A List of the Most Common Synonyms to Improve Your IELTS Score
Learn English From Basic To Advance.

Below is a list of synonyms for common words which can help a great deal in getting you a good IELTS score.
abandon | desert |
abbreviate | shorten |
ability | skill |
able | capable |
abundant | ample |
accurate | correct |
achieve | accomplish |
active | energetic |
adamant | firm |
add | increase |
adequate | sufficient |
aggressive | assertive |
aid | help |
always | forever |
amateur | beginner |
ambitious | aspiring |
antagonize | provoke |
apparent | obvious |
approve | accept |
arrive | reach |
arrogant | haughty |
authentic | genuine |
average | ordinary, fair |
awful | dreadful, atrocious |
awkward | clumsy, uncoordinated |
ban | prohibit, forbid |
barren | unproductive, infertile |
bashful | shy, timid |
beautiful | pretty, attractive |
before | prior, earlier |
beginning | start, initiate |
believe | trust, accept |
below | under, lower |
beneficial | helpful, useful |
best | finest, choice |
birth | beginning |
blend | combine, mix |
bottom | base, foundation |
brave | courageous, bold |
break | fracture, burst |
brief | short, concise |
buy | purchase |
calm | quiet, tranquil |
capture | apprehend |
care | concern, protection |
careful | cautious |
cease | stop, discontinue |
certain | positive, sure |
charming | delightful, appealing |
chilly | cool, nippy |
chubby | plump, pudgy |
clarify | explain, simplify |
close | shut, fasten |
close | near, imminent |
coarse | bumpy, rough |
colossal | enormous, immense |
combine | blend, unite |
comical | amusing, funny |
complex | complicated |
compress | crush, condense |
concrete | real, tangible |
concur | agree |
condemn | censure |
condense | compress |
confess | admit, acknowledge |
confine | contain, enclose |
conflict | oppose, differ, clash |
conflict | fight, battle, struggle |
conform | comply, submit |
confuse | complicate, muddle, jumble |
congested | overcrowded, stuffed |
connect | join, link, attach |
conscientious | scrupulous, virtuous |
conscious | aware, cognizant |
consecutive | successive, continuous |
conservative | cautious, restrained |
continue | persist, persevere |
convalesce | recuperate, recover |
convenient | handy, accessible |
conventional | customary, traditional |
correct | accurate, right |
courage | bravery, valor |
courteous | polite, civil |
cover | conceal, hide |
cozy | comfortable, snug |
cranky | cross, irritable |
crazy | insane, daft, mad |
cruel | mean, heartless |
cry | sob, weep |
dally | loiter, linger |
damage | hurt, impair |
dangerous | unsafe, hazardous |
daring | bold, audacious |
deduct | subtract, remove |
defend | protect, shield |
defy | resist, challenge |
delicate | fragile, dainty |
demolish | destroy, wreck |
denounce | blame, censure, indict |
dense | thick, heavy, compressed |
depart | leave, exit |
deposit | store, place |
desolate | barren, forsaken |
despise | hate, detest, loathe |
destitute | poor, penniless |
deter | hinder, prevent |
determined | sure, convinced |
die | expire, perish |
different | distinct, unlike |
difficult | hard, challenging |
dilute | weaken, thin |
diminish | curtail, lessen, decrease |
dirty | soiled, messy |
disagree | differ, dispute |
dispute | debate, oppose |
diverse | different, distinct |
divide | separate, split |
docile | tame, gentle |
dormant | sleeping, inactive |
doubt | mistrust, dispute |
drab | dull, lifeless |
dubious | doubtful, questionable |
dull | blunt, dreary |
dumb | stupid, dense |
early | premature, beforetime |
easy | simple |
eccentric | peculiar, unusual |
ecstasy | joy, rapture, elation |
empty | drain, unload |
encourage | promote, support, urge |
enemy | opponent, foe |
enjoy | like, appreciate |
enlarge | expand, magnify |
enormous | vast, immense, colossal |
exceptional | remarkable, outstanding |
excite | arouse, provoke, incite |
exhilarated | overjoyed, ecstatic, elated |
explicit | exact, distinct, unmistakable |
exquisite | delightful, charming, lovely |
fabulous | marvelous, amazing |
face | confront, meet |
fair | honest, just, impartial |
fake | imitation, phony, artificial |
false | incorrect, untrue |
fancy | elaborate, ornate, fussy |
fantastic | incredible, outrageous |
