Phrasal verbs start with ‘L’ (Phrasal Verbs With L). A Phrasal verb like Land in, Land up in, Land with, Lap up, Large it up, Lark about, Lark around, Lark it up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs Starting With L
Land in
Meaning: Get someone into trouble
Example: When he first leased the land in the late 1970s, he planned to turn it over to cereal production.
Land up in
Meaning: Arrive, end a journey in a place, often without planning
Example: Careful-you don’t want to land up in hospital.
Land with
Meaning: Create a problem for someone
Example: Farmers often enclose their land with hedges.
Lap up
Meaning: Appreciate something
Example: Their audience will lap up whatever they throw at them.
Large it up
Meaning: Have a good time when intoxicated
Example: They were Larging it up in the rave.
Lark about
Meaning: Behave in a silly way
Example: Stop larking about and get down to the problem.
Lark around
Meaning: Behave in a silly way
Example: The students wouldn’t stop Lark around.
Lark it up
Meaning: Enjoy yourself noisily and exuberantly
Example: After they won, they went to a bar to lark it up.
Latch on
Meaning: Understand, often after a long time
Example: Don’t just latch on to the latest management fads.
Latch on to
Meaning: Understand something, often after a long time
Example: It took me ages to latch on to what she was talking about.
Latch onto
Meaning: Connect to something
Example: Young children latch onto phrases and repeat them over and over.
Laugh off
Meaning: Pretend something (an injury, news, etc.) isn’t important
Example: The couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.
Lead on
Meaning: Falsely or cruelly raise hopes
Example: The Church should give more of a lead on basic moral issues.
Lead to
Meaning: Result in
Example: The decision will inevitably lead to political tensions.
Leak out
Meaning: Become public knowledge
Example: He said it would leak out to the newspapers and cause a scandal.
Lean on
Meaning: Put pressure on someone to get them to do what you want
Example: A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning un-necessary.
Leap at
Meaning: Take an opportunity enthusiastically
Example: I knew that if I made the slightest false step he would leap at me.
Leap on
Meaning: Show interest in or try to use something to your advantage
Example: Leap on to the ledge and then the door, and finally the plant pot.
Leap out at
Meaning: Be very noticeable
Example: On page after page of his work sentences leap out at the eye to be noted and remembered.
Leap upon
Meaning: Show interest in or try to use something to your advantage
Example: I waited for her to try to scream again, readying myself to leap upon her and bear her down.
Leave on
Meaning: Not turn off
Example: The officer reported back from leave on Sunday night.
Leave out
Meaning: Not include
Example: Leave out the flannel and answer the question!
Lie around
Meaning: Act in a lazy or unproductive way
Example: Some people will always want to lie around the pool.
Lie down
Meaning: Rest
Example: If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
Lie with
Meaning: Have the right to make a decision
Example: The fault does not lie with the government officials.
Lift off
Meaning: Leave the ground- rocket or spaceship
Example: My new wallpaper stripper uses high-pressure steam to lift off the paper.
Light out
Meaning: Leave suddenly
Example: Please put the light out when you leave the room.
Light up
Meaning: Light or start smoking a cigarette
Example: Drivers who forget to light up at night often cause accidents.
Light up
Meaning: Illuminate
Example: You should see his eyes light up when he talks about home.
Lighten up
Meaning: Be less serious
Example: Come on, lighten up! Where’s your sense of humour?
Limber up
Meaning: Do some exercises to warm up before playing a sport or other physical activity
Example: The substitutes are beginning to limber up on the sidelines.
Limber up for
Meaning: Prepare for something that will require a great effort
Example: They are Limbering up for the end of the financial year.
Line up
Meaning: Arrange in a line
Example: Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.
Line up
Meaning: Arrange something in a line
Example: Please line up one after another.
Link up
Meaning: Connect, join
Example: These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.
Link up with
Meaning: Connect with someone or contact them
Example: There were also some doubts about the link up with other tramways in Beckenham and Lewisham.
Listen out for
Meaning: Listen for a particular noise or sound
Example: Listen out for the baby in case she wakes up.
Listen up
Meaning: Pay attention (often used as a command)
Example: The directions are complicated so listen up.
Liven up
Meaning: Make something more interesting or exciting
Example: The meeting began to liven up after he spoke.
Liven up
Meaning: Improve someone’s mood, make them feel more energetic or interested
Example: The game didn’t liven up till the second half.
Load down
Meaning: Burden
Example: The poor woman was loaded down with family responsibilities.
Load up
Meaning: Take illegal drugs
Example: The boat called at Lerwick to load up with fresh vegetables.
Load up
Meaning: Fill a machine or vehicle
Example: The next Friday they load up the bus and set off for Oxford.
Load up on
Meaning: Consume a lot of something for a particular purpose
Example: The company continues to load up on shares, though.
Loose off
Meaning: Fire bullets
Example: I loosed off my last arrow, I prayed that the deer would fall.
Loose on
Meaning: Release or allow something bad to affect someone
Example: A team of professionals were let loose on the project.
Loose upon
Meaning: Release or allow something bad to affect someone
Example: I’ve turned that bloody maniac loose upon utopia.
Loosen up
Meaning: Become more relaxed or comfortable
Example: You need to take some exercise to loosen up you muscles.
Lord it over
Meaning: Behave in a superior manner
Example: A good manager does not try to lord it over his or her team.
Lose out
Meaning: Be at a disadvantage
Example: The deal will ensure that shareholders do not lose out financially.
Lose out on
Meaning: Not gain or have something advantageous
Example: Phillips thinks the research councils could lose out on the transfer.
Lose out to
Meaning: Be less successful
Example: He didn’t want to lose out to the other salesmen.
Luck into
Meaning: Get something by chance
Example: Jupiter brought good luck into all of your partnerships.
Luck out
Meaning: Be very lucky
Example: At last he lucked out and made good money.
Lust after
Meaning: Be attracted sexually
Example: She had secretely lusted after him for years.
Lust after
Meaning: Want something very much
Example: The richest princes of the Orient lust after her!