Verb Definition
A verb is a part of speech that describes an action, occurrence, or state of being. Verbs can be used to express a wide range of actions, from physical movements like “run” or “jump” to mental activities like “think” or “consider.” They can also be used to describe things that happen, such as “rain” or “snow,” or to express a state of being, such as “exist” or “live.”
Verbs are often the main component of a sentence, and they can be conjugated to indicate tense, mood, voice, and other grammatical features. For example, the verb “to be” can be conjugated as “am,” “is,” “are,” “was,” or “were” depending on the subject and tense of the sentence.
Verb Examples Sentences
Here are some of the most popular verb examples list with meaning and example sentence in alphabetical order:
Verb | Meaning | Example Sentence |
accept | to agree or receive willingly | She accepted the job offer. |
achieve | to accomplish a goal or task | He achieved his dream of becoming a doctor. |
act | to do something | She acted quickly to prevent the accident. |
add | to join or increase something | Can you add some sugar to my coffee, please? |
admire | to respect or appreciate someone or something | I admire your hard work and dedication. |
admit | to acknowledge or confess something | She admitted to making a mistake. |
advise | to offer suggestions or recommendations | My doctor advised me to get more exercise. |
agree | to come to a mutual decision or opinion | We all agreed to go on vacation together. |
aim | to focus on a specific goal or target | The archer aimed carefully before releasing the arrow. |
allow | to permit or give permission | The teacher allowed the students to work in groups. |
analyze | to examine or study something in detail | The scientist analyzed the data carefully. |
answer | to respond to a question or request | She answered the phone when it rang. |
apologize | to express regret or say sorry | He apologized for being late. |
appear | to become visible or present | The sun appeared from behind the clouds. |
apply | to put something into action or use | She applied sunscreen before going to the beach. |
argue | to express disagreement or debate a topic | They argued over the best way to solve the problem. |
arrange | to organize or plan something | She arranged the flowers in a vase. |
ask | to inquire or request information or assistance | She asked me for directions to the nearest gas station. |
assess | to evaluate or judge something | The teacher assessed the students’ writing skills. |
assist | to help or support someone or something | The nurse assisted the doctor during the surgery. |
assume | to believe something to be true without proof | He assumed that she would be late. |
attach | to connect or join one thing to another | He attached the files to his email. |
attack | to initiate an aggressive action against someone or something | The lion attacked the zebra. |
attempt | to try or make an effort to do something | She attempted to climb the mountain. |
avoid | to stay away from or prevent something | He avoided eating junk food. |
await | to wait for or expect something to happen | We are awaiting your response. |
award | to present or give something as recognition or honor | She was awarded the Nobel Prize for her research. |
bake | to cook food in an oven | She baked a cake for her friend’s birthday. |
balance | to distribute or manage something evenly | He balanced the books at the end of the day. |
ban | to forbid or prohibit something | Smoking is banned in this restaurant. |
base | to establish or found something on a particular basis | The company is based in New York. |
bathe | to clean oneself or someone else by washing the body | He bathed his baby daughter. |
be | to exist or occur in a particular state or condition | I am happy to see you. |
beat | to strike or hit repeatedly | The drummer beat the drums loudly. |
become | to change or develop into something else | She became a successful businesswoman. |
begin | to start or initiate something | We will begin the meeting at 2 pm. |
believe | to accept something as true or real | I believe in the power of positive thinking. |
belong | to be a member of a particular group or category | The book belongs on the top shelf. |
bet | to risk money on the outcome of an event or situation | He bet on his favorite team to win. |
bite | to use the teeth to break or grip something | The dog bit the mailman. |
blame | to hold responsible for a mistake or fault | She blamed her sister for the broken vase. |
bless | to ask for divine favor or approval | The priest blessed the congregation. |
block | to obstruct or prevent something from moving or progressing | The traffic blocked the road. |
boast | to talk with excessive pride or self-satisfaction | He boasted about his achievements to anyone who would listen. |
borrow | to take and use something temporarily with the intention of returning it | Can I borrow your pen, please? |
bounce | to rebound or spring back after hitting a surface | The ball bounced off the wall. |
bow | to bend forward at the waist as a sign of respect or courtesy | The actor bowed to the audience after his performance. |
break | to separate into pieces or cause damage | She accidentally broke the vase. |
breathe | to inhale and exhale air | He took a deep breath before jumping into the pool. |
bring | to convey or transport something to a place | Can you bring me a glass of water, please? |
build | to construct or create something | They built a new house in the neighborhood. |
burn | to consume with fire or heat | The wood burned in the fireplace. |
buy | to purchase or acquire something in exchange for money | She bought a new car last week. |
calculate | to determine or estimate something using mathematical methods | The accountant calculated the company’s profits for the quarter. |
call | to summon or contact someone by telephone or other means | She called her friend to invite her to the party. |
calm | to become or make something quiet and peaceful | The music calmed her nerves. |
cancel | to annul or revoke something previously planned or arranged | He canceled his flight due to bad weather. |
capture | to catch or seize something or someone | The hunter captured the rabbit in his trap. |
care | to be concerned or take responsibility for something or someone | She cared for her sick mother. |
carry | to transport or support something by holding or bearing it | He carried the heavy box up the stairs. |
carve | to cut or shape something by removing material | The artist carved a statue out of marble. |
catch | to grasp or seize something in motion | She caught the ball with one hand. |
