How to develop a reading habit in your child? 

Benefits of reading 

From opening up your world view to improving your vocaublary to making you more empathetic towards others-- these are some of the many benefits of reading. 

How to raise a reader? 

And so, many parents often want their children to become avid readers. But in today%27s time when most kids are glued to the screens, this is slightly tough. 

Some easy tips 

Thus to help you raise a reader, here we share some easy tips you can follow. 

Read to your child early on 

Start reading to your child daily when they are young; introduce them to beautifully illustrated picture books and stories. This will familiarise them with the habit of reading from an early age. 

Make reading a habit for yourself too 

Children copy and learn from what they see. And so, if you want your child to pick up a book and read often, then you too need to do it yourself. Make reading a daily habit, and your child will follow your footsteps. 

Visit a library or a book shop 

Instead of taking your child to the movie hall, take them to a library or bookstore and let them browse and choose the books they like. 

Try audiobooks 

With audiobooks available these days, you can also introduce your child to amazing storytelling on such platforms. This will make reading/ listening to stories a fun concept for them. 

Create a reading spot at your home 

Have a dedicated bookshelf and a reading spot at your home which will encourage your child to pick up books and to read them. You can also make reading fun by reading stories to your child each night. 

Encourage your child to ask questions 

Reading to your child shouldn't be a one-way process for you. Instead, encourage your child to not only listen but also ask questions regarding the story and make them participate more actively. 

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