Verbs ending with ing
Verbs ending with “-ing” are known as gerunds or present participles. These forms of verbs play a vital role in English grammar, serving various functions within sentences.
Gerunds act as nouns within sentences. They can function as subjects, objects, or complements.
- Subject: Swimming is my favorite hobby. (Swimming as the subject of the sentence)
- Object: She enjoys reading. (Reading as the object of the verb enjoys)
- Complement: His favorite activity is running. (Running as the complement of the verb is)
Present Participles
Present participles are used in continuous tenses and can also function as adjectives.
- Continuous Tenses:
- She is running in the park. (Present continuous tense)
- They were singing beautifully. (Past continuous tense)
- He has been working all day. (Present perfect continuous tense)
- Adjectives:
- The crying baby was comforted by her mother. (Crying as an adjective modifying baby)
- The burning candle illuminated the room. (Burning as an adjective modifying candle)
Verbs ending with “-ing”
Here is a verbs ending with “-ing,” including their meanings and example sentences:
Verb | Meaning | Sentence |
Abandoning | Leaving something or someone behind permanently. | She felt guilty about abandoning her old friends. |
Abolishing | Formally putting an end to a system, practice, or institution. | The government is considering abolishing the death penalty. |
Absorbing | Taking in or soaking up a substance or information. | The sponge is good at absorbing water. |
Accepting | Agreeing to receive or undertake something. | She is accepting the new job offer. |
Achieving | Successfully reaching a desired goal or result. | He is working hard towards achieving his dreams. |
Acknowledging | Recognizing the existence, validity, or legality of something. | She is acknowledging her mistakes. |
Acquiring | Gaining possession or control of something. | He is acquiring new skills at the workshop. |
Acting | Performing a role in a play, movie, or TV show. | She is acting in a new drama series. |
Adapting | Making changes to suit different conditions. | They are adapting to the new environment. |
Adding | Putting something together with another item. | She is adding the final touches to her painting. |
Addressing | Speaking to someone or dealing with a problem. | He is addressing the issue with his team. |
Adjusting | Making small changes to achieve a desired fit or outcome. | She is adjusting her dress for the party. |
Admiring | Feeling respect or approval for someone or something. | I am admiring the artwork in the gallery. |
Advising | Offering suggestions about what someone should do. | He is advising her on how to improve her resume. |
Affecting | Making a change or influence on something. | The new policy is affecting all employees. |
Agreeing | Giving consent or approval. | They are agreeing to the terms of the contract. |
Aiming | Directing efforts towards a goal. | She is aiming for a promotion at work. |
Allowing | Permitting something to happen. | The school is allowing students to bring phones. |
Analyzing | Examining something methodically for understanding. | She is analyzing the results of the experiment. |
Announcing | Making a public declaration about something. | The company is announcing a new product. |
Answering | Responding to a question or request. | She is answering the customer’s queries. |
Apologizing | Expressing regret for a mistake or offense. | He is apologizing for being late. |
Appearing | Coming into sight or being visible. | The sun is appearing from behind the clouds. |
Applying | Putting something into use or practice. | She is applying for a scholarship. |
Approaching | Moving closer to something or someone. | They are approaching the finish line. |
Approving | Agreeing to or accepting something. | The manager is approving the new proposal. |
Arguing | Presenting reasons for or against something. | They are arguing about the best solution. |
Arranging | Organizing or putting things in a specific order. | She is arranging the books on the shelf. |
Arriving | Reaching a destination. | They are arriving at the airport now. |
Asking | Inquiring or requesting information. | She is asking for directions to the hotel. |
Assisting | Helping or supporting someone. | He is assisting her with the project. |
Assuming | Taking something for granted without proof. | She is assuming that he will come to the meeting. |
Attacking | Using force against someone or something. | The team is attacking the opposing side. |
Attempting | Making an effort to achieve or do something. | He is attempting to fix the broken pipe. |
Attending | Being present at an event or place. | She is attending the conference this week. |
