: Enter a vehicle
Example: I tried to hop on my good foot while holding onto Jim.
Hop out
Meaning: Leave a vehicle
Example: I hope you hop out of my house at once.
Horse around
Meaning: Not be serious
Example: He was horsing around in the kitchen and broke my favourite bowl.
Hose down
Meaning: Use a hose to wet, clean or wash something
Example: Will you hose down my car – it’s very dirty.
Hound out
Meaning: Force someone out of a place, job, position, etc.
Example: My men have been sent everywhere to hound out the bastard.
Hover around
Meaning: Move about a place
Example: Temperatures will hover around eight to ten degrees celsius, thats forty six to fifty fahrenheit with only a moderate breeze.
Hunker down
Meaning: Settle in a place as comfortably as possible to stay there
Example: Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.
Hunt down
Meaning: Search for someone to punish or kill them
Example: The government agency was created to hunt down war criminals.
Hunt out
Meaning: Search until you find something
Example: I’ll try and hunt out the information you need.
Hunt up
Meaning: Search for and manage to find something
Example: A good collie enters into the spirit of the hunt, up to a point.
Hush up
Meaning: Try to keep something bad from becoming widely known
Example: They tried to hush up the matter they hijacked a lorry driver.
Hutch up
Meaning: Share accommodation with a number of people because of the high rent
Example: Property prices are so high in London that many young people are hutching up.