Phrasal Verbs With ‘Whip’. A Phrasal verb like Whip into, Whip off, Whip out, Whip out of, Whip through, and more.
Tag: verb

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Weigh’
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Weigh’. A Phrasal verb like Weigh down on, Weigh in, Weigh in on, Weigh on, Weigh out, Weigh up, and more.

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Wash’
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Wash’. A Phrasal verb like Walk away from Wash away, Wash down, Wash out, Wash over, Wash up, and more.

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Walk’
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Walk’. A Phrasal verb like Walk away from Walk away with, Walk back, Walk back from, and more.

Phrasal Verbs With ‘Wait’
Phrasal Verbs With ‘Wait’. A Phrasal verb like Wait about, Wait around, Wait behind, Wait in, Wait on, Wait out, and more.

Phrasal Verbs Starting With W
Phrasal verbs start with ‘W’ (Phrasal Verbs With W). A Phrasal verb like Wade in, Wade into, Wade through, Wake up, Waltz through, and more.

Phrasal Verbs Starting With Z
Phrasal verbs start with ‘Z’ (Phrasal Verbs With Z). A Phrasal verb like Zero in on, Zero out, Zip around, Zip by, Zip it, Zip up, and more.

Phrasal Verbs Starting With Y
Phrasal verbs start with ‘Y’ (Phrasal Verbs With Y). A Phrasal verb like Yack on, Yammer on, Yield to, and more.

Phrasal Verbs Starting With V
Phrasal verbs start with ‘V’ (Phrasal Verbs With V). A Phrasal verb like Vacuum up, Vamp up, Veer onto, Veg out, Venture forth, and more.

Phrasal Verbs Starting With U
Phrasal verbs start with ‘U’ (Phrasal Verbs With U). A Phrasal verb like Urge on, Urge upon, Use up, Usher in, Usher in, and more.