Attracting | Drawing interest or attention. | The new store is attracting many customers. |
Avoiding | Keeping away from something. | She is avoiding the crowded areas of the city. |
Becoming | Undergoing a change or development. | She is becoming more confident in her new role. |
Beginning | Starting something. | The meeting is beginning now. |
Believing | Accepting something as true or real. | She is believing in her own abilities. |
Belonging | Being a member or part of something. | This book is belonging to the library. |
Blaming | Holding someone responsible for something. | He is blaming her for the mistake. |
Boiling | Reaching a temperature at which a liquid turns to vapor. | The water is boiling on the stove. |
Borrowing | Taking and using something belonging to someone else with permission. | She is borrowing a book from the library. |
Breaking | Causing something to separate into pieces. | She is breaking the chocolate into pieces. |
Bringing | Carrying or causing to come to a place. | He is bringing snacks to the party. |
Building | Constructing something. | They are building a new house. |
Burning | Destroying something by fire. | The wood is burning in the fireplace. |
Calculating | Determining something by mathematical methods. | She is calculating the total cost of the groceries. |
Calling | Summoning or contacting someone by phone. | He is calling his friend for advice. |
Camping | Staying in a tent or temporary shelter outdoors. | We are camping in the mountains this weekend. |
Caring | Showing kindness and concern for others. | She is caring for her sick grandmother. |
Carrying | Supporting and moving something from one place to another. | He is carrying a heavy box up the stairs. |
Causing | Making something happen. | The new policy is causing confusion. |
Celebrating | Observing a special event or occasion. | They are celebrating their anniversary. |
Changing | Making or becoming different. | She is changing her hairstyle. |
Choosing | Selecting one option from a set of alternatives. | She is choosing a dress for the party. |
Climbing | Ascending or going up something. | He is climbing the mountain. |
Collecting | Gathering together items or information. | She is collecting stamps as a hobby. |
Combining | Joining two or more things together. | He is combining the ingredients for the cake. |
Communicating | Sharing information or ideas with others. | They are communicating via email. |
Comparing | Examining similarities and differences between things. | She is comparing prices at different stores. |
Competing | Engaging in a contest or rivalry. | The two teams are competing for the championship. |
Complaining | Expressing dissatisfaction or annoyance. | He is complaining about the noise. |
Completing | Finishing or making something whole. | She is completing her homework. |
Concluding | Bringing something to an end. | The speaker is concluding the presentation. |
Conducting | Organizing and carrying out an activity. | She is conducting a survey. |
Confirming | Verifying the truth or accuracy of something. | He is confirming the details of the meeting. |
Confusing | Causing a lack of clarity or understanding. | The instructions are confusing the students. |
Connecting | Joining together or linking. | She is connecting her laptop to the projector. |
Considering | Thinking carefully about something. | She is considering a career change. |
Constructing | Building or creating something. | They are constructing a new bridge. |
Continuing | Persisting in an activity or process. | She is continuing her studies this semester. |
Contributing | Giving or adding something to a common fund or effort. | He is contributing to the charity event. |
Controlling | Exercising influence or authority over something. | She is controlling the remote for the TV. |
Converting | Changing something into a different form or use. | He is converting the files to PDF format. |
Cooking | Preparing food by heating it. | She is cooking dinner for her family. |
Copying | Making a duplicate of something. | He is copying the report for distribution. |
Correcting | Making changes to fix errors or mistakes. | She is correcting the errors in the essay. |
Counting | Determining the total number of items. | She is counting the number of participants. |
Creating | Bringing something into existence. | He is creating a new design for the website. |
Criticizing | Offering judgments or evaluations. | She is criticizing the film’s plot. |
Crossing | Moving from one side to another. | He is crossing the street safely. |
Dancing | Moving rhythmically to music. | They are dancing at the wedding reception. |
Deciding | Making a choice or judgment. | She is deciding which car to buy. |
