Phrasal verbs start with J (Phrasal Verbs With J). A Phrasal verb like Jabber away, Jack around, Jack in, Jack up, Jam on, Jaw away, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With J
Jabber away
Meaning: Talk fast or incomprehensibly
Example: I guess he wanted me to listen instead of jabber away at the mouth.
Jack around
Meaning: Make trouble for someone, fail to keep promises
Example: Don’t listen to him- he always jacks people around.
Jack in
Meaning: Quit, give up
Example: I left Jack in charge of the suitcases while I went to get the tickets.
Jack up
Meaning: Raise a car to be able to do mechanical work
Example: Ever since Congress decided to jack up the price of sugar.
Jam on
Meaning: Apply or operate something forcefully
Example: There was a monumental traffic jam on the freeway.
Jaw away
Meaning: Talk just for the point of talking rather than having anything to say
Example: Whenever my wife and her mother get together they jaw away for hours.
Jazz up
Meaning: Make something more interesting or attractive
Example: Stephen and I are going to jazz up the love songs.
Jerk around
Meaning: Cause someone trouble, treat someone badly
Example: All you do is to jerk around. Get a move on!
Jerk around
Meaning: Behave stupidly
Example: They were jerking around during the lecture.
Jerk off
Meaning: Waste time doing unimportant things
Example: He was suddenly jerked off his feet and borne aloft.
Jockey into
Meaning: Persuade or deceive someone into doing something
Example: They Jockeyed him into signing a terrible contract.
Jog along
Meaning: Make progress or move ahead, but not very fast
Example: Our lives just jog along from day to day.
Jog on
Meaning: Go away
Example: We must jog on somehow until business conditions improve.
Join in
Meaning: Take part in an activity
Example: The whole family can join in the fun at Water World.
Join in
Meaning: Take part in an activity
Example: Everybody likes to join in this activity.
Joke around
Meaning: Be funny, or try to
Example: Businesspeople often like to joke around when they make small talk.
Jot down
Meaning: Make a quick note
Example: Have a pad and pencil ready and jot down some of your thoughts.
Juice up
Meaning: Make something more exciting or perform better
Example: These young men juiced up the conference with their new ideas.
Jump at
Meaning: Accept eagerly
Example: He made his first parachute jump at the age of seventy.
Jump in
Meaning: Enter a conversation
Example: The sportswear company reports a jump in sales since the Olympics.
Jump off
Meaning: Start quickly, often well
Example: They were very foolhardy to jump off the bus while it was still moving.
Jump on
Meaning: Criticize, attack
Example: My maths teacher really used to jump on us when we got our answers wrong.