Learn how to use subordinating conjunctions to create complex sentences. Complex sentences are made up of an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. The independent clause can stand on its own as a complete sentence, but the dependent clause cannot. Subordinating conjunctions help to connect the independent and dependent clauses, and they can be used to show a variety of relationships between the clauses.
Tag: sentence

Compound Sentences
A compound sentence is one that has two or more independent clauses connected by a coordinating conjunction.
What Is a Compound Sentence?

50+ Sentences with HAS
We use ‘has’ to show possession or ownership of singular objects. Has is used with he, she, and it.
50+ Sentences with HAS

200+ Examples Degrees Of Comparison List
Examples Degrees Of Comparison:
Degrees of Comparison are used when we compare a person or thing with another. Degrees of Comparison are applicable only to Adverbs and Adjectives.
Degrees of Comparison add variations to the sentences. A most familiar example of degrees i.e. good < better < best. The degree is increasing from good to best. 200+ Examples Degrees Of Comparison List

50+ Sentences of active and passive voice
50+ Sentences of active and passive voice

4 Types of Sentences in English
Types of Sentences in English. There are four types of English sentence, classified by their purpose:
1. Declarative Sentences (statement.)
2. Exclamatory Sentences (exclamation!)
3. Imperative Sentences (command!)
4. Interrogative Sentences (question?)

50+ Sentences with Have in English
Sentences with have, Sentences with have in English and make the sentence, Sentences with have in English and Spanish, Sentences with have in English British council

100 Examples of direct and indirect speech
100 examples of assertive sentences in direct and indirect speech, 30 examples of direct and indirect speech assertive sentences, 50 examples of direct and indirect speech exclamatory sentences

50+ Examples of Quotation Marks Sentences
Quotation marks are punctuation marks used in pairs in various writing systems to set off direct speech, a quotation, or a phrase.
50+ Examples of Quotation Marks Sentences

What is the Positive Degree of Comparison?
A “positive degree” is used when we are talking about only one person or thing. An adjective or adverb that does not make a comparison is said to be in a positive degree. It is just used to state the quality possessed by a particular noun or pronoun that acts as the subject in a sentence.