Delivering | Bringing something to a destination. | He is delivering the package to the customer. |
Demanding | Asking forcefully for something. | She is demanding better working conditions. |
Denying | Declaring that something is not true. | He is denying the accusations. |
Depending | Relying on something or someone. | The success of the project is depending on the team’s efforts. |
Describing | Giving an account of something in words. | She is describing the events of her vacation. |
Deserving | Earning something due to one’s qualities or actions. | She is deserving of a promotion. |
Designing | Creating a plan or drawing for something. | She is designing a new logo for the company. |
Destroying | Causing something to be damaged beyond repair. | The hurricane is destroying homes and businesses. |
Developing | Growing or improving over time. | The company is developing a new app. |
Differing | Being unlike or distinct in some way. | Their opinions are differing on the issue. |
Disappearing | Ceasing to be visible or to exist. | The sun is disappearing behind the clouds. |
Discovering | Finding something for the first time. | She is discovering new places in the city. |
Discussing | Talking about a topic to exchange ideas or opinions. | They are discussing the project’s objectives. |
Disguising | Changing appearance to avoid recognition. | He is disguising himself for the party. |
Distinguishing | Recognizing differences between things. | She is distinguishing between similar products. |
Distributing | Giving out or spreading something. | The charity is distributing food to the homeless. |
Dividing | Separating into parts or groups. | She is dividing the tasks among the team members. |
Doing | Performing an action or task. | He is doing his homework right now. |
Drawing | Making a picture or illustration with lines. | She is drawing a portrait of her friend. |
Dreaming | Experiencing thoughts, images, or emotions while asleep or imagining. | She is dreaming of traveling the world. |
Drinking | Consuming a liquid. | He is drinking a cup of coffee. |
Driving | Operating and controlling a vehicle. | She is driving to work every morning. |
Eating | Consuming food. | They are eating dinner at a restaurant. |
Educating | Providing information or training to others. | She is educating children about the environment. |
Embracing | Hugging or accepting something willingly. | She is embracing the changes in her life. |
Encouraging | Offering support or confidence to someone. | He is encouraging her to pursue her dreams. |
Enduring | Continuing to exist or withstand something. | She is enduring a challenging situation. |
Engaging | Participating or involving in something. | She is engaging in a community service project. |
Enjoying | Taking pleasure or satisfaction in something. | She is enjoying her vacation in Hawaii. |
Entering | Going or coming into a place. | They are entering the building now. |
Entertaining | Providing enjoyment or amusement. | She is entertaining guests at her party. |
Erasing | Removing something written or drawn. | He is erasing the mistakes on the whiteboard. |
Escaping | Getting away from a dangerous or undesirable situation. | They are escaping from the city’s hustle. |
Establishing | Setting up or creating something. | He is establishing a new company. |
Evaluating | Assessing the value or performance of something. | She is evaluating the effectiveness of the training program. |
Examining | Inspecting or analyzing something carefully. | He is examining the evidence for the case. |
Exchanging | Giving something and receiving something in return. | They are exchanging gifts for the holiday. |
Exciting | Causing strong feelings of enthusiasm. | The news is exciting for the entire team. |
Existing | Being in a particular state or condition. | The company is existing in a competitive market. |
Expanding | Increasing in size, volume, or scope. | The business is expanding into new markets. |
Expecting | Believing or hoping that something will happen. | She is expecting a baby in October. |
Explaining | Making something clear or understandable. | He is explaining the rules of the game. |
Exploring | Investigating or traveling through new areas. | They are exploring the island’s hidden beaches. |
Expressing | Communicating thoughts or feelings. | She is expressing her gratitude through a letter. |
Extending | Increasing the length or range of something. | They are extending the deadline for the project. |
Facing | Confronting or dealing with something directly. | She is facing a difficult decision. |
Facilitating | Making a process or task easier. | She is facilitating the workshop for new employees. |
