Sentences with Must -

200+ Sentences with Must

Sentences with Must

The word “must” has two main uses in English:

  • To express necessity or obligation:
    • I must finish my homework before I go to bed.
    • You must wear a seatbelt when driving.
    • We must take care of our planet.
  • To express strong probability or certainty:
    • It must be raining outside.
    • She must have failed the test.
    • They must be on their way home.

“Must” can also be used to express a strong desire or preference:

  • I must have that chocolate cake!
  • You must visit the Grand Canyon someday.
  • We must find a way to solve this problem.

“Must” is a modal verb, which means that it is used to change the meaning of another verb. In the first two examples above, “must” is used to express necessity or obligation. In the last two examples, “must” is used to express strong probability or certainty. In the last two examples, “must” is used to express a strong desire or preference.

Here are 200+ sentences with “must”:

  • You must complete your homework before going out to play.
  • I must remember to buy groceries on my way home.
  • She must prepare for the upcoming exam.
  • We must be on time for the meeting.
  • He must apologize for his rude behavior.
  • They must follow the rules of the school.
  • You must wear a seatbelt when driving.
  • I must call my parents to let them know I’m safe.
  • She must take her medication regularly.
  • We must respect the privacy of others.
  • He must clean his room before the guests arrive.
  • They must save money for their future.
  • You must read the instructions before assembling the furniture.
  • I must exercise regularly to stay healthy.
  • She must attend the conference next week.
  • We must support our friends in times of need.
  • He must learn from his mistakes.
  • They must make a decision soon.
  • You must take a break to relax.
  • I must check my email for any important messages.
  • She must apologize for the misunderstanding.
  • We must take responsibility for our actions.
  • He must study hard to pass the exam.
  • They must be honest with each other.
  • You must wear appropriate attire for the interview.
  • I must finish this report by the end of the day.
  • She must learn to manage her time effectively.
  • We must respect different cultures and traditions.
  • He must attend the weekly team meetings.
  • They must work together to solve the problem.
  • You must be kind to others.
  • I must save money for a vacation.
  • She must attend her daughter’s graduation.
  • We must be environmentally conscious.
  • He must apologize to his friend for the argument.
  • They must focus on their studies.
  • You must be punctual for the job interview.
  • I must clean the house before the guests arrive.
  • She must take care of her younger siblings.
  • We must be grateful for what we have.
  • He must exercise regularly to stay fit.
  • They must choose a new leader for the team.
  • You must pay attention in class.
  • I must learn to cook.
  • She must attend the wedding next month.
  • We must be patient with each other.
  • He must save for retirement.
  • They must respect their elders.
  • You must submit your assignment on time.
  • I must apologize for my mistake.
  • She must organize her schedule.
  • We must communicate effectively.
  • He must attend his son’s soccer game.
  • They must make a plan for the future.
  • You must wear a helmet while riding a bike.
  • I must finish reading this book.
  • She must attend the annual conference.
  • We must learn from our experiences.
  • He must be more responsible.
  • They must find a solution to the problem.
  • You must be honest with yourself.
  • I must practice my guitar skills.
  • She must take care of her health.
  • We must be supportive of each other.
  • He must respect others’ opinions.
  • They must work on their communication.
  • You must eat a balanced diet.
  • I must save for my child’s education.
  • She must attend the graduation ceremony.
  • We must be open to new ideas.
  • He must apologize for his behavior.
  • They must make a decision together.
  • You must complete the project by the deadline.
  • I must learn a new language.
  • She must take a break from work.
  • We must show empathy towards others.
  • He must attend the family reunion.
  • They must collaborate on the project.
  • You must respect the rules of the game.
  • I must make time for my hobbies.
  • She must attend the job interview.
  • We must be mindful of our words.
  • He must apologize for his actions.
  • They must find a compromise.
  • You must be responsible for your pet.
  • I must finish my chores before going out.
  • She must take care of her elderly parents.
  • We must appreciate the beauty of nature.
  • He must attend the school assembly.
  • They must work on their relationship.
  • You must follow the instructions carefully.
  • I must clean the garage this weekend.
  • She must attend the charity event.
  • We must be grateful for our friends.
  • He must apologize for the misunderstanding.
  • They must find a way to resolve the conflict.
  • You must be respectful towards your teachers.
  • I must save money for a rainy day.
  • She must attend the music recital.
  • We must be understanding of different perspectives.
  • He must take responsibility for his actions.
  • They must plan their wedding carefully.
  • You must be honest with your partner.
  • I must take a vacation to relax.
  • She must attend the company meeting.
  • We must be considerate of others.
  • He must apologize to his neighbor for the noise.
  • They must find a solution to the problem at work.
  • You must wear appropriate attire for the formal event.
  • I must finish reading this article.
  • She must attend the job training.
  • We must be supportive of our children’s dreams.
  • He must respect his colleague’s opinions.
  • They must work on improving their teamwork.
  • You must be punctual for the flight.
  • I must organize my desk for better productivity.
  • She must attend the family gathering.
  • We must be kind to animals.
  • He must apologize for the inconvenience.
  • They must find a compromise in their relationship.
  • You must be patient with your children.
  • I must complete my daily tasks.
  • She must attend the business conference.