celebrate | to observe or honor a special occasion or event | We will celebrate our anniversary with a fancy dinner. |
challenge | to question or dispute something | She challenged his decision and offered an alternative. |
change | to make or become different | She changed her hairstyle for the new season. |
charge | to demand payment or assign responsibility | The store charged her credit card for the purchase. |
chat | to talk in a friendly and informal way | They chatted for hours over coffee. |
check | to examine or verify something | He checked the spelling of his name on the document. |
cheer | to express happiness or support | The crowd cheered for their team. |
choose | to make a selection from among options | She chose the red dress for the party. |
chop | to cut into pieces with a sharp tool | He chopped the vegetables for the soup. |
claim | to assert ownership or right to something | He claimed the prize for himself. |
clap | to strike the palms of the hands together to make a sound | The audience clapped after the performance. |
clean | to remove dirt or impurities from something | She cleaned the kitchen after dinner. |
clear | to remove or eliminate something that obstructs or confuses | He cleared the table of dishes. |
climb | to ascend or scale a height | She climbed the mountain for the view. |
close | to shut or fasten something | He closed the door behind him. |
coach | to teach or train someone in a particular skill or activity | The coach coached the team to victory. |
collect | to gather or accumulate something | She collected stamps as a hobby. |
color | to add or change color on something | She colored the picture with crayons. |
combine | to blend or mix things together | The chef combined the ingredients for the recipe. |
comfort | to provide solace or alleviate distress | She comforted her friend after a breakup. |
command | to order or direct someone to do something | The captain commanded his crew to set sail. |
communicate | to convey or share information or ideas | They communicated through email while he was away. |
compare | to examine or note the similarities and differences between things | She compared the prices of different brands. |
compete | to strive against others in a contest or rivalry | The athletes competed for the gold medal. |
complain | to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something | He complained about the slow service at the restaurant. |
complete | to finish or accomplish something | She completed the project on time. |
concentrate | to focus one’s attention or energy on something | He concentrated on his studies for the exam. |
concern | to cause worry or anxiety about something | The news concerned her safety. |
conclude | to bring to an end or come to a final decision | They concluded the meeting with a vote. |
conduct | to organize or carry out a particular activity or behavior | He conducted the orchestra with precision. |
confess | to admit or acknowledge something that one has done wrong | She confessed to stealing the money. |
confuse | to make someone feel uncertain or perplexed | The instructions confused him, so he asked for help. |
connect | to join or link two or more things together | She connected the wires to fix the circuit. |
consider | to think about or contemplate something carefully | He considered his options before making a decision. |
consist | to be composed or made up of something | The meal consisted of pasta and sauce. |
contain | to hold or include something within a confined space | The jar contained pickles. |
continue | to persist or carry on without interruption | She continued running despite her fatigue. |
cook | to prepare food by heating it | He cooked dinner for his family. |
copy | to duplicate or reproduce something | She copied the document for her records. |
correct | to make something right or accurate | He corrected the mistake in his calculations. |
cost | to require payment or incur an expense | The car cost a lot of money. |
count | to determine the total number of something | She counted the coins in her piggy bank. |
cover | to place something over or on top of something else | He covered the cake with frosting. |
create | to bring something into existence or produce something new | She created a sculpture out of clay. |
cross | to go from one side to the other side of something | She crossed the street at the crosswalk. |
cry | to shed tears as an expression of emotion | She cried at the sad movie. |
cut | to use a sharp tool to divide something into pieces | He cut the paper with scissors. |
damage | to harm or impair something | The storm damaged the roof of the house. |
dance | to move rhythmically to music | They danced at the party all night. |
deal | to handle or distribute something | He dealt the cards for the game. |
decide | to make a choice or come to a conclusion | She decided to take the job offer. |
decorate | to adorn or embellish something with decorations | She decorated the Christmas tree with ornaments. |
decrease | to make something less or reduce in size, quantity, or intensity | The temperature decreased as the night went on. |
define | to give a precise meaning to a word or concept | He defined the term in his paper. |
delay | to postpone or cause something to happen at a later time | The flight was delayed due to bad weather. |
deliver | to bring or transport something to a person or place | The postman delivered the package to her door. |
demand | to insist on something or require something to be done | The workers demanded better pay and benefits. |
demonstrate | to show or prove something through an action or example | She demonstrated how to use the software. |
deny | to refuse to acknowledge or accept something as true | He denied stealing the money. |
depend | to rely on or be influenced by something else | The outcome depends on several factors. |
describe | to give an account of or represent something in words | She described the scenery in great detail. |
design | to plan or create something with a specific purpose or appearance | She designed the new logo for the company. |
destroy | to cause great damage or harm to something | The earthquake destroyed many buildings. |
develop | to grow or progress over time | She developed her skills through practice. |
die | to stop living or cease to exist | He died peacefully in his sleep. |
differ | to be unlike or dissimilar to something else | Their opinions differed on the issue. |
dig | to break up, move, or remove earth, sand, or other material | He dug a hole in the backyard. |
