Phrasal verbs start with ‘Look’ (Phrasal Verbs With Look). A Phrasal verb like Look after, Look back, Look down on, Look for, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Look’
Look after
Meaning: Take care
Example: We look after the neighbours’ cat while they’re away.
Look back
Meaning: Think about the past
Example: The last thing you want is to look back on your life and wonder if only.
Look down on
Meaning: Have a low opinion of
Example: She thinks they look down on her because she didn’t go to university.
Look for
Meaning: Try to find
Example: Look for a needle in a bundle (or bottle) of hay.
Look forward to
Meaning: Wait for or anticipate something pleasant
Example: We look forward to your lecture with eager anticipation.
Look in
Meaning: Make a quick visit
Example: The more women look in their glass, the less they look at their house.
Look in on
Meaning: Visit briefly to see if everything’s all right
Example: I thought I might look in on Bob on my way to the shops.
Look into
Meaning: Research, investigate
Example: The college principal promised to look into the matter.
Look on
Meaning: Watch something like a crime without helping
Example: There was a startled look on his face when the flash bulb went off.
Look on as
Meaning: Consider, regard
Example: Residual scenes from dreadful other memories play like lice inside veins I hardly dare look on as mine.
Look out
Meaning: Be careful
Example: Look out for a sign to the motorway.
Look out for
Meaning: Take care of someone, make sure someone is cared for
Example: The police have warned shopkeepers to look out for forged notes.
Look out for
Meaning: Keep alert and try to see
Example: Look out for traffic coming from the right.
Look over
Meaning: Inspect
Example: Some officials will look over our factory this Friday.
Look round
Meaning: Inspect a house
Example: We went to look round the show homes.
Look through
Meaning: Read quickly
Example: Look through the catalogue and find this picture.
Look to
Meaning: Expect, hope
Example: Fools look to tomorrow, and wise men use tonight.
Look up
Meaning: Consult a reference work (dictionary, phonebook, etc.) for a specific piece of information.
Example: Look up the trains to Beijing in the timetable.
Look up
Meaning: Improve
Example: Occasionally Alice would look up from her books.
Look up to
Meaning: Respect
Example: Children should look up to their parents.
Look upon as
Meaning: Consider, regard
Example: I Look upon him as a close friend.