Phrasal verbs start with Grind (Phrasal Verbs With Grind). A Phrasal verb like Grind away, Grind down, Grind into, Grind on, Grind out, Grind up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With Grind
Grind away
Meaning: Keep working at something
Example: This old mill has been grinding away for over 50 years.
Grind down
Meaning: Reduce or destroy someone’s enthusiasm
Example: Mother usually grinds down the food for the baby.
Grind into
Meaning: Press or twist something hard into something else
Example: Then grind into suitable angles on grinding wheel and install and screw down on the transducer.
Grind on
Meaning: Proceed relentlessly
Example: As the negotiations grind on, time is passing towards the deadline.
Grind on
Meaning: Talk endlessly
Example: He was still grinding on about football when we left.
Grind out
Meaning: Produce something with great difficulty
Example: I wish they would stop grinding out the same old propaganda.
Grind up
Meaning: Reduce to small pieces
Example: Will you grind up a pound and a half of lean round steak for me?