direct | to guide or control the course of something | She directed the actors in the movie. |
disagree | to have a difference of opinion or view | They disagreed about the best course of action. |
disappear | to cease to be visible or exist | The sun disappeared behind the clouds. |
discover | to find or uncover something for the first time | She discovered a new species of bird. |
discuss | to talk about or consider something in detail | They discussed the pros and cons of the proposal. |
dislike | to have an aversion or negative feeling towards something | She dislikes the taste of mushrooms. |
display | to show or exhibit something for others to see | She displayed her artwork at the gallery. |
distinguish | to recognize or identify the differences between things | She could distinguish between the identical twins. |
distribute | to divide or spread something out among a group of people or things | They distributed the food to the hungry. |
disturb | to interrupt or cause someone to feel anxious or uneasy | The loud noise disturbed her concentration. |
divide | to separate or divide something into parts | She divided the cake into equal slices. |
do | to perform an action or task | He did his homework before watching TV. |
donate | to give or contribute something to a person or cause | She donated money to the charity. |
draw | to make a picture or diagram by making lines on a surface | She drew a portrait of her dog. |
dream | to experience a series of thoughts, images, or sensations during sleep | She dreamed of traveling the world. |
dress | to put on clothing or attire | She dressed in a formal gown for the wedding. |
drink | to consume liquid through the mouth | She drank a glass of water after her workout. |
drive | to operate a vehicle and control its movement | He drove his car to work. |
drop | to fall or let something fall from a higher to a lower place | She dropped the vase and it shattered on the ground. |
earn | to obtain or receive something, typically money, as a result of work or effort | He earned a promotion at his job. |
eat | to consume food through the mouth | She ate a delicious meal at the restaurant. |
educate | to teach or instruct someone on a particular subject or skill | She was educated at a prestigious university. |
eliminate | to remove or get rid of something completely | They eliminated the possibility of error in the experiment. |
employ | to hire or engage someone to work for payment | The company employed over 500 people. |
encourage | to inspire or motivate someone to do something | She encouraged her children to follow their dreams. |
end | to bring something to a conclusion or finish | The party ended at midnight. |
enjoy | to experience pleasure or satisfaction from something | She enjoyed reading books in her free time. |
ensure | to make certain that something will happen or be the case | He ensured that the project was completed on time. |
establish | to set up or create something that will last for a long time | She established her own business after years of working for others. |
estimate | to make an approximate calculation or judgement about something | They estimated the cost of the project to be around $10,000. |
evaluate | to assess or judge the value, quality, or significance of something | She evaluated the performance of her employees. |
examine | to inspect or scrutinize something in detail | The doctor examined the patient’s medical history. |
exceed | to go beyond or surpass something in amount, extent, or degree | The sales exceeded the company’s expectations. |
exchange | to give or receive something in return for something else | They exchanged gifts at the holiday party. |
exercise | to engage in physical activity to improve health or fitness | She exercised for an hour every day. |
exist | to be present or have reality | The unicorn does not exist in real life. |
expand | to increase in size, volume, quantity, or scope | The business expanded to multiple locations. |
expect | to anticipate or look forward to something happening | She expected to receive good news from the job interview. |
experience | to undergo or encounter something, often involving emotions or feelings | She experienced a range of emotions during the difficult time. |
explain | to make something clear or understandable by providing information or details | He explained the rules of the game to the new player. |
explore | to investigate or travel through an unknown or unfamiliar place | They explored the city’s hidden gems. |
express | to convey or communicate a thought, feeling, or idea through words or actions | She expressed her gratitude for the help she received. |
extend | to make something longer or larger, or to reach a greater distance | They extended the deadline for the project. |
face | to confront or deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation | She faced her fears and went skydiving. |
fail | to be unsuccessful in achieving a goal or objective | He failed the exam despite studying for hours. |
fall | to descend from a higher to a lower position | The leaves fell from the trees in autumn. |
fear | to have a feeling of anxiety or unease about something | She feared the worst when she heard the news. |
feed | to provide food to someone or something | She fed the hungry children at the shelter. |
feel | to experience a sensation or emotion | She felt happy when she heard the good news. |
fight | to engage in a physical or verbal battle with someone or something | They fought for their beliefs in the protest. |
fill | to make something full or complete | She filled the glass with water. |
find | to discover or come across something or someone by searching or exploring | She found a lost dog and brought it to the animal shelter. |
finish | to complete or bring to an end | She finished the marathon after running for 4 hours. |
fit | to be suitable or appropriate for a particular purpose or situation | The dress fit perfectly for the occasion. |
fix | to repair or mend something that is broken or damaged | He fixed the leaky faucet in the bathroom. |
follow | to go or come after or behind someone or something | They followed the directions on the map. |
forbid | to prohibit or ban something from happening or being done | The school forbids students from using their phones in class. |
forget | to fail to remember something | She forgot her keys and had to go back home. |
forgive | to pardon or excuse someone for a mistake or wrongdoing | She forgave him for forgetting her birthday. |
form | to create or shape something, often by combining or arranging various elements | They formed a band and started playing music together. |
