Phrasal verbs start with ‘Steal’ (Phrasal Verbs With Steal). A Phrasal verb like Steal away, Steal out, Steal over, Steal up, Steal up on, and more.
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Steal’
Steal away
Meaning: Leave a place quietly or secretly
Example: Take time when time cometh, lest time steal away.
Steal out
Meaning: Leave in a stealthy or quiet manner
Example: She had to steal out of the house before it started prowling again.
Steal over
Meaning: Be gradually overcome by an emotion or feeling
Example: A pallor began to steal over his features.
Steal up
Meaning: Approach quietly or secretly
Example: The lights were off and everything was quiet so we stole up as quietly as we could.
Steal up on
Meaning: Approach a place or someone quietly or secretly
Example: We stole up on them so that they couldn’t sound the alarm.