Top 5 Career Options in History You Must Know 

Studying history enables you to understand the past and opens the door to deep understanding. Here are the top 5 career options you may choose in History. 


Historians can find jobs in editing, publishing, education, journalism, etc.  It is considered one of the prestigious jobs in the history field in India. 


The major role of an archeologist is to excavate historical sites and analyze them to maintain the present architectural structures. 


The museologists maintain and exhibit the articles for generations to come. They preserve objects of cultural, scientific, and geographical importance. 

History Educator 

If you wish to share your knowledge and impart values, then teaching could be the best-suited career option for you. 

Civil Services 

Civil services are one of the most prestigious professions in the country. To clear the Civil Services exam, you must have a strong command over history and facts. 

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