free | to release or liberate someone or something from confinement or restriction | She freed the bird from the cage. |
freeze | to become solid or extremely cold due to a decrease in temperature | The water in the lake froze in the winter. |
frighten | to cause fear or terror in someone or something | The loud thunder frightened the dog. |
fulfill | to satisfy or meet a requirement or obligation | She fulfilled her promise to help the needy. |
gain | to obtain or acquire something, often through effort or hard work | She gained a lot of knowledge from reading books. |
gather | to collect or bring together in one place or group | They gathered the necessary documents for the meeting. |
gaze | to look steadily and intently at something or someone | They gazed at the stars on a clear night. |
generate | to produce or create something, often through a process or mechanism | The wind turbines generated electricity for the community. |
get | to obtain or acquire something | She got a new job after searching for months. |
give | to transfer something to someone else as a gift, donation, or reward | She gave her friend a thoughtful present for her birthday. |
go | to move from one place to another | She went to the store to buy some groceries. |
grab | to take hold of something quickly or forcefully | She grabbed her phone before it fell on the ground. |
graduate | to successfully complete a course of study or educational program and receive a degree or diploma | She graduated from college with honors. |
greet | to welcome or acknowledge someone upon their arrival | She greeted her guests with a smile at the party. |
grow | to increase in size, quantity, or degree over time | The plants grew taller in the sunlight. |
guess | to form an opinion or estimate based on limited information or knowledge | She guessed the answer to the riddle correctly. |
guide | to lead or direct someone towards a particular destination or action | He guided the tourists through the historic site. |
handle | to manage or deal with something or someone | She handled the difficult situation with professionalism. |
hang | to suspend or attach something from above | She hung the picture on the wall with a nail. |
happen | to occur or take place | The accident happened on the busy street corner. |
harm | to cause injury, damage, or distress to someone or something | She didn’t mean to harm the butterfly when she caught it in her hand. |
hate | to feel strong dislike or hostility towards someone or something | She hated the way he treated her. |
have | to possess or own something | She has a beautiful house in the countryside. |
hear | to perceive sound through the ears | She could hear the birds chirping in the morning. |
help | to assist or aid someone or something | She helped her friend move into a new apartment. |
hesitate | to pause or hold back in uncertainty or doubt | She hesitated before making a decision. |
hide | to conceal or keep oneself or something out of sight | She hid the presents under the bed. |
hit | to strike or collide with something or someone | She hit the ball with the bat and scored a home run. |
hold | to grasp or carry something firmly with the hands | She held the baby in her arms. |
hope | to desire or expect something to happen in the future | She hoped to travel the world someday. |
hurt | to cause physical or emotional pain or harm to someone or something | She hurt her ankle while running. |
identify | to recognize or establish the identity of someone or something | She identified the suspect from the police lineup. |
ignore | to disregard or pay no attention to someone or something | She ignored the rude comments and continued with her work. |
illustrate | to provide visual representations or examples to explain or clarify something | She illustrated her ideas with colorful diagrams and pictures. |
imagine | to form a mental image or concept of something that is not present or real | She imagined a world without war or conflict. |
immigrate | to move to a new country with the intention of living there permanently | She immigrated to the United States for a better life. |
impact | to have a strong effect or influence on something or someone | The new policy had a significant impact on the company’s profits. |
implement | to put into effect or action a plan, policy, or decision | She implemented new safety measures in the workplace. |
imply | to suggest or indicate something without stating it directly | His tone of voice implied that he was not interested in the conversation. |
impress | to make a strong or favorable impression on someone | She impressed her boss with her outstanding work performance. |
improve | to make something better or more satisfactory | She worked hard to improve her grades in school. |
include | to contain or have as a part or component | The package included a handwritten note and a gift card. |
increase | to become larger, greater, or more numerous in quantity or degree | The demand for the product increased after the advertising campaign. |
indicate | to point out or show something as a sign or signal | The traffic light indicated that it was safe to cross the street. |
induce | to bring about or cause something to happen | The medicine induced drowsiness as a side effect. |
infect | to contaminate or transmit a disease or harmful agent to someone or something | He accidentally infected his computer with a virus. |
inform | to provide knowledge or information to someone | She informed her colleagues of the upcoming meeting. |
inhale | to breathe in air or a substance into the lungs | She inhaled deeply to calm her nerves. |
initiate | to begin or start something, often a process or action | She initiated the project and assigned tasks to her team members. |
innovate | to introduce new ideas, methods, or products | The company is known for its innovative approach to design. |
inspect | to examine or scrutinize something carefully | The inspector inspected the building for safety violations. |
inspire | to encourage, motivate, or stimulate someone’s creativity or emotions | Her artwork inspired many people to pursue their passions. |
install | to set up or put in place equipment, software, or devices | She installed the new software on her computer. |
instruct | to provide knowledge or direction on how to do something | She instructed her students on the proper technique for playing the piano. |
intend | to have a plan or purpose in mind for something | She intended to visit her grandmother in the hospital. |
interact | to communicate or engage with someone or something | She enjoyed interacting with her followers on social media. |
