Idioms about Life 

a fact of life


This idiom is used to refer to something which is unpleasant and which people accept because they cannot change it.

a life-saver


This phrase is used to refer to something or someone that saves a person in a difficult situation or critical moment.

a new lease of life 


This idiom is used to refer to an occasion when something gives you the chance to become happy or healthy and makes you more energetic than before.

between life and death 


A situation involving the danger of dying or being killed.

charmed life 


The phrase "charmed life" refers to a life protected as if by magic charms. It describes a person who is very lucky and is strangely unaffected by dangers and difficulties.

for the life of me 


This idiom is used colloquially to mean "if one's (own) life depended on it." It

get a life 


This is an idiom that indicates that someone's life is boring and pointless and that they should make their life more interesting.

give the kiss of life


To give the kiss of life means to help a person who has stopped breathing by giving them artificial respiration, that is to say, by blowing into their mouth and pressing their chest.



A low-life is a person who is considered morally unacceptable by their community such as thieves, drug dealers, drug users, alcoholics, thugs, prostitutes and pimps.

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