Idioms about Men And Women 

a man of action


a man who is inclined to act first rather than think about things and discuss them.

a man of few words


a man who doesn't speak much. A man of action

a man's man


The phrase a man's man refers to a man known for traditionally masculine interests and activities.

a woman of few words


(also a man of few words) a woman who doesn't speak much. A woman of action

as one man


If a group of people do something as one man, they do it unanimously, in complete agreement.

company man


The phrase company man refers to a worker who is more loyal to his employer than to his fellow workers.

every man has his price


The phrase every man has his price means that everyone can be bribed if you know how much or what to bribe him or her with.

every man jack


The phrase every man jack means every person without exception.

make a man of someone


to make a young person become more experienced or act like an adult and take responsibility.

man cannot live by bread alone


used to mean that things like poetry, art, music, etc. are necessary for people just as food.

man of his word


The idiom man of his word refers to someone whom you can trust because he keeps his promises and always do what he says.

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