interfere | to hinder, obstruct, or meddle with someone or something | She didn’t want to interfere with their decision-making process. |
interpret | to explain or translate the meaning of something | She interpreted the poem as a reflection of the author’s personal struggles. |
interview | to question or have a conversation with someone to obtain information | She interviewed several candidates for the job position. |
introduce | to present or bring someone or something into a new situation or environment | She introduced her new friend to her old friends at the party. |
invent | to create or develop a new product, idea, or method | She invented a device that could detect allergens in food. |
investigate | to examine or look into something in order to gather information | The detective investigated the crime scene for clues. |
invite | to request or ask someone to come or participate in something | She invited her coworkers to her birthday party. |
involve | to include or require someone or something as a necessary part or participant | The project involved extensive research and collaboration with other experts. |
iron | to press or smooth out wrinkles from fabric using a heated flat iron | She ironed her dress for the formal event. |
isolate | to separate or set apart someone or something from others | She isolated herself from the rest of the world after a traumatic experience. |
issue | to release or distribute something officially, often in the form of a statement or document | The government issued a statement regarding the new policy. |
join | to become a member or participant in something | She joined the club to meet new people and explore new interests. |
judge | to form an opinion or make a decision about something or someone based on evidence or evaluation | She judged the performance to be outstanding and awarded the prize. |
jump | to propel oneself off the ground using one’s legs | She jumped over the fence to retrieve her ball. |
justify | to provide a reason or explanation for something, often in order to defend or support it | He tried to justify his actions to his parents, but they were not convinced. |
keep | to maintain possession or control over something | She kept the keys to the car in her purse. |
kick | to strike or hit something with one’s foot | He kicked the ball into the goal and scored a point. |
kill | to cause the death of someone or something | The disease killed thousands of people in the region. |
kiss | to touch one’s lips to someone or something as a sign of affection or respect | She kissed her baby on the forehead before putting him to bed. |
knit | to create fabric by interlocking loops of yarn with needles | She knitted a scarf for her sister’s birthday present. |
knock | to strike or tap on a surface or object in order to make a sound or gain attention | She knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. |
know | to possess information or knowledge about something or someone | She knew the answer to the question because she had studied it in class. |
label | to attach a descriptive or identifying tag or sticker to something | She labeled the boxes with the contents and destination for easier organization. |
land | to come to rest on the ground or a surface after a flight or fall | The airplane landed safely on the runway after a long flight. |
laugh | to express amusement or joy by making sounds with one’s mouth and throat | She laughed at his joke, even though she didn’t really find it funny. |
lead | to guide or direct someone or something in a particular direction or course | She led the group on a hike through the mountains. |
learn | to acquire knowledge or information about something or someone | She learned how to play the guitar by taking lessons from a professional musician. |
leave | to go away or depart from a place or situation | She left the party early because she wasn’t feeling well. |
lend | to allow someone to borrow something with the expectation of it being returned | She lent her friend a book from her personal library. |
let | to allow or permit someone or something to do or have something | She let her children stay up late to watch a movie. |
level | to make something flat, even, or equal in height or value | She leveled the ground in the backyard for a new garden. |
lick | to pass one’s tongue over something, often to taste or clean it | The dog licked his owner’s face as a sign of affection. |
lie | to recline or rest in a horizontal position | She lay down on the couch to take a nap. |
lift | to raise or elevate someone or something to a higher position | She lifted the heavy box with all her strength. |
light | to ignite or set something on fire | She lit the candles on the birthday cake and made a wish. |
like | to have a positive feeling or preference for someone or something | She liked the new restaurant because of its cozy atmosphere and delicious food. |
limit | to set a boundary or restriction on something | She limited her spending on clothes to save money for a trip. |
listen | to give attention or focus to someone or something making a sound | She listened to her favorite music on the way to work to help her relax. |
load | to put objects or materials onto a vehicle, machine, or container | She loaded the groceries into the trunk of her car. |
locate | to find the position or place of something or someone | She located her missing keys under the couch cushions. |
lock | to fasten or secure something with a key or combination | She locked the door before leaving the house. |
look | to direct one’s eyes towards something or someone in order to see or observe it | She looked out the window and saw the beautiful view. |
lose | to misplace or be unable to find something | She lost her phone and couldn’t remember where she had last seen it. |
love | to have a deep affection or attachment towards someone or something | She loved spending time with her family and friends. |
lower | to move something or someone downwards to a lower position or level | She lowered the blinds to block out the sunlight. |
maintain | to keep in good condition or working order | She maintained her car by taking it for regular check-ups and oil changes. |
make | to create or produce something | She made a cake for her daughter’s birthday party. |
manage | to handle or control a situation or group of people | She managed the project team and ensured that all tasks were completed on time. |
mark | to indicate or highlight a specific point or area | She marked the location of the buried treasure on a map. |
