How to Make Decisions Faster Without Regret

The human brain is not always able to make the best decision in a split second. It takes time for it to process all the data and come up with the best answer. This is why we are often faced with bad decisions that we regret later on. 

Limit your option

The first step is to list all the options that you have. This includes the ones that you have ruled out as well as the ones that you are still considering. 

Draw a line between good and bad choice

Good choices are the ones that are morally right, which is why they are often called moral decisions. Bad choices are the ones that are not morally right, which is why they are often called immoral decisions. 

Listen to your gut felling

Listen to your gut feeling can be a great way of knowing what to do in certain situations. It is important to know when you are doing something wrong or when you are not sure, but it is also important to know when to trust yourself and make the decision. 

Think of your time as money

We often make decisions based on emotion and regret those decisions later. The more we think about the decision, the more likely we are to regret it. 

Know that decisiveness grow with each decision

Decisiveness is the ability to make decisions quickly and confidently. It is a trait that many people find difficult to develop. The good news is that decisiveness grows with each decision you make. 

Decisiveness can be developed by following these steps: 

1) Understand what you are being decisive about 2) Understand why it’s important for you to be decisive about this issue 3) Identify your options and what they will mean for the outcome of the decision 4) Evaluate your options and choose one, then commit to it without any hesitation

Remember that indecision kill

It is easy to get caught up in the idea of having so many options. We often forget that indecision kills. People often put off decisions because they are waiting for the perfect solution to come along or they are afraid of making a wrong decision.

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