IELTS Band Scores 2022 Description

The IELTS band score chart to understand the IELTS band scores.

Band score - 9

Skill Level: Expert user 

The test taker has complete command of the language. Their use of the English language is fluent and shows a complete understanding of the language 


Band score - 8

Skill Level: Very good user

The test taker has complete command of the language with few inaccuracies. They handle complex situations well. They may misunderstand in certain unfamiliar situations 


Band score - 7

Skill Level: Good user 

The test taker has a good command of the English language with inaccuracies occasionally and inappropriate usage in certain situations. They understand detailed reasoning well and handle complex language well 


Band score - 6

Skill Level: Competent user

The test taker has an effective command of the language with some inappropriate usage and some inaccuracies. They can understand the complex language well in familiar situations 


Band score - 5

Skill Level: Modest user

The test taker has partial command of the English language and can deal with overall meaning. They make many mistakes. They can handle basic communication in their field 


Band score - 4

Skill Level: Limited user

The test taker is limited to familiar situations only. He/she cannot use complex language and frequently shows problems in understanding and expression 


Band score - 3

Skill Level: Extremely limited user

The test taker understands the only general meaning in very familiar situations. There are repeated breakdowns in communication 


Band score - 2

Skill Level: Intermittent user

The test taker has great difficulty in understanding spoken and written English


Band score - 1

Skill Level: Non-user

The test taker cannot use the English language except a few isolated word


Band score - 0

Skill Level: Did not attempt the test

The test taker did not answer the question


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