marry | to enter into a legal or formal union with someone as partners in a relationship | She married her longtime boyfriend in a beautiful ceremony. |
matter | to be important or significant in a particular situation or context | It didn’t matter to her what color shirt he wore to the party. |
mean | to intend or signify something in a particular way | She meant to say that she would be busy that day and couldn’t meet up. |
measure | to determine the quantity or size of something using standard units | She measured the length of the room to determine how much paint was needed. |
meet | to come into contact or connection with someone or something | She met her old friend for lunch and caught up on old times. |
melt | to change from a solid to a liquid state as a result of heat | The ice cream melted quickly in the hot sun. |
mention | to refer to or speak briefly about something in a conversation or written work | She mentioned her upcoming vacation to her boss. |
merge | to combine or blend two or more things into a single entity | The two companies merged to form a larger corporation. |
mind | to be concerned or bothered by something | She didn’t mind the rain and continued with her walk. |
miss | to fail to hit, reach, or attend something or someone | She missed her flight and had to book another one for the next day. |
mix | to combine two or more substances or materials into a homogeneous mixture | She mixed the ingredients together to make a delicious smoothie. |
move | to change one’s position or location, or cause someone or something to do so | She moved the furniture around to create more space in the room. |
multiply | to increase in number or quantity by repeated addition | She multiplied the number of guests by the cost per head to calculate the total cost of the party. |
name | to give a specific name to someone or something | She named her new puppy after her favorite character in a book. |
need | to require or depend on something in order to function or exist | She needed a new pair of shoes for her upcoming trip. |
negotiate | to discuss and reach an agreement with someone, often in a formal setting | She negotiated a better salary with her boss. |
note | to take down or write something as a reminder or record | She noted down the important details in her planner. |
notice | to become aware of or observe something or someone | She noticed the beautiful sunset over the horizon. |
obtain | to acquire or receive something through effort or action | She obtained a degree in engineering after years of hard work. |
occupy | to fill or take up space or time | She occupied herself with a book while waiting for her appointment. |
offer | to present or propose something for acceptance or rejection | She offered to help her neighbor with her groceries. |
open | to unblock or allow access to something by moving or lifting a barrier | She opened the window to let in some fresh air. |
operate | to control or work with a machine or device | She operated the computer with ease. |
order | to request or command something to be done or obtained | She ordered a pizza for dinner. |
organize | to arrange or put things in order according to a system or plan | She organized her closet by color and season. |
overcome | to successfully deal with or overcome a difficulty or obstacle | She overcame her fear of heights and went skydiving. |
own | to possess or have legal title to something | She owned a small business in the downtown area. |
paint | to apply color or paint to a surface | She painted the walls of her bedroom a soft shade of blue. |
park | to leave a vehicle in a designated area for a period of time | She parked her car in the parking lot and walked to the store. |
participate | to take part in an activity or event | She participated in the charity walk to raise money for cancer research. |
pay | to give money in exchange for goods or services | She paid for her groceries with her credit card. |
perform | to carry out a task or activity, often in front of an audience | She performed a beautiful dance routine at the recital. |
permit | to allow or give permission for something to happen | She permitted her children to stay up late on the weekends. |
persuade | to convince or influence someone to do or believe something | She persuaded her friend to come to the party with her. |
place | to put or set something down in a particular position | She placed the vase of flowers on the table. |
plan | to make a detailed proposal or scheme for achieving a goal | She planned her vacation itinerary carefully to make the most of her time. |
play | to engage in an activity for enjoyment or recreation | She played a game of chess with her grandfather. |
point | to direct or aim something towards a particular target or direction | She pointed out the best hiking trail to her friend. |
possess | to have or own something, often as a result of acquiring it in some way | She possessed a rare collection of antique books. |
pour | to transfer a liquid from one container to another | She poured the milk into her cereal bowl. |
practice | to engage in an activity or exercise regularly to improve a skill or ability | She practiced her violin every day to prepare for the concert. |
praise | to express admiration or approval for someone or something | She praised her daughter for her hard work on the school project. |
prefer | to like or want something more than something else | She prefers tea over coffee in the morning. |
prepare | to make ready or get ready for an event or task | She prepared a delicious dinner for her family. |
present | to show or display something to others | She presented her research findings at the conference. |
preserve | to protect or keep something in its original state or condition | She preserved the family heirloom by storing it in a safe place. |
prevent | to stop something from happening or prevent it from occurring | She prevented the spread of the virus by wearing a mask and social distancing. |
to produce a copy of a document or image on paper or another surface | She printed out her resume on high-quality paper. | |
produce | to create or make something, often in large quantities | She produced a successful film that won several awards. |
promise | to make a commitment to do or give something | She promised to call her friend every week to stay in touch. |
promote | to advertise or make something known in order to increase its popularity or sales | She promoted her new book on social media. |
protect | to keep something safe from harm, damage, or danger | She protected her skin from the sun by wearing sunscreen. |
prove | to demonstrate or show that something is true or valid | She proved her theory with extensive research and evidence. |
