Parenting tips: How to improve your child's reading skills?

Importance of reading

Reading-- whether it's novels, newspapers, magazines, blogs, or anything-- has many scientifically proven benefits. From improving one's vocabulary, to making the reader smarter, to relaxing one's mind-- reading has several benefits. If you want your improve your child's reading skills, then here are some easy tips for you.

Make reading fun

Instead of choosing what your child should read, let them pick the books they enjoy reading. After all, if your child is enjoying what they read then they'll automatically end up reading more. 

Teach them to highlight important texts

Teach your child underline and highlight important sentences or information when they are reading. Tell them to make notes or ask questions after reading portions from their books. 

Ask them read aloud

Whether it is to you, or themselves in the mirror, or to a pet-- reading aloud will improve their comprehension and focus. It will also improve their pronounciation. 

Read related works

In order to build interest in what they are reading, especially when it comes to academic works, it is important to make your child read related works. It could be fiction or non-fiction books on the same themes. This will not only improve your child's background knowledge of the topic but also their reading comprehension. 

Set their reading goals

Keep an achievable target for your child to read each day, and gradually increase it. This would make them stick to their reading goals and the achievements would inspire them to read more. 

Ask them questions

Ask your child questions about what they are reading or ask them to summarise the story that they are reading. This will help their reading comprehension skills. 

Answer their queries

Most children are naturally curious to know more. So while reading, when they come up with questions regarding the story or tough words and their meanings, make it a point to answer their queries. This will encourage them to read and comprehend what they are reading. 

Read in front of your child

We might not know, but children notice and observe most things that adults do. And so if you make it a habit to read everyday then chances are that seeing you, your child will also pick up the habit to read. 

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