Failing | Not succeeding in achieving a goal. | He is failing to meet the project deadlines. |
Falling | Dropping from a higher to a lower position. | The leaves are falling from the trees. |
Fearing | Being afraid or apprehensive about something. | She is fearing the results of the exam. |
Feeding | Providing food for someone or something. | He is feeding the animals at the zoo. |
Feeling | Experiencing an emotion or sensation. | She is feeling excited about her new job. |
Fighting | Engaging in a struggle or conflict. | They are fighting for their rights. |
Finding | Discovering or locating something. | She is finding new ways to solve the problem. |
Finishing | Completing or bringing something to an end. | He is finishing his report for the meeting. |
Focusing | Concentrating attention or effort on something. | She is focusing on her studies this semester. |
Following | Going or coming after something or someone. | They are following the leader’s instructions. |
Forgetting | Failing to remember something. | He is forgetting where he put his keys. |
Forgiving | Stopping feelings of anger or resentment towards someone. | She is forgiving him for his mistakes. |
Forming | Creating or shaping something. | She is forming a new team for the project. |
Framing | Constructing or devising a plan or argument. | He is framing a proposal for the company. |
Gathering | Bringing together or collecting things. | They are gathering information for the report. |
Getting | Obtaining or receiving something. | She is getting a promotion at work. |
Giving | Providing someone with something. | He is giving her a birthday present. |
Glowing | Emitting a steady light or feeling happiness. | The candles are glowing softly. |
Going | Moving from one place to another. | She is going to the store now. |
Grabbing | Taking or seizing something quickly. | He is grabbing a snack from the kitchen. |
Grieving | Expressing deep sorrow for a loss. | She is grieving the loss of her pet. |
Growing | Increasing in size or developing over time. | The company is growing rapidly. |
Guessing | Making an estimate or conjecture about something. | She is guessing the answer to the question. |
Hating | Feeling intense dislike for something or someone. | He is hating the constant noise from construction. |
Helping | Providing assistance or support to someone. | She is helping her friend with homework. |
Hiding | Keeping something out of sight or away from view. | He is hiding the gift under the bed. |
Hoping | Desiring or wishing for something to happen. | She is hoping for good weather on the day of the event. |
Hurting | Causing physical pain or emotional distress. | She is hurting from the breakup. |
Ignoring | Paying no attention to something or someone. | He is ignoring her advice. |
Improving | Making something better. | She is improving her English skills. |
Including | Adding something or someone as part of a whole. | She is including her friends in the party plans. |
Increasing | Becoming larger or greater in amount or degree. | The company is increasing its market share. |
Influencing | Affecting or changing someone’s thoughts or actions. | She is influencing her peers positively. |
Introducing | Presenting something for the first time. | He is introducing a new product line. |
Inviting | Asking someone to come or join something. | She is inviting her colleagues to dinner. |
Jumping | Moving suddenly or quickly from one place to another. | He is jumping over the puddles. |
Keeping | Retaining possession of something. | She is keeping a diary of her travels. |
Laughing | Expressing joy or amusement with sounds. | They are laughing at a funny joke. |
Learning | Acquiring knowledge or skills through study or experience. | She is learning to play the piano. |
Leaving | Going away from a place or person. | They are leaving for vacation tomorrow. |
Letting | Allowing something to happen or be done. | She is letting her kids play outside. |
Looking | Directing one’s gaze or attention. | He is looking for his lost wallet. |
Loving | Feeling deep affection or care for someone or something. | She is loving her new pet kitten. |
Managing | Organizing and controlling a process or situation. | He is managing a team of engineers. |
Meeting | Coming together with someone or something. | They are meeting for a business lunch. |
Mentioning | Recalling or referring to something briefly. | She is mentioning the upcoming event. |
Moving | Changing position or location. | She is moving to a new apartment next month. |
Observing | Watching or noticing something carefully. | He is observing the behavior of the animals. |
Offering | Presenting something for someone to accept or reject. | She is offering to help with the project. |
