Weirdest words in English -

20+ Weirdest words in English

20+ Weirdest words in English.

English is a language full of surprises, and sometimes, even native speakers can come across words that leave them scratching their heads. As a result, it’s not surprising that there are some words that are downright weird and quirky.

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Phrasal Verbs with Ask

Phrasal Verbs with Ask

Phrasal Verbs with ‘Ask’, A phrasal verb that combines a normal verb with an adverb or a preposition to create an entirely new verbal phrase is called the phrasal verb. A phrasal verb is a verb like Ask after, Ask back, Ask something of, Ask round, Ask over, Ask out, Ask around, Ask about.

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Most difficult words in English -

Most difficult words in English

English can be a real pest, and even native speakers find themselves stumbling over some stubbornly tricky words. Sometimes they’re difficult to understand, other times they’ve been misused so often that their original meaning has gotten lost.

Pronunciation can also be a problem. As a follow-up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

Here are the most difficult words in English.

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