Phrasal verbs start with ‘Rub’ (Phrasal Verbs With Rub). A Phrasal verb like Rub along, Rub down, Rub in, Rub it in, Rub off on, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Rub’
Rub along
Meaning: Have a reasonably good relationship
Example: We manage to rub along together fairly well.
Rub down
Meaning: Dry or clean something with a cloth
Example: Trainers rub down an athlete after hard exercise.
Rub down
Meaning: Massage or rub someone to help them relax
Example: For a natural worn look, lightly rub down the varnish when hard with fine steel wool.
Rub in
Meaning: Apply a substance like cream or ointment and rub it until it is absorbed
Example: When hair is dry, rub in a little oil to make it smooth and glossy.
Rub it in
Meaning: Emphasise how bad a situation is to make someone feel worse
Example: The situation was embarrassing enough without having you rub it in.
Rub off on
Meaning: Pass a quality or characteristic to people
Example: His experience will rub off on the other players.
Rub out
Meaning: Delete ink or pencil with an eraser
Example: The quickest way to do this is to rub out dotted lines on a map.
Rub out
Meaning: Kill
Example: The mob is planning to rub out the key witness.
Rub up against
Meaning: Touch someone in a sensual or sexual way
Example: The only certain scale to rub up against my memories was the tennis court.
Rub up on
Meaning: Revise
Example: I need a rub up on my Latin.