Popular Girl Names That Start with Y - wordscoach.com

Popular Girl Names That Start with Y

Popular Girl Names That Start with Y

The letter “Y” might not be the most common starting letter for names, but it offers some truly unique and beautiful options for baby girls. Here’s a look at popular names beginning with Y, along with their meanings, across various categories.

Unique Y Girl Names

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” this name has a poetic and ethereal quality.
  • Yelena – A variation of Helen, meaning “shining light,” it has an elegant and timeless appeal.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” a name that evokes serenity and beauty.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” this name carries a sense of delicate grace.
  • Yara – An Arabic name meaning “friend,” symbolizing companionship and trust.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” this name carries an air of freshness and vitality.
  • Yvonne – Meaning “yew tree,” it has a classic and sophisticated feel.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a name that reflects elegance and charm.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” it’s a fragrant and lovely choice.
  • Yvette – Meaning “yew,” a name that carries a sense of grace and poise.

Cool Baby Girl Names That Start With Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” it has a cool and modern vibe.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” perfect for a celestial-inspired name.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a cool and contemporary name.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” it’s fresh and stylish.
  • Yazmin – A modern twist on Yasmin, meaning “jasmine flower.”
  • Yana – Meaning “grace,” a name with a sleek and modern sound.
  • Yvonne – A chic name meaning “yew tree,” known for its sophistication.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and serene choice.
  • Yara – A trendy name meaning “friend,” blending modernity with warmth.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” it’s a name that combines nature and elegance.

Trendy Girl Names That Start With Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” a trendy and fresh name.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” modern and stylish.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” a name that’s in vogue.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” a popular and trendy choice.
  • Yazmin – A contemporary variation of Yasmin, meaning “jasmine flower.”
  • Yana – Meaning “grace,” a name that’s both trendy and elegant.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” popular for its chic appeal.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a name that’s trendy and cool.
  • Yvonne – A classic yet trendy name meaning “yew tree.”
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” modern and approachable.

Cute Girl Names That Start With Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” it has a cute and gentle feel.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” a cute and serene name.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a sweet and adorable choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” perfect for a cute, delicate name.
  • Yuli – A shortened, cute version of Yulia, meaning “youthful.”
  • Yani – Meaning “grace,” a short and cute name.
  • Yaya – A playful and affectionate name.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” cute and lively.
  • Yani – A cute variation meaning “grace.”
  • Yuri – Meaning “lily,” it’s cute and floral.

Old-Fashioned Girl Names That Start With Y

  • Yvonne – Meaning “yew tree,” a classic and old-fashioned choice.
  • Yvette – Also meaning “yew,” it carries a vintage charm.
  • Yolanda – Meaning “violet flower,” it’s timeless and elegant.
  • Yolanda – A classic name meaning “violet flower.”
  • Yvonne – Meaning “yew tree,” known for its classic sophistication.
  • Yvette – A traditional name meaning “yew.”
  • Yola – Meaning “violet,” an old-fashioned choice.
  • Yvette – A classic name meaning “yew tree.”
  • Yolanda – Meaning “violet flower,” it’s elegant and vintage.
  • Yvette – Meaning “yew,” a name with a timeless appeal.

Pretty Girl Names That Start With Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” it’s a name with a pretty and poetic charm.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a name that’s both pretty and sophisticated.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” it’s delicate and pretty.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a pretty and elegant choice.
  • Yasmine – Meaning “jasmine flower,” it’s pretty and fragrant.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” pretty and gentle.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” lovely and graceful.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” a pretty and endearing choice.
  • Yuli – Meaning “youthful,” a pretty variation of Yulia.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” it’s delicate and pretty.

Popular Girl Names in Australia Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” it’s becoming popular in Australia.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a growing choice in Australia.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” a trendy name in Australia.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a popular and elegant name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” widely used.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming increasingly popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and popular choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” a name that’s gaining traction.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular for its charm.

Popular Girl Names in New Zealand Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in New Zealand.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” a popular name.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” stylish and in vogue.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” widely loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” popular and pretty.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” well-loved.

Popular Girl Names in United Kingdom Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in the UK.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy name.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish and popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a name with elegance.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” widely used.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining traction.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and popular choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” a name with charm.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” well-loved in the UK.

Popular Girl Names in United States Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in the US.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” a popular and modern name.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” increasingly popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and stylish.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” a popular choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” a name gaining popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and modern option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” a lovely name.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” widely loved.

Popular Girl Names in Canada Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Canada.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish in Canada.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a popular name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a well-loved name.

Popular Girl Names in Germany Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in Germany.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” stylish and modern.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” widely used.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” a name with growing popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and modern option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” a charming choice.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Germany.

Popular Girl Names in Switzerland Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Switzerland.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy name.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish in Switzerland.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable choice.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a modern option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” a popular name.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a well-loved choice.

Popular Girl Names in Brazil Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Brazil.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a popular name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” widely loved.

Popular Girl Names in Denmark Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in Denmark.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” trendy and modern.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” a popular choice.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Denmark.

Popular Girl Names in Netherlands Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in the Netherlands.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable choice.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” widely loved.

Popular Girl Names in Norway Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in Norway.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” stylish and modern.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining traction.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool and modern name.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Norway.

Popular Girl Names in Sweden Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Sweden.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish and modern.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a well-loved choice.

Popular Girl Names in Marshall Islands Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in the Marshall Islands.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in the Marshall Islands.

Popular Girl Names in Ireland Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Ireland.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” a name with growing popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Ireland.

Popular Girl Names in Italy Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in Italy.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” stylish and modern.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining traction.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Italy.

Popular Girl Names in South Africa Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in South Africa.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” elegant and fashionable.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” becoming popular.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming and popular.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a well-loved name.

Popular Girl Names in Iceland Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” gaining popularity in Iceland.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” stylish and modern.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” popular.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable choice.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Iceland.

Popular Girl Names in Japan Starting with Y

  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a popular name in Japan.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” stylish and modern.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” a unique choice in Japan.
  • Yuri – Meaning “lily,” a popular and elegant choice.
  • Yuka – Meaning “gentle flower,” well-loved.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular and graceful.
  • Yui – Meaning “bind,” a trendy and stylish name.
  • Yuka – Meaning “gentle flower,” gaining traction.
  • Yuri – Meaning “lily,” charming and well-loved.

Popular Girl Names in Mexico Starting with Y

  • Yara – Meaning “water lady,” popular in Mexico.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” a trendy choice.
  • Yuna – Meaning “moon,” gaining popularity.
  • Yara – Meaning “small butterfly,” stylish.
  • Yulia – Meaning “youthful,” a fashionable name.
  • Yasmin – Meaning “jasmine flower,” well-loved.
  • Yara – Meaning “friend,” gaining popularity.
  • Yuki – Meaning “snow,” a cool option.
  • Yara – Meaning “butterfly,” charming.
  • Yumi – Meaning “beauty,” popular in Mexico.

This comprehensive guide provides a look at some of the most popular and unique names for girls starting with “Y,” highlighting their meanings and popularity across various countries. Whether you’re looking for something unique, trendy, or classic, this list offers a diverse range of beautiful options.

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