  • We must be mindful of our health.
  • He must apologize for the delay.
  • They must find a way to resolve the disagreement.
  • You must be respectful towards your elders.
  • I must save money for a new car.
  • She must attend the graduation ceremony.
  • We must be grateful for our opportunities.
  • He must apologize for his insensitivity.
  • They must make a decision regarding the project.
  • You must wear appropriate safety gear.
  • I must finish writing this report.
  • She must attend the leadership training.
  • We must be understanding of cultural differences.
  • He must apologize for his thoughtlessness.
  • They must find a common ground.
  • You must be responsible for your actions.
  • I must complete the household chores.
  • She must attend the art exhibition.
  • We must be considerate of our neighbors.
  • He must apologize for the misunderstanding.
  • They must find a solution to the financial problem.
  • You must be honest with your feelings.
  • I must save money for a down payment.
  • She must attend the charity fundraiser.
  • We must be supportive of our community.
  • He must respect his friend’s decision.
  • They must work on their time management.
  • You must be punctual for the doctor’s appointment.
  • I must organize my workspace for efficiency.
  • She must attend the wedding rehearsal.
  • We must be kind to the environment.
  • He must apologize for the inconvenience caused.
  • They must find a compromise in their business deal.
  • You must be patient with your teammates.
  • I must complete the project by the deadline.
  • She must attend the cultural festival.
  • We must be understanding of different lifestyles.
  • He must apologize for his lack of communication.
  • They must find a way to resolve the legal dispute.
  • You must be respectful towards your colleagues.
  • I must save money for my retirement.
  • She must attend the annual convention.
  • We must be grateful for our health.
  • He must apologize for the oversight.
  • They must make a decision about their future.
  • You must wear a mask in crowded places.
  • I must finish writing this book.
  • She must attend the language course.
  • We must be considerate of others’ feelings.
  • He must apologize for his absence.
  • They must find a solution to the technological issue.
  • You must be responsible for your choices.
  • I must complete my daily exercises.
  • She must attend the team-building workshop.
  • We must be mindful of our impact on the planet.
  • He must apologize for the mistake.
  • They must find a compromise in their negotiations.
  • You must be patient with your family.
  • I must organize my finances for better management.
  • She must attend the career development seminar.
  • We must be kind to all living creatures.
  • He must apologize for his rudeness.
  • They must find a way to resolve the legal matter.
  • You must be respectful towards your superiors.
  • I must save money for a down payment on a house.
  • She must attend the cooking class.
  • We must be considerate of our impact on the environment.
  • He must apologize for the misunderstanding.
  • They must find a solution to their relationship issues.
  • You must be responsible for your actions at work.
  • I must complete my daily journal entries.
  • She must attend the leadership seminar.
  • We must be mindful of our spending habits.
  • He must apologize for the inconvenience caused.
  • They must find a compromise in their business partnership.
  • You must be patient with your children’s growth.
  • I must organize my time for better productivity.
  • She must attend the art workshop.
  • We must be kind to ourselves.
  • He must apologize for his delay in responding.
  • They must find a way to resolve the conflict peacefully.
  • You must be respectful towards your fellow students.
  • I must save money for a dream vacation.
  • She must attend the dance class.
  • We must be considerate of our impact on local communities.
  • He must apologize for the oversight in the project.
  • They must find a solution to their legal dispute.
  • You must be responsible for your part in the team project.
  • I must complete my daily meditation practice.
  • She must attend the financial planning seminar.
  • We must be mindful of our words in conversations.
  • He must apologize for the confusion.
  • They must find a compromise in their relationship.
  • You must be patient with your elderly relatives.
  • I must organize my belongings for a clutter-free home.
  • She must attend the marketing workshop.
  • We must be kind to animals and wildlife.
  • He must apologize for the interruption.
  • They must find a way to resolve the dispute amicably.
  • You must be respectful towards people from different backgrounds.
  • I must save money for my child’s education fund.
  • She must attend the photography class.
  • We must be considerate of the impact of our actions on future generations.
  • He must apologize for the inconvenience caused by his absence.
  • They must find a solution to the legal matter outside of court.
  • You must be responsible for your health and well-being.
  • I must complete my daily stretching routine.
  • She must attend the parenting seminar.
  • We must be mindful of our ecological footprint.
  • He must apologize for the misunderstanding with his colleague.
  • They must find a compromise in their business negotiations.
  • You must be patient with yourself during times of stress.
  • I must organize my workspace for better productivity.
  • She must attend the fashion design class.
  • We must be kind to the planet by reducing waste.
  • He must apologize for the delay in the project.
  • They must find a way to resolve their personal conflicts.
  • You must be respectful towards people of all ages.
  • I must save money for a future home.
  • She must attend the public speaking workshop.
  • We must be considerate of the needs of others.
  • He must apologize for the oversight in the report.
  • They must find a solution to their family issues.
  • You must be responsible for your financial decisions.
  • I must complete my daily reading habit.
  • She must attend the entrepreneurship seminar.
  • We must be mindful of our screen time and its effects on our health.

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