8 Incredibly Good Ways to Stay Focused at Work


Stay away from social media

While working on a demanding task, our minds tend to get tired. That’s when you’re tempted to check your email and social media accounts – to give your brain a rest.  If you’re hopelessly unfocused due to social media, add these sites to your list of blocked websites to resist the temptation. 


Keep your phone out of sight

You’re twice less likely to check your phone when it’s out of your sight. If you prefer keeping it on the table, place it behind your computer or under a notebook to reach it when needed. 


Use productivity tool

There’s a thin line between using productivity tools to your favor and being distracted by the constant need to deal with them. 


Use browser extension

Similar to productivity tools, there are browser extensions that can help you improve your focus. 


Find a comfortable chair

While it might seem like a small change, a comfortable chair makes a huge difference in your work performance. Sitting in a chair that doesn’t support your back will result in backaches, and you’ll get tired sooner.  The right office chair supports your lower back, promotes good posture, and helps to alleviate back pain. 


Less coffee, more water

It might seem counterintuitive to limit your coffee intake while working. After all, it’s supposed to equip you with extra energy. But there’s another side to the story – too much coffee can tire you out. Drinking too much caffeine may lead to dizziness and insomnia, making it even more difficult to focus. 


Find inspiration

Why are you working on this task? Is it just because your boss told you to or because it has a positive effect on your career?  We tend to start procrastinating when working without a purpose. That’s why it’s important to be excited about every single task you take up. Being constantly inspired in your work will also make you more optimistic about the outcome, making it easier to stay focused throughout the day. 


Be healthy

To focus, your brain and body need to be in their best shape. Exercise regularly by going on a 30-minute jog or hitting the gym. In addition to numerous health benefits, exercise makes you smarter, happier, improves sleep, increases libido and makes you feel better about your body. 



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