Best Horror Movies

The Call (2020)

Through a seemingly magical telephone, which the film never explains, a young woman befriends another young woman living in the same house, only at a different time.

His House (2020)

When the trauma of their experiences begins to manifest as a terrifying apparition in their new government-appointed house, their house spends equal time and effort on destructive drama and supernatural horror.

Creep 2 (2017)

Creep 2 scores even higher on Rotten Tomatoes than its predecessor, expanding on many of the ideas introduced in the first film and pushing the gore and scares further.

Under The Shadow (2016)

Under the Shadow follows a mother and daughter as they adjust to the realities of their lives after a revolutionary regime in Tehran during the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, with their anxieties over the war and the destruction of their lives. are barred from attendance. DJs living in their building.

It Follows (2014)

In an interesting twist on the slow-burn formula seen in films like The Ring, it sees a young woman cursed to be constantly stalked by a slow-moving entity that will kill her if it catches her.

Hush (93%)

A horror thriller that puts the audience inside the mind of a deaf woman who tries to escape a home invasion by a determined serial killer, Hush uses its single location to maximum effect, its plot, editing and sound design.

Cam (2018)

A nightmarish situation arises when a woman's account on a cam show website is taken over by a sinister doppelganger, with a real-world life that she tries to keep separate from her online persona, with permanent consequences.

Raw (2016)

Drawing on the drama and body horror of New French extremism, RAW is an original coming-of-age story that sees a young woman coming to grips with the cannibalistic tendencies she confronts after leaving home for veterinary school.

Sweetheart (2019)

Starring Kiersey Clemmons as a shipwrecked woman chased from the depths by a mysterious creature, Sweetheart is a different kind of aquatic-themed horror film that is rarely made in today's market, making it very popular. Gives all character.

Coming Home In The Dark (2021)

Coming Home in the Dark may seem like a carjacking horror film at first, but it quickly becomes a layered drama about the personal history of the carjackers and one of the victims.

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