Sentences with Can -

200+ Sentences with Can

Sentences with Can

“Can” can be used to express ability, possibility, permission, or willingness.

For example, “I can swim.” (ability), “Can you help me with this?” (permission), “We can go to the movies tonight.” (possibility), “I can’t believe it!” (surprise), “I can do it!” (determination).

Here are 200+ sentences using the word “can” in various contexts:

  • I can swim.
  • Can you sing?
  • He can dance well.
  • She can ride a bike.
  • Can they speak French?
  • We can play chess.
  • You can cook dinner tonight.
  • It can rain heavily in the summer.
  • Can you hear the music?
  • They can’t attend the party.
  • She can bake delicious cakes.
  • Can you pass me the salt?
  • He can’t remember her name.
  • Can you believe what happened?
  • I can’t find my keys.
  • We can go to the movies later.
  • Can you solve this puzzle?
  • He can fix the car.
  • She can run fast.
  • They can’t stop laughing.
  • Can I borrow your pen?
  • I can’t decide what to wear.
  • Can you help me with my homework?
  • She can draw beautiful pictures.
  • Can they come over tomorrow?
  • We can meet for coffee.
  • Can you drive me to the airport?
  • He can jump high.
  • I can’t wait for the weekend.
  • Can you send me the email?
  • She can speak five languages.
  • Can they visit us next week?
  • We can start the project today.
  • Can you teach me to swim?
  • I can’t believe it’s already noon.
  • Can you lend me some money?
  • He can play the guitar.
  • She can cook a delicious lasagna.
  • Can they fix the computer?
  • We can go shopping tomorrow.
  • Can you recommend a good book?
  • I can’t imagine living without music.
  • Can you pass the exam?
  • She can’t stand cold weather.
  • Can he join our team?
  • We can order pizza for dinner.
  • Can you please be quiet?
  • I can see the stars.
  • They can’t find their way home.
  • Can you believe it’s snowing in April?
  • She can ride a horse.
  • Can you swim across the lake?
  • We can’t afford that car.
  • Can you write a poem?
  • I can’t understand this math problem.
  • Can you dance the tango?
  • He can run a marathon.
  • Can they cook Indian food?
  • She can fix her own computer.
  • Can you drive a stick shift?
  • We can meet at the park.
  • Can you explain the concept?
  • I can’t reach the top shelf.
  • Can you hear the birds chirping?
  • She can paint beautiful landscapes.
  • Can they speak Spanish fluently?
  • We can take a vacation soon.
  • Can you bring me a glass of water?
  • I can’t believe he said that.
  • Can you pass me the remote?
  • She can recite poems by heart.
  • Can they solve the puzzle quickly?
  • We can make a plan together.
  • Can you help me move the furniture?
  • I can’t decide between the two options.
  • Can you see the moon tonight?
  • She can sing like a professional.
  • Can they finish the race in time?
  • We can start a new chapter.
  • Can you give me a ride home?
  • I can’t find my glasses.
  • Can you write a love letter?
  • She can bake amazing cookies.
  • Can they dance all night?
  • We can enjoy the beautiful sunset.
  • Can you recommend a good restaurant?
  • I can’t wait for the weekend getaway.
  • Can you show me how to knit?
  • He can recite Shakespearean sonnets.
  • Can they solve complex equations?
  • She can play the violin beautifully.
  • Can you believe we’ve been friends for years?
  • We can go on a road trip.
  • Can you lend me a hand?
  • I can’t understand this language.
  • Can you explain the theory to me?
  • She can ride her bike without training wheels.
  • Can they build a treehouse?
  • We can make a difference.
  • Can you play chess with me?
  • I can’t recall his name.
  • Can you sing a lullaby?
  • He can swim across the river.
  • Can she draw a detailed map?
  • Can you see the rainbow?
  • They can’t cook without a recipe.
  • We can go camping this weekend.
  • Can you find my lost keys?
  • I can’t believe it’s already dark.
  • Can you make a reservation?
  • She can’t resist chocolate.
  • Can they dance the waltz?
  • We can’t go out in this rain.
  • Can you lend me your expertise?
  • I can’t wait for the concert.
  • Can you fix the leaky faucet?
  • He can run a mile in under six minutes.
  • Can she write a persuasive essay?
  • Can you hear the thunder?
  • We can paint the room together.
  • I can’t make it to the party.
  • Can you explain the process to him?
  • She can sing the national anthem.
  • Can they speak with an accent?
  • We can start a new tradition.
  • Can you write a letter of recommendation?
  • I can’t find my way home.
