Idioms about Work

a woman's work is never done


The proverb a woman's work is never done means that a woman often works longer hours than a man because the housework and raising children are jobs that never end.

all in a day's work


What is normal, typical or expected.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy is a proverb which means that it is not good to work all the time and that people may get bored if they don't get some time off from work.

back to the salt mines


If you go back to the salt mines, it means you have to return back to the workplace.

break your back


If you break your back to do something, you work very hard to do it.

burn candles at both ends


If you burn candles at both ends, you work very hard, day and night.

burn the midnight oil


Work hard, especially late into the night.

cold piece of work


If someone is a cold piece of work they are difficult to deal with.

devil finds work for idle hands to do


People are inclined to do frivolous or harmful things to get rid of their boredom when they don't do anything useful.

dirty work


unpleasant work or dishonest action.

do the dirty work


The phrase do the dirty work means to do the disagreeable, illegal or dishonest things.

get the sack


to be dismissed from employment.

gum up the works


The phrase gum up the works means to prevent a process, a system or a machine from working smoothly.

hustle and bustle


The phrase hustle and bustle refers to a busy activity usually in a noisy surrounding.

keep up the good work


The phrase keep up the good work is used to encourage a person to continue doing the good things they are doing now.

labor of love


The phrase labor of love refers to a work that brings you great pleasure.

shoot the works


to spend all the money you have or to try as much as you can to do something.

work like a beaver


To work like a beaver means to work very hard.

work like a charm


If something works like a charm, it works works very well.

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