8 Top AI tools to Supercharge Your daily productivity


Communication is a cornerstone of productivity, and Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that ensures your written content is clear, concise, and error-free. It not only corrects spelling and grammar mistakes but also provides suggestions to improve sentence structure and style.


Scheduling meetings can be a time-consuming task, but Calendly automates the process. This AI tool syncs with your calendar and lets others book time slots based on your availability, eliminating the back-and-forth emails to find suitable meeting times.


Tracking how you spend your time is crucial for optimizing productivity. RescueTime monitors your digital activities and provides insights into how you're using your time on various apps and websites. It helps identify time-wasting activities and suggests ways to stay focused.


Note-taking can be tedious during meetings or presentations. Otter.ai uses AI to transcribe spoken content into text in real-time, making it a handy tool for capturing important information without having to jot everything down manually.


Trello, while not purely AI-driven, uses AI integrations for automation. It's a visual project management tool that allows you to create boards, lists, and cards to organize tasks. With AI integrations, you can automate repetitive tasks, set due dates, and streamline your workflow.


Zapier is an AI-powered automation tool that connects various apps and automates workflows. It allows you to create "Zaps" that trigger actions in one app based on events in another. This eliminates manual data entry and saves time when moving information between different tools.


Evernote's AI capabilities assist in organizing and finding notes. Its AI-driven features can scan handwritten notes, recognize text within images, and even suggest relevant content based on your notes, making information retrieval more efficient.

Cortana / Siri / Google Assistant

Virtual assistants like Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant are AI-powered tools that can handle tasks through voice commands. From setting reminders and sending messages to providing weather updates and navigation assistance, these assistants can help you stay on top of your tasks hands-free.

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