provide | to give or supply something that is needed or wanted | She provided food and shelter for the homeless. |
publish | to make something available to the public, often in written or digital form | She published her novel to great critical acclaim. |
pull | to use force to move something towards oneself or away from something else | She pulled the door open and walked into the room. |
push | to use force to move something away from oneself or towards something else | She pushed the shopping cart through the store. |
put | to place or set something down in a particular position | She put the dishes away in the cupboard. |
question | to ask someone for information or to express doubt or uncertainty about something | She questioned the validity of the study’s results. |
quit | to stop doing something, often permanently or voluntarily | She quit her job to pursue her dream of traveling the world. |
raise | to lift or move something to a higher position | She raised her hand to ask a question in class. |
read | to look at and understand written or printed words | She read the newspaper every morning with her coffee. |
realize | to become aware of or understand something that was previously unknown or unclear | She realized that she had left her phone at home. |
receive | to be given or presented with something, often as a gift or reward | She received a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her husband. |
recommend | to suggest or advise someone to do or try something | She recommended the new restaurant to her friends. |
record | to make a written or audiovisual document of an event or information | She recorded her thoughts and ideas in a journal. |
reduce | to make something smaller or decrease in size or quantity | She reduced her carbon footprint by taking public transportation. |
reflect | to think deeply or carefully about something, often to gain insight or understanding | She reflected on her life choices and made some important decisions. |
refuse | to decline or say no to something that is offered or requested | She refused to eat meat and became a vegetarian. |
regard | to consider or think of something in a particular way | She regarded him as a trusted friend and conf |
relax | to become less tense or stressed, to rest or unwind | She liked to relax in the evening with a good book. |
rely | to depend on or trust in someone or something | She relied on her best friend for emotional support. |
remember | to recall or bring to mind something that was previously known or experienced | She remembered the song from her childhood. |
remove | to take away or eliminate something from a particular place or situation | She removed the stains from her shirt with a stain remover. |
repair | to fix or restore something that is damaged or broken | She repaired her bicycle after it had a flat tire. |
report | to give an account of something, often in writing or orally | She reported the news to her colleagues. |
represent | to stand for or symbolize something, to act on behalf of someone or something | She represented her company at the trade show. |
require | to need or demand something in order to function or operate properly | She required a high-speed internet connection for her work. |
research | to study or investigate something thoroughly in order to discover new information or knowledge | She researched the history of her family tree. |
respond | to answer or react to something that was said or done | She responded to the email within 24 hours. |
rest | to relax or take a break from activity, to sleep or recover from fatigue or illness | She rested on the couch after a long day at work. |
result | to occur or happen as a consequence or outcome of something else | She saw positive results from her exercise routine. |
return | to give or bring something back to its original place or owner, to go back to a previous state or condition | She returned the library books before the due date. |
reveal | to make something known or visible that was previously hidden or secret | She revealed her true feelings to her partner. |
review | to examine or analyze something closely in order to evaluate its quality or effectiveness | She reviewed the document for errors and inconsistencies. |
ride | to sit on and control the movement of a vehicle or animal | She rode her bike to work every day. |
ring | to make a sound by striking a bell or another object, to call someone on the phone | She rang the doorbell to announce her arrival. |
rise | to move upwards, to increase in quantity or quality | She watched the sun rise over the horizon. |
risk | to expose oneself to danger or harm, to take a chance or gamble on something | She took a risk and invested in the stock market. |
run | to move quickly on foot, to operate or manage a business or organization | She ran a marathon and finished in first place. |
save | to keep or preserve something for later use, to rescue or protect from harm or danger | She saved her money to buy a new car. |
say | to express or communicate words or ideas through speech or writing | She said goodbye to her friends before leaving. |
see | to perceive or observe something through the eyes or other senses, to understand or comprehend something | She saw the beautiful sunset from her balcony. |
seek | to search or look for something that is missing or needed, to strive for or pursue a goal | She sought advice from her mentor. |
sell | to exchange goods or services for money or other goods, to persuade someone to buy something | She sold her old car to buy a new one. |
separate | to divide or detach something from another, to set apart or isolate something | She separated the laundry by color before washing. |
serve | to provide or distribute something to others, to work in a capacity that benefits others | She served coffee to her guests. |
set | to put something in a particular position or state, to establish or fix something in place | She set the table for dinner. |
settle | to resolve or come to an agreement about a problem or dispute, to become calm or comfortable in a particular place or situation | She settled the argument with her friend. |
shake | to move back and forth or up and down with quick, jerky motions, to cause to tremble or vibrate | She shook the dust off the rug. |
share | to give a portion of something to others, to communicate or express something with others | She shared her cake with her friends. |
shoot | to fire a weapon or take a photograph, to propel or project something quickly and forcefully | She shot a target with her bow and arrow. |