  • Can you believe it’s already morning?
  • Can she paint a portrait of you?
  • They can’t remember the lyrics.
  • We can go hiking this weekend.
  • Can you teach me to knit?
  • I can’t bake a cake without a recipe.
  • Can you sing a duet with me?
  • He can’t find his glasses.
  • Can you hear the alarm?
  • Can she recite Shakespearean monologues?
  • I can’t swim in cold water.
  • We can make a plan for the future.
  • Can you recommend a good movie?
  • She can’t play the piano.
  • Can you see the fireworks?
  • Can they dance the salsa?
  • We can’t find the remote.
  • Can you help me move the furniture?
  • I can’t run a marathon.
  • Can you explain the rules?
  • She can’t draw a straight line.
  • Can you see the stars at night?
  • Can they sing in harmony?
  • We can’t find the car keys.
  • Can you pass the salt, please?
  • I can’t believe it’s already evening.
  • Can you lend me your phone?
  • She can’t speak in public.
  • Can you hear the sirens?
  • Can they ride a skateboard?
  • We can’t start without her.
  • Can you read this handwriting?
  • I can’t find my way back.
  • Can you believe it’s already autumn?
  • Can she cook without a recipe?
  • They can’t run faster than him.
  • We can’t finish this puzzle.
  • Can you come to the party?
  • I can’t do this without help.
  • Can you hear the wind blowing?
  • She can’t speak a foreign language.
  • Can you solve this riddle?
  • Can they make a difference?
  • We can’t wait for the weekend.
  • Can you swim in the ocean?
  • I can’t find my umbrella.
  • Can you write in cursive?
  • She can’t dance without music.
  • Can you see the sunrise?
  • Can they sing a cappella?
  • We can’t find our way out.
  • Can you make a suggestion?
  • I can’t understand this code.
  • Can you draw a self-portrait?
  • She can’t play without her toys.
  • Can they sing in harmony?
  • We can’t finish this task.
  • Can you paint a mural?
  • I can’t lift this heavy box.
  • Can you hear the waves crashing?
  • Can they build a sandcastle?
  • We can’t run faster than him.
  • Can you cook a three-course meal?
  • I can’t wait for the weekend to come.
  • Can you see the mountains in the distance?
  • She can’t believe how fast time flies.
  • Can you find the missing puzzle piece?
  • We can’t afford to buy a new car.
  • Can you ride a bike without training wheels?
  • I can’t remember my childhood friend’s name.
  • Can you believe how beautiful the sunset is?
  • Can they dance the tango gracefully?
  • She can’t resist buying new shoes.
  • Can you pass me the salad?
  • We can’t go to the party without an invitation.
  • Can you teach me to play chess?
  • I can’t find my way back to the trail.
  • Can you hear the birds chirping in the morning?
  • Can they write a script for a play?
  • She can’t make a decision without your input.
  • Can you see the constellations in the night sky?
  • We can’t wait for the weekend to relax.
  • Can you run a 5K race?
  • I can’t find my car keys anywhere.
  • Can you believe how quickly time passes?
  • Can they dance the waltz with elegance?
  • She can’t resist chocolate cake.
  • Can you pass me the pepper?
  • We can’t go camping without the right gear.
  • Can you explain the plot of the movie?
  • I can’t wait for the summer vacation.
  • Can you find my lost sunglasses?
  • Can they perform a magic trick?
  • She can’t sing without her favorite microphone.
  • Can you hear the distant thunder?
  • We can’t wait for the pizza delivery.
  • Can you teach me to paint with watercolors?
  • I can’t swim in deep water.
  • Can you see the beautiful artwork?
  • Can they dance the salsa with flair?
  • She can’t find her favorite book.
  • Can you pass me the salad dressing?
  • We can’t go to the beach without sunscreen.
  • Can you explain the concept in simpler terms?
  • I can’t wait for the holiday season.
  • Can you find my missing earphones?
  • Can they play a musical instrument?
  • She can’t resist buying new clothes.
  • Can you pass me the ketchup?
  • We can’t go on the roller coaster ride.
  • Can you help me choose the right dress?
  • I can’t remember his phone number.
  • Can you find my misplaced glasses?
  • Can they perform a card trick?
  • She can’t wait for the summer vacation.
  • Can you hear the distant sirens?
  • We can’t go hiking without proper shoes.
  • Can you explain the theory in more detail?
  • I can’t find my way in this city.
  • Can you see the beautiful sunset?
  • Can they dance the cha-cha gracefully?
  • She can’t resist buying souvenirs.
  • Can you pass me the hot sauce?

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