Idioms About Animals

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A little bird told me  


I got this information from a source I cannot reveal.; I don’t wish to divulge where I got the information 

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As gentle as a lamb  


Said about kind , innocent, mild-mannered people. 

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As rare as hen's teeth  


If something is as rare as hen's teeth, it is very rare. 

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At the end of one's rope 


If you say someone is at the end of their rope you mean that they are in a situation in which they have no resources, strength, or patience left. 

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Back the wrong horse  


If you back the wrong horse, you support someone or something that later cannot be successful. 

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Be a chicken


be a coward.

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Be a cold fish


be a person who is distant and unfeeling 

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Be like a fish out of water


to feel uncomfortable in a situation

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