3 Step Process for Text Completion Questions of the GRE

Words Coach

Text completion questions on GRE are analogous to sentence completion. However, there are a few significant differences. It comes with 1, 2, or 3 blanks for which you must select the appropriate word or words. Each of the blanks has three answer choices; you must select all three right answers to get the question correct. To pitch in to master this type of GRE, here are the three-step processes you should follow on test day. 

Three-Step Process for Text Completion

Do not look at the answer choices. It will distract you if you read them before you comprehend the sentence.  

Find the target, clue and the pivot 

The target is the thing in the sentence that the blank is illustrating. Here, the target is simply Eric (the dancer). The clue is what forces the contents of the blank to be ideally predictable. Look for dramatic action or emotion.  The pivot is what decides the relationship between the blank and the clue. Will the blank agree with the clue? Or will the blank disagree with the clue? It depends on the pivot. 

Compare to each answer choices

Insert the word into the blank one at a time, match to your fill-in, and mark down Good (✓), Bad (x), Sort Of (~), or Unknown (?). 

hesitancy = doubtfulness fluency extension = addition indolence = ?? queasiness = sick 

How important is vocabulary?

The questions are full of tough vocabulary- not just in the answer choices, but also even in the sentence themselves. Your mastery of immense GRE appropriate words is the biggest factor that will determine your success. 

Hope it helps!! Happy Learning

Thank You

Words Coach