fast | rapid, quick, swift |
fat | chubby, plump, stout |
fatal | deadly, mortal, killing |
fatigue | tire, exhaust |
fiction | fantasy, untruth, myth |
fill | load, pack |
fix | mend, repair |
flaw | defect, fault, blemish |
flimsy | frail, fragile, delicate |
flippant | impudent, sassy |
fluid | liquid |
foe | enemy, adversary, opponent |
forgive | pardon, excuse, absolve |
former | previous, earlier |
fraction | part, portion, segment |
frank | candid, straightforward, blunt |
frenzy | fury, rage |
fresh | unused, new |
friend | comrade, buddy |
frigid | freezing, frosty |
frivolous | trivial, unimportant, silly |
furious | angry, enraged, infuriated |
future | coming, tomorrow |
gain | acquire, obtain, receive- |
gather | collect, accumulate, compile- |
gaudy | showy, garish, vulgar |
gaunt | scrawny, skinny, thin |
generous | giving, selfless, big-hearted |
gentle | tender, mild |
genuine | real, authentic, sincere |
gigantic | immense, colossal, enormous |
give | donate, present, offer |
glad | happy, pleased, delighted |
gloomy | dark, dismal, depressing |
gorgeous | ravishing, dazzling, stunning |
gratitude | thankfulness, appreciation |
great | outstanding, remarkable |
handy | useful, convenient, skillful |
hard | firm, solid, difficult |
hate | loathe, detest |
help | aid, assist |
high | elevated, lofty |
hold | grasp, grip, retain |
honest | truthful, sincere, frank |
hospitable | welcoming, cordial, gracious |
hostile | antagonistic, aggressive, militant |
huge | vast, immense, great |
humble | modest, unpretentious |
humiliate | embarrass, disgrace, dishonor |
identical | alike, duplicate |
immaculate | spotless, pure |
immature | childish, inexperienced |
immune | resistant, exempt |
impartial | neutral, unbiased, fair |
impatient | eager, anxious, intolerant |
imperative | compulsory, crucial, mandatory |
imperfect | marred, defective, faulty |
impetuous | impulsive, rash, reckless |
important | significant, meaningful |
independent | self-reliant, autonomous |
inferior | lesser, substandard |
infuriate | enrage, agitate, provoke |
ingenious | clever, creative, original |
innocent | guiltless, blameless |
interesting | provocative, engrossing |
intermittent | sporadic, periodic |
internal | inner, inside |
intolerant | bigoted, prejudiced |
intriguing | fascinating, enthralling |
irrelevant | inappropriate, unrelated |
irritate | annoy, agitate, provoke |
join | connect, unite, link |
jolly | merry, jovial, joyful |
jubilant | overjoyed, delighted, elated |
keep | save, protect, guard |
kind | considerate, tender, thoughtful |
least | fewest, minimum, smallest |
legible | readable, clear |
lenient | lax, unrestrained, easy |
listless | lethargic, tired |
logical | sensible, sane, rational |
long | lengthy |
loose | slack, limp |
lure | attract, seduce, entice |
luxurious | extravagant, elegant |
magnify | expand, enlarge, exaggerate |
mandatory | required, compulsory |
maneuver | manipulate, handle, scheme |
maximum | greatest, uppermost, highest |
meager | scanty, sparse, poor |
mean | unkind, malicious, nasty |
militant | combative, aggressive, warlike |
minor | lesser, inferior, secondary |
mirth | merriment, fun, laughter |
mischievous | naughty, impish |
misfortune | hardship, catastrophe, mishap |
mobile | moveable, changeable |
moderate | temperate, lenient, medium |
momentous | important, powerful, outstanding |
monotonous | boring, tedious dreary, humdrum |
moral | ethical, virtuous, righteous |
morbid | appalling, awful, ghastly |
morose | gloomy, sullen, moody, glum |
mourn | grieve, lament, bemoan |
mysterious | elusive, occult, secret |
naughty | bad, disobedient, wrong |
nonchalant | indifferent, lackadaisical, blase |
normal | ordinary, typical, usual |
numerous | several, abundant, considerable |
obey | mind, heed, comply |
oblivious | unconscious, preoccupied, dazed |
obnoxious | offensive, abominable, repulsive |
observe | examine, study, scrutinize |
obsolete | extinct, dated, antiquated |
obstinate | stubborn, bullheaded, adamant |
odd | peculiar, weird, strange |
offend | displease, affront, disgust |
ominous | threatening, menacing |
opaque | obscure, murky, unclear |
open | begin, unfold, originate |
opponent | enemy, rival, foe |
