Ways to Say Someone is Incorrect - wordscoach.com

Another Ways to Say “Someone is Incorrect” in English

List of different ways to say Someone is Incorrect. Learn these Someone is Incorrect to enhance your vocabulary and improve your communication skill in English.

Different Ways to Say Someone is Incorrect

There are many ways to say Someone is Incorrect in English, learning the subtle nuances can be tricky. Here is a comprehensive guide to saying Someone is Incorrect in English.

  • Actually, I don’t think…
  • I don’t think you’re right about…
  • Actually, I think you’ll find that…
  • I’m afraid you’re mistaken.
  • Sorry, you’re mistaken here
  • No, you’ve got it wrong.
  • No, that’s all wrong.
  • I don’t think you’re right in what you are saying..
  • If you check your facts, you’ll find…
  • I’m afraid that’s not quite right.
  • Oh no, that’s not correct
  • Sorry, that’s not related to what we’re talking about
  • Where did you hear that?
  • Would you mind to think twice on what you’re saying
  • You have done that wrong. Do it over.
  • You’re wrong
  • That’s not right
  • That’s incorrect
  • That’s a mistake
  • You’re mistaken
  • That’s not true
  • That’s false
  • You’re off base
  • That’s inaccurate
  • You’re misinformed
  • That’s not the case
  • That’s not quite right
  • You’re misguided
  • That’s a misconception
  • That’s not accurate

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