show | to present or display something to others, to demonstrate or prove something | She showed her artwork at the gallery. |
shut | to close or block an entrance or opening, to stop operating or functioning | She shut the windows to keep out the cold. |
sing | to produce musical sounds with the voice, to express or convey something through singing | She sang a lullaby to her baby. |
sit | to rest one’s weight on one’s buttocks and remain upright, to occupy a particular place or position | She sat in the front row of the theater. |
sleep | to rest or slumber, to be in a state of unconsciousness | She slept for eight hours every night. |
smell | to perceive or detect an odor or scent, to have a particular odor or scent | She smelled the flowers in the garden. |
smile | to express happiness or amusement by turning up the corners of one’s mouth, to be friendly or pleasant | She smiled at the cashier. |
smoke | to inhale and exhale smoke from tobacco or another substance, to emit smoke or fumes | She smoked a cigarette on the balcony. |
solve | to find a solution or answer to a problem or question, to explain or clarify something | She solved the math problem on the board. |
sort | to arrange or classify something according to particular characteristics or criteria, to separate or divide something into categories | She sorted the books by genre. |
sound | to produce or emit a particular noise or tone, to convey or express something through sound | She sounded the alarm to alert the building. |
speak | to communicate or express thoughts or ideas through speech, to utter or articulate words | She spoke several languages fluently. |
spend | to use up or pay out money or resources, to pass or occupy time in a particular way | She spent the weekend hiking in the mountains. |
spin | to rotate or turn quickly or smoothly around a central axis, to create or produce something rapidly and with great energy | She spun the dreidel during Hanukkah. |
stand | to support oneself or be in an upright position on one’s feet, to be in a particular position or situation | She stood in line for tickets. |
start | to begin or initiate something, to cause or set in motion | She started the car and drove away. |
stay | to remain in a particular place or state, to continue or persist in a particular condition | She stayed at the hotel for three nights. |
stop | to come to an end or halt, to prevent or hinder something from continuing | She stopped at the red light. |
study | to learn or acquire knowledge about a subject or topic, to examine or scrutinize something carefully | She studied for her exam all night. |
succeed | to accomplish or achieve a desired outcome or goal, to follow or come after something | She succeeded in getting the job. |
suffer | to experience pain, distress, or hardship, to undergo or be subjected to something unpleasant | She suffered a concussion from the accident. |
suggest | to propose or recommend something for consideration, to imply or indicate something indirectly | She suggested going to the beach for the weekend. |
support | to provide assistance or encouragement to someone or something, to bear the weight or hold up something | She supported her friend through a difficult time. |
surprise | to cause someone to feel astonishment or amazement, to do something unexpected | She surprised her sister with a birthday party. |
swim | to move through water by propelling oneself with one’s limbs, to be immersed or bathed in water | She swam across the lake. |
take | to grab or hold onto something, to consume or ingest something, to undertake or perform a particular action | She took a sip of her coffee. |
talk | to communicate or converse with someone, to express or convey something through speech | She talked to her boss about a raise. |
teach | to instruct or educate someone in a particular subject or skill, to show or demonstrate how to do something | She taught her daughter how to read. |
tell | to communicate or convey information to someone, to narrate or relate a story or experience | She told her friend about her trip to Paris. |
test | to assess or evaluate something’s performance or ability, to experiment or conduct research on something | She tested the new software for bugs. |
think | to use one’s mental faculties to consider or reflect on something, to have an opinion or belief about something | She thought about her decision for a long time. |
throw | to propel or launch something through the air, to cast or toss something away from oneself | She threw the ball to her dog. |
touch | to come into contact with something physically, to affect or influence someone emotionally | She touched the soft fur of the kitten. |
train | to teach or prepare someone for a particular task or profession, to exercise or condition the body or mind | She trained for the marathon for months. |
travel | to move from one place to another, to journey or explore a new destination | She traveled to Europe for vacation. |
try | to attempt or make an effort to do something, to test or experiment with something | She tried on several dresses before choosing one. |
turn | to rotate or revolve around an axis or center point, to change or redirect the direction of something | She turned the key in the lock to open the door. |
understand | to comprehend or grasp the meaning or significance of something, to be aware or informed about something | She understood the instructions clearly. |
use | to employ or utilize something for a particular purpose, to consume or deplete something | She used a pencil to write a note. |
wait | to remain in a place or position until something happens, to expect or anticipate something | She waited for the bus at the stop. |
walk | to move on foot, to proceed or advance slowly or cautiously | She walked her dog in the park. |
watch | to observe or monitor something or |
watch | to observe or monitor something or someone, to view or attend a performance or event | She watched the movie on Netflix. |
wear | to have on or carry on one’s body, to show or display something proudly | She wore a red dress to the party. |
win | to achieve victory or success in a competition or conflict, to earn or gain something through effort | She won the championship game. |
work | to engage in physical or mental labor or activity, to function or operate effectively | She worked on her project all night. |
worry | to feel anxious or concerned about something, to bother or trouble someone | She worried about her son’s safety. |
write | to produce or create written words or text, to communicate or express thoughts or ideas in writing | She wrote a letter to her grandparents |