IELTS Vocabulary For 9 Bands With Meaning 

Savoury - Something that taste or smell good Hinder - prevent or block progress. Elaborate - When you represent something to make someone understand Mammoth - large Scrutinize - examine or inspect closely and critically.

Endeavor - attempt or effort. Flourish - thrive or grow well. Repertoire - a range of skills or things that a person is able to do. Inevitable - certain to happen and unavoidable. Ambiguous - unclear or having multiple possible meanings.

Frugal - careful with money and avoiding waste. Topple - When something drop down Abominable - Bad or unpleasant Imperfect - Not good or something that is of low-quality Shatter - When something stop working or broken

Perplex - confuse or puzzle. Tranquil - Person who is not worried, angry, or too much  excited - A Calm person Delectable - Something that taste or smell good Monotonous - Something that is not interesting Dreadful - Bad Or Unpleasant Precarious - Something that is not good for you

Astonishing - Very surprising Titbit - Something that taste or smell good Consequence - result or outcome of an action or situation. Enormous - large Inaugurate - Start Ravishing - Pretty or attractive Exquisite - Pretty or attractive Adequate - sufficient or enough.

Persistence - determination to continue despite difficulties. Paradigm - a model or example. Raze - To break something Hasty - Fast Commodity - goods or products that are bought and sold.

Aesthetic - concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. Cessation - Last part of something Eminent - Someone or something that is quite popular among people

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