7 Step Plan To Never Procrastinate Again

This article has a step-by-step plan to never procrastinate again. It includes helpful tips and tricks to help you overcome your procrastination habits. 

Have Clarity

You need to have a clear understanding of what you want.  People with clear, written goals accomplish far more in a shorter period than people without them could ever imagine. 

Actionable Steps: 

– Define your goal. – Write it down. – Chunk it into byte size steps. – Prioritize. – Set a deadline. – Start. – Stay consistent.

Advanced Planning

The idea is to work smart, not hard.  The 80/20 rule states that spending 20% of your time planning your work will yield 80% of the results.  On top of that, planning ahead saves you from making momentary decisions. 


Knowing what to do and when to do it is crucial. Use the below method to prioritize your activities.

Having A Long-Term Vision

Don’t settle for an ego boost right now when you can delay gratification and experience deeper fulfillment. 

– Visualize your ideal future. – Write SMART goals. – Prioritize your goals. – Break your long-term goals into short term goals. – Track your progress. – Be flexible in change.

Use The Pomodoro Method

– Step 1: Pick a task. Remember, you can only focus on one thing at a time. – Step 2: Set your timer for 25 minutes. – Step 3: Work for the next 25 minutes shutting off all the distractions. – Step 4: When you hear the timer go off, stop working and put a checkmark.

– Step 5: Take a short break, and make sure it doesn’t exceed 5 minutes. – Step 6: After you have 4 checkmarks, take a more extended break of about 15 to 30 minutes. – Then restart the same process.

Time Is Your Most Valuable Asset

You need to prioritize how you spend it. You have the power and responsibility to decide what you do with the time you have, so choose wisely. 


Starting something may take a large portion of energy. But the energy required to keep going is significantly less.  The sooner you start, the faster the momentum builds, which pushes you into the flow state.  Flow state – where the miracle happens.  This step plan is a guideline for you to follow so that you can stop procrastinating and start being more productive. 



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