optimistic | hopeful, confident |
optional | voluntary, elective |
ordinary | usual, average |
outrageous | preposterous, shocking |
outstanding | extraordinary, distinguished |
painstaking | meticulous, precise, fastidious |
peculiar | weird, bizarre |
perfect | flawless, accurate |
permanent | enduring, lasting |
perpetual | eternal, endless, incessant |
persuade | convince, influence |
plausible | believable, reasonable, logical |
plentiful | ample, enough, abundant |
pliable | supple, flexible, compliant |
polite | gracious, refined, courteous |
poor | destitute, needy, impoverished |
portion | part, segment, piece |
possible | conceivable, feasible, plausible |
precarious | dangerous, uncertain, shaky |
precious | cherished, valuable, prized |
prejudiced | biased, opinionated, influenced |
premature | early, hasty |
prevalent | customary, widespread |
prevent | thwart, prohibit, hinder |
probable | likely, apt, liable |
proficient | skilled, adept, competent |
profit | gain, earnings, benefit |
prohibit | forbid, bar, restrict |
prominent | distinguished, eminent |
prompt | punctual, timely |
prosperous | thriving, successful, flourishing |
proud | arrogant, elated |
push | shove, propel |
quit | cease, stop, withdraw |
racket | noise, commotion, disturbance |
radiant | luminous, shining, lustrous |
raise | hoist, elevate |
ratify | approve, confirm, endorse |
rational | logical, level-headed, sensible |
ravage | devastate, ruin, damage |
raze | destroy, demolish |
recreation | amusement, pleasure, pastime |
reduce | lessen, decrease, diminish |
relentless | persistent, merciless, unyielding |
relevant | pertinent, suitable, apropos |
reliable | trustworthy, steadfast, stable |
reluctant | unwilling, hesitant |
remote | secluded, isolated, distant |
repulsive | hideous, offensive, gruesome |
reputable | honorable, upstanding, honest |
resist | oppose, withstand, defy |
retaliate | avenge, revenge, reciprocate |
reveal | show, disclose, divulge |
ridiculous | nonsensical, foolish, preposterous |
same | identical, alike, equivalent |
savage | uncivilized, barbarous |
save | preserve, conserve, keep |
scarce | scanty, rare, sparse |
scrawny | skinny, gaunt, spindly |
scrupulous | meticulous, ethical, fastidious |
seize | apprehend, grab, snatch |
separate | divide, segregate, partition |
serene | peaceful, tranquil, calm |
serious | grave, solemn, pensive |
shrewd | clever, cunning, crafty |
sluggish | listless, lethargic, inactive |
small | little, insignificant, trivial |
smooth | slick, glossy, level |
sociable | friendly, cordial, gregarious |
sorrow | woe, anguish, grief |
special | exceptional, notable, particular |
spontaneous | instinctive, automatic, natural |
stable | steady, unchanging, settled |
stationary | fixed, immobile, firm |
stimulate | rouse, stir, motivate |
stop | quit, cease, terminate |
strenuous | vigorous, laborious |
strict | stringent, severe, stern |
strong | powerful, mighty, potent |
stupid | unintelligent, dense, foolish |
subsequent | following, succeeding, latter |
suppress | restrain, inhibit, squelch |
surplus | excess, additional, extra |
swift | fast, speedy, hasty |
synthetic | man-made, artificial |
tall | high, lofty |
tangible | concrete, definite |
taut | tense, tight, stiff |
tender | delicate, gentle, affectionate |
terrible | dreadful, horrible, vile |
thaw | melt, defrost |
thrifty | economical, frugal, prudent |
thrive | prosper, flourish, develop |
total | whole, entire, complete |
trivial | insignificant, worthless |
upset | perturb, ruffle, agitate |
urgent | crucial, important |
vacant | unoccupied, empty |
vague | unclear, obscure, indistinct |
valiant | courageous, brave, heroic |
vibrate | shake, quiver, tremble |
vicious | malicious, spiteful, ferocious |
victory | triumph, win, success |
virtuous | moral, righteous, angelic |
vulgar | offensive, uncouth, coarse |
wealth | riches, prosperity, assets |
weary | tired, fatigued, lethargic |
win | triumph, succeed, prevail |
wise | knowing, scholarly, smart |
wonderful | marvelous, incredible |
worn | used, impaired, old |
wrong | incorrect, untrue, mistaken |
yield | produce, bear, provide |
zenith | peak, apex |

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