Phrasal verbs start with ‘Lock’ (Phrasal Verbs With Lock). A Phrasal verb like Lock away, Lock down, Lock in, Lock onto, Lock out, Lock up, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Lock’
Lock away
Meaning: Lock in a safe place
Example: The jewels were locked away inside the safe.
Lock away
Meaning: Put someone in prison or a mental hospital for a very long time
Example: The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.
Lock down
Meaning: Make very secure
Example: The trend to lock down permanent capital gained even more traction abroad.
Lock down
Meaning: Restrict people’s movements to reduce the spread of a disease
Example: He’s entered some sort of security code to lock down the gate.
Lock in
Meaning: Lock a place to stop someone leaving
Example: Sell your stocks now to lock in some of the gains of recent months.
Lock in
Meaning: Commit someone in such a way that they cannot leave
Example: Open cooker and add olives. Replace lid, lock in place and bring to high pressure for 3 minutes.
Lock onto
Meaning: Find a target and head for it
Example: The missile Locked onto the plane and blew it out of the sky.
Lock out
Meaning: Close a workplace to stop workers from entering
Example: He was locked out because he came back after midnight.
Lock out
Meaning: Lock a place to stop someone from getting in
Example: The wind had made the door swing closed, and she was now locked out.
Lock up
Meaning: Close all doors, windows, etc.
Example: Lock up all the doors before you go out.
Lock up
Meaning: Lock something in a safe place
Example: Please lock up these confidential reports.
Lock up
Meaning: Put in prison or a mental hospital
Example: Don’t forget to lock up before leaving home.
Lock yourself away
Meaning: Go somewhere away from people to study or work
Example: I Lock myself away for a few weeks before exams.