Opening | Allowing access to or starting something. | She is opening the new store tomorrow. |
Organizing | Arranging or structuring something systematically. | She is organizing the files on her desk. |
Paying | Giving money for goods or services. | She is paying for her groceries. |
Planning | Creating a detailed proposal for achieving something. | They are planning their wedding ceremony. |
Playing | Engaging in an activity for enjoyment. | The children are playing in the park. |
Practicing | Repeatedly doing something to improve a skill. | She is practicing her guitar skills. |
Preparing | Getting ready for an event or activity. | She is preparing for her final exams. |
Pretending | Acting as if something is true when it is not. | He is pretending to be a superhero. |
Producing | Creating or manufacturing something. | The factory is producing new cars. |
Protecting | Keeping someone or something safe from harm. | She is protecting her children from danger. |
Quitting | Stopping doing something permanently. | He is quitting his job to start a business. |
Reading | Interpreting written or printed words. | She is reading a novel by her favorite author. |
Realizing | Understanding or becoming aware of something. | She is realizing the importance of the project. |
Reaching | Arriving at a place or achieving a goal. | He is reaching the top of the mountain. |
Recording | Capturing or documenting information. | She is recording the lecture for her classmates. |
Recovering | Returning to a normal state of health or strength. | She is recovering from her illness. |
Reducing | Making something smaller or less in amount. | The company is reducing its expenses. |
Remembering | Recalling information from the past. | She is remembering her childhood memories. |
Repeating | Doing something again. | He is repeating the exercise to improve. |
Reporting | Providing information about something. | She is reporting the results to her manager. |
Rescuing | Saving someone or something from danger. | The lifeguard is rescuing the swimmer. |
Responding | Reacting or replying to something. | She is responding to the customer’s email. |
Revealing | Making something known or visible. | The new design is revealing next week. |
Running | Moving swiftly on foot. | He is running in the marathon this year. |
Saying | Expressing something with words. | She is saying goodbye to her friends. |
Selling | Offering goods or services for money. | He is selling his old books online. |
Sharing | Giving a portion of something to others. | She is sharing her lunch with her colleague. |
Showing | Making something visible or apparent. | She is showing her new dress to her friends. |
Singing | Producing musical tones with the voice. | She is singing her favorite song. |
Skipping | Moving lightly or jumping over something. | The child is skipping along the path. |
Smiling | Expressing happiness or amusement with a facial expression. | She is smiling at the compliment. |
Studying | Devoting time and attention to learning something. | He is studying for his final exams. |
Surviving | Continuing to live or exist in difficult conditions. | The species is surviving in the wild. |
Talking | Using words to communicate with others. | She is talking to her friend on the phone. |
Teaching | Providing knowledge or instruction. | He is teaching a course on economics. |
Testing | Examining something to check its quality or functionality. | She is testing the new software. |
Thinking | Using the mind to consider or reflect. | She is thinking about her future plans. |
Training | Teaching or developing skills through practice. | He is training for a marathon. |
Traveling | Going from one place to another. | They are traveling across Europe this summer. |
Trying | Making an effort to achieve or do something. | She is trying to solve the puzzle. |
Understanding | Comprehending or grasping the meaning of something. | He is understanding the concepts better. |
Using | Employing something for a purpose. | She is using a new app on her phone. |
Waiting | Staying in one place until something happens. | He is waiting for the bus to arrive. |
Wanting | Desiring to have something. | She is wanting a new car. |
Watching | Observing or viewing something. | They are watching a movie together. |
Working | Engaging in a task or job. | She is working on her project. |
Yelling | Shouting loudly or angrily. | He is yelling at the referee. |
Understanding the role of “-ing” forms as gerunds and present participles enhances your ability to construct and interpret sentences accurately. By practicing their usage, you can achieve greater fluency and versatility in your writing and speaking.
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