Idioms about Parts Of The Body

a slap in the face


If you describe something as a slap in the face, you mean that you feel it as an insult or a rejection.

achilles heel


said about a strong situation which contains an element of vulnerability.

an eye for an eye


said to suggest that punishment should equal the crime. At the root of this principle is that one of the purposes of the law is to provide equitable retribution for an offended party.

are your ears burning?


said about someone who was not present but was the topic of discussion.

at hand


The phrase at hand is an idiomatic expression that means nearby, or close by in time or in space.

at your mother's knee


said about something that you learned when you were a child.

back on one's feet


The phrase back on one's feet refers to recovering from an illness or from a problem.

be glad to see the back of someone


To be happy to get rid of someone; to be happy because someone has left.

big mouth


said about someone who tend to say things which are meant to be kept secret.

burn one's fingers


To burn one's fingers means to suffer consequences of one's actions. The expression is used especially in a financial context.

bury head in the sand


If you bury your head in the sand, you avoid or try to avoid, a particularly problematic situation by pretending that it does not exist.

by the skin of one's teeth


The phrase by the skin of one's teeth is an idiomatic expression that means just barely; by a narrow margin.

cannot stomach someone or something


The phrase cannot stomach someone or something means not to be able to tolerate someone or something.

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