How To Study Smart For Long-term Memory? 

Use The Spaced Repetition Method  

Even after an hour, your memory can only recall 44% of the information you read. To remember the information you’ve learned for the long term, use spaced repetition. Spaced repetition involves reviewing materials in intervals to decrease the deterioration of your memory over time. 

Use Active Reiteration 

One of the most effective ways to remember and study facts is to teach them to someone else! The act of teaching, known as the protégé effect, involves preparing to teach information to others to help you remember that information. Active reiteration can increase metacognitive processing and makes individuals more actively aware of their learning. 

Read On Paper 

Laptops and tablets are being used to take notes more than ever.  A 2019 study was the third of its kind to find that reading on paper is still much more effective for comprehension and retention. Reading on paper can help with spatial awareness, recall, and retaining a student’s focus. Laptops allow access to the internet, which can be great for multitasking but can also be distracting when trying to learn. 

Participate In Group Discussions 

Group discussions allow students to actively process the information and material they learned in class. If students are confused about certain topics, questions, or details, they can ask other students. Research shows that group discussions can improve engagement and long-term retention for students. 

Be Very Focused 

Forgetfulness is a by-product of distraction or lack of concentration. It takes focus to learn anything. In a world where we presently things that could easily take our attention off what we are learning, focusing is not going to be an easy pie, but it is nevertheless crucial. 

Practice to become perfect 

any information will need to be processed and practiced in order to be ingrained in your long-term memory. It doesn't matter what you want to learn - football, piano, or remembering your friend's birthday. You can remember the information we already have by rehearsing it over and over again. 

Reminisce and Recall Details Every Now and Then   

Scientists were able to discover the exact cells where some specific memories are stored using a mouse brain as the specimen. Before this research, the notion was that short-term memory was formed in the hippocampus while long-term memory is formed later. 

Practice Journaling 

This has been proven to be another means of solidifying information and facts in long-term memory. You can relive daily events or exciting events and milestones in your career, business, or relationship by writing and drawing them in your journal. 

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