Phrasal verbs start with Drop (Phrasal Verbs With Drop). A Phrasal verb like Drop around, Drop away, Drop back, Drop behind, Drop by, Drop in, Drop off, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Drop
Drop around
Meaning: Visit someone, often without making an arrangement
Example: Drop around one evening next week.
Drop away
Meaning: Become smaller- amount, numbers
Example: The ground dropped away sheer at our feet.
Drop back
Meaning: Move towards the back of a group
Example: I drop back soundlessly, my lips slackened.
Drop behind
Meaning: Move towards the back, not keep up
Example: The sun dropped behind the hilltop.
Drop by
Meaning: Pay a brief visit
Example: Drop by drop the oceans are filled; stone by stone the walls are built.
Drop in
Meaning: Visit without having made arrangements
Example: The restaurant has suffered a big drop in trade.
Drop off
Meaning: Take something or someone to a place and leave it or them there.
Example: The membership of the club began to drop off.
Drop out
Meaning: Quit a course
Example: Teenagers who drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.
Drop over
Meaning: Visit for a short time
Example: Drop over to our house for a visit sometime.
Drop round
Meaning: Visit someone, often without making an arrangement
Example: The kids drop round and see her from time to time.
Drop someone in it
Meaning: Get someone into trouble
Example: I really dropped him in it when I told them what he’d done.
Drop through
Meaning: Come to nothing, produce no results
Example: The chairman’s